Saturday, June 13, 2015

Cops It's Not A Black Or White Issue

Rather is a matter of good policing. Too many times we only read about the dozen of so a-holes with a badge that behave badly. 99% of the police out there are doing a excellent job few would want.

The good thing about cameras are they back up the good officers of the law. While exposing the bad ones for what they are. Until the advent of cameras all too many on the force got away with all kinds of stuff. The 1% or so who went rogue endangered and made it risky for all the others just trying to do their jobs.

Therefore cameras over all are a good thing. In each of these instances where cameras are involved we must ask ourselves have officers deescalated or escalated these situations?

I tend to think way too many police departments are hiring former military members rather then civilians. There's nothing wrong with soldiers doing what they are trained to do best, but it doesn't translate well into policing. Face it, the reality of the motto "to protect & serve" is not the first priority when it comes to their former military duties.

It doesn't help when divisive ass clowns in the media like Sean Hannity continues to back up every bad cop doing what they do. After all Sean was the same hypocrite who thought it was all peachy when Clive Bundy opposed federal enforcement agents' orders but now thinks teenagers at a pool party are reprehensible if they don't follow every police command 100%.

No doubt about it there are lot of idiots out there. There are idiots all the time who challenge police at every turn. Reality is not all cops are perfect angels If law enforcement is to succeed it must be tempered with understanding of those they encounter during the performance of their duty.

In short everyone needs to show more respect towards one another. Else things will continue to be the way they have been.

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