Saturday, September 28, 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019

A Few Music Clips

Every so often I like to post music videos. Various talented performers I enjoy far more then just about anything else I come across on the internet.

Jack Black performs 'Everybody Polka' (Sept. 2018)

Still Hurting (The Last Five Years) | Cover by Evynne Hollens

Peter Hollens feat. Brian Hull

I've been following Evynne and her husband singing for a years. Both their talents amaze me. Agree?

Robocall Center FAIL

These guys aren't very good at their jobs. Just got a call whom the caller-ID identified as 'Capital BC'. They wanted me to press #1 in order to receive a refund from "my electric utility" company for an overcharge of $30. Who knew they were in the generating business :-)

One thing is for sure. My answer machine is a good listener. It listens to three or four of these calls a day and never complains. Even those never ending ridiculous calls from my pharmacy who seems wanting to endlessly push unwanted pills on me no matter how many times I complain to knock it off. The same pharmacy chain sends me automated bills claiming my insurance never paid them twice or three times a year (when they did). Course they also tried to short me on my last prescription pickup (worth about $650).

Great googa-mooga people... FOCUS !

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Check Out Jimmy's YouTube Channel

I mentioned before I'm focused on many other things besides politics. I found his videos quite informative so I thought I'd pass this along. He gives you a lot of things to think about.

One of my favorites of his..

Monday, September 16, 2019

Old Kraft Plant In Fogelsville I'm Confused

Lehigh Valley Live
Keurig Dr Pepper facility in Lehigh Valley..
"The company will receive a $1.5 million Pennsylvania First grant, $170,100 in WEBnetPA money for worker training and, when new jobs are created, $1.1 million in Job Creation Tax Credits, the governor’s office said."

Here's why I'm confused.
The article didn't specifically state they'd make k-cups. If they do why would they spend $220 million on a building they won't own when could have bought it for $36.48 million in which Kraft was already producing these k-cups with experienced workers already in place? Seems to me it would have been a lot smarter to have bought the building for themselves utilizing the storage areas, rail service, truck docks and the millions of dollars in these coffee making machines already in place. Why tear down the building?

I was told at one point Kraft requested greater water use so they could put juice lines in and were denied. So now it's OK to produce Dr. Pepper?

Why are we taxpayers going to shell out a bunch of loot along with the company training employees who worked the K-cup lines and Kraft's liquid fillers for years?

Like I said I'm confused.

Justice Gorsuch's Interview

It's too bad this guy already has a job. I'm greatly disturbed by the almost looney candidates campaigning for president. Here's a man who speaks calmly with great eloquence and even greater commonsense then the whole lot of those seeking office put together. Why can't we have someone of his intelligence and character seeking the presidency?

I will say this.. it comforting to know not everybody in Washington is a screwball. Now if only we could replace half of congress with a few more level headed individuals. Then we all could rest easier.

Published on Sep 10, 2019

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Complaining Solves Nothing

Nearly everyone bitches about homelessness, shootings, property taxes and the lack of affordable healthcare among many more. What I'm not hearing from people bitching the most are practical commonsense solutions. In my opinion these should never be made public. Not on a media report nor comment on social media. Not a single one that doesn't offer a suggestion to help solve the problem. If that were the case nearly all the divisiveness we're experiencing would cease to exist.

Almost everything ends up with finger pointing complaining what a jerk someone else is or how Democrats or Republicans are screwing things up. I'm fed up with all this finger pointing We all agree what the problems are. Anyone who just wants to complain without offering a solution needs to shut their pie hole. Enough already

Fact is most of this crap has been going on decade after decade. I don't doubt we'll still be dealing with this garbage for many more decades to come. Which makes me wonder how sincere are we at resolving any of this. Some continue making a nice living off of these issues. Others rather bitch then ever consider changing their ways. I, for one, am tired of this BS.