than any Other Entity or Foreign Government
According to the U.S. Treasury Department's "Monthly Statement of the Public Debt of the United States" (9.30.10)..
US Holders of Debt
42.1 % -- US Individuals and Institutions
17.9 % -- Social Security Trust Fund
06.0 % -- US Civil Service Retirement Fund
02.1 % -- US Military Retirement Fund"
Foreign Holders of Debt
11.7 % -- Oil Exporting Countries
09.5 % -- China and Hong Kong
06.3 % -- Japan
01.4 % -- United Kingdom
01.3 % -- Brazil
01.6 % -- All other foreign countries
Although this article was written in April of 2011 the U.S. debt holders reported in 2010 tells the story.
Why should payers into Social Security, the U.S. civil service or military retirement funds be used for things anything other then what they were intended for?
Same talking points and nothing has changed since !
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