Saturday, June 13, 2015

Fight Against ISIS Costing Us A Fortune

'Newsweek' published this week the fight against ISIS has cost the U.S. nearly $3b (over $9m a day) since last August.

In addition 'The Guardian' is reporting ISIS already captured 2,300 armored Humvees said to have a possible worth of over $1b last year in Mosul alone.

What ticks me off even more-- It is said the United States is planning to build a new Iraqi base to train anti-ISIS Sunni fighters which will house the 450 more soldiers we will send back in there this summer. Who knows how much this will cost. Plus Iraq's prime minister is calling for still more weapons and equipment be sent to them.

Hey look pal... when it comes to money, equipment and soldiers were not a bottomless pit. What would make any of us think anything else we send there wouldn't end up in ISIS hands like it did the last several times?

We ended up equipping ISIS with our latest weapons. This was made possible because Iraq forces chose to run instead of fighting even when they outnumbered ISIS members 10 to 1 in Ramadi. Fight your own battle. Want your Humvees back? Go get them!

As of September 2014 we already spent $26b on supplies and the training of these fair weather soldiers of Iraq. HERE'S THE BREAKDOWN.

It's Not Just About The Money
We look like fools. At one time we were considered a superpower. Some superpower. Here were a rag tag bunch of ISIS amateurs riding around in pickup trucks capturing highly armored U.S. military vehicles . Think about it for over a decade we invested billion of dollars, our blood sweat, tears and training . Now these untrained ill equipped nimrods have seized control of almost 2/3rds of the land we fought hard for.

I don't care how much we equip or supply, if these people won't stand up for themselves it will fail When Untied States was in it's infancy we stood up to and fought off the King's far better equipped and organized British forces. Our country's history stands on the brave men and women who shed their blood and left their families to make this nation what it has become.

From what I'm seeing every time some aggressor comes up against an Iraqi city they flee like a bunch of scared jackals. We shouldn't be obligated to absorb and rescue all those unwilling to stand up for themselves into ours or any other's nation.

Face it Iraqi's are not now nor ever were fighters...
Operation Desert Storm- 48,000 Iraqi POWs In Less Then 100 hours

Should Have Quit While We Were Ahead!

Iraq has proven throughout the centuries their three religious sects will never stand together as one nation. No amount of effort, time nor money will be able to change their hearts militarily.

My best advice is let them deal with this themselves. As long as they fight (and they always have) against themselves they will be no threat to us. If they ever should become one, then we will have saved our military members, equipment & money resources to deal with them. Until such a time as that may be.. Hasta La Wago SeƱor.

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