Saturday, July 31, 2021

We Lost Another One- Dusty Hill

We had the good fortune to see these three when they came to Lehigh University. Just as good in person as on their recordings. It always amazed me how just three guys could put out the wall of sound they did.

Young or old...
Everyone wants to get into the act :-)

Check Your Car's Oil Level Even If New
Some Newer Cars Can Burn Lots of Oil
"Some only a few years old, that can burn enough oil to deplete the engine of what it needs for lubrication between factory-recommended oil changes, which can be up to 10,000 miles, depending on the model.

Read on to learn whether your car might be one of the oil-burners. Responses from the manufacturers of each affected engine are listed toward the end of the article."

Plenty Of Money To Made Off The Poor
Activist Shaun King lives lavishly in lakefront New Jersey home
"Shaun King has built his image on being a champion of the poor and disenfranchised, but the controversial civil rights activist lives like a one-percenter in a sprawling lakefront home, records show."

I urge people to read the NY Post article. This is what good investigative reporting is like. We need more of them. Too bad many of our newspapers can no longer afford to do these in most cities.

Little Known Story of Adam & Eve

Adam and Eve said, 'Lord, when we were in the garden, you walked with us every day.  Now we do not see you anymore. We are lonesome here, and it is difficult for us to remember how much you love us.'

And God said, I will create a companion for you that will be with you and who will be a reflection of my love for you, so that you will love me even when you cannot see me.  Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be, this new companion will accept you as you are and will love you as I do, in spite of yourselves.
And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam and Eve   
And it was a good animal and God was pleased .
And the new animal was pleased to be with Adam and Eve and he wagged his tail.   And Adam said, 'Lord, I have already named all the animals in the Kingdom and I cannot think of a name for this new animal..'
And God said, 'I have created this new animal to be a reflection of my love for you, his name will be a reflection of my own name, and you will call him DOG.
And Dog lived with Adam and Eve and was a companion to them and loved them.   And they were comforted.
And God was pleased.

And Dog was content and wagged his tail.
After a while, it came to pass that an angel came to the Lord and said, 'Lord, Adam and Eve have become filled with pride.  They strut and preen like peacocks and they believe they are worthy of adoration.  Dog has indeed taught them that they are loved, but perhaps too well.'

And God said, I will create for them a companion who will be with them and who will see them as they are. The companion will remind them of their limitations, so they will know that they are not always worthy of adoration.'

And God created CAT to be a companion to Adam and Eve.
And Cat would not obey them.  And when Adam and Eve gazed into Cat's eyes, they were reminded that they were not the Supreme Beings.
 And Adam and Eve learned humility.
 And they were greatly improved. 
 And God was pleased.
 And Dog was happy.

And the Cat . . . 

didn't give a shit one way or the other.  

Friday, July 30, 2021

Sherriff Deputy Accused Of Posing As Defense Attorney

Maricopa County, Arizona

Maricopa sheriff department. What a pit. They have 2,000 internal investigations going on within it's own department. Isn't it a bit like a casino running a chronic gambler rehab program?

Not to mention the phony election audit going on there. Honestly if I lived there I'd get the hell out of this county of corruption.

Hats off to the local media for doing these investigations. This is the highest responsibility news media owes to it's viewers. It's expensive. It's technical in nature. It involves legal review. So most don't bother. Especially around here.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

People With IRAs Worth $5 Million or More Has Tripled
People With IRAs Worth $5 Million or More Has Tripled
"The data reveals for the first time the staggering amount of money socked away in tax-free mega Roth accounts: more than $15 billion held by just 156 Americans.

The new data also shows that the number of Americans with traditional and Roth IRAs worth over $5 million tripled, to more than 28,000, between 2011 and 2019."

Despite many conservatives fears about the Democrats so-call socialist agenda what we have here is runaway capitalism. There has got to be a happy medium between the two. The difference between rich, poor and medium incomes is getting wildly out of control. Unfortunately from what I'm seeing most politicians aren't concerned. What will become of this country if this divide is allowed to continue unabated?

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

This Republican On 01/06 Committee- I Couldn't Agree More

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)

Some Republican leaders are bashing Pelosi and this committee. I think it would be wise to do a 180. Get on board or risk losing whatever creditability they may have with the majority of their base.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) opening remarks.

These two Republicans are the kind of Republicans I remember back when I first supported that party. These two should make every true conservative proud. They offer me hope that someday, someway we can come together against those who seek to tear our system apart.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Cop Can Smell Pot In Traffic

I love watching this lawyer's frequent videos. I suggest watching a whole bunch of them. They're very informative.

I've watched numerous videos where cops claimed they smelled drugs giving them the right to search a vehicle. Some may argue if you have nothing to hide, so what? The question is can anyone ever be certain the vehicle they rented or bought wasn't used before to transport drugs and something might have been left behind? This would subject them to arrest and their vehicle to forfeiture. Course we  all know cops are always honest, right?

Does anyone seriously believe a drug snuffing dog can't perform on command thus giving a cop the right to search a vehicle?

This goes back to what I've been saying for some time. How long can a country continue to exist without honesty and morals? It's like the late father-in-law once said. I'm near the end of my life. I'm concerned what lies ahead to those who will be living in the future after I'm gone. It will be not mine to suffer.

Kenyans Paid By American Students To Cheat

Seems to me we ought to reach out to these Kenyan scholars offering them a VISA. Then give business recruiters a list on how to contact them. This is the kind of immigration which would benefit the United States.

It appears the United States is getting more corrupt day by day. No amount of laws, rules or regulations can make people become moral, ethical and honest. I just learned in Chicago there is a backlog of over 35,000 felony cases waiting to be heard in court. That's only the felony cases.There are thousands more misdemeanor cases awaiting trial. Apparently no amount of courts or jails can keep up with the way people are behaving. If there's some way to change bad behavior in this country I sure can't figure it out. Seems it's everywhere you look.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Jackie Mason Dead At 93

Just another loudmouth. No great loss.

Jackie Mason blasts Obama for incremental 'toughness' on Iran. (2009)

Anthony Fauci Versus Rand Paul

Time and again there's about a half a dozen flame throwers on the Republican side who shout down, interrupt and accuse like they're prosecutors in some B rated courtroom movie drama at these congressional hearings. What each have in common is they're all mouth no ears. In this CNN video Fauci was given an opportunity to explain.

It's  pointless to hold congressional hearings if all these flame throwers want to do is berate those who appear. These flame throwers may not want to hear what witnesses have to say but the public deserves to hear them without interruption.

This country would be far better served if these flame throwers were to go away. About all they're good for is stirring up trouble for their fellow Republicans who are hesitant to cross paths with them because of their leadership roles.

There are a couple hundred of other congressional Republicans whom we hear little from. Why is that? Are they seat warmers too scared or lazy to speak up?

Every time there is a hearing you can count on Lindsey, Jordan, Cruz, Rand Paul and a few others always taking these committee hearings off the rails (the showmen they are).

SloppySecondzMusic "Down at Knoebels"

Our most favorite amusement park.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Anti-vaxxer Family All Catch COVID

Now They Want The Vaccine

Some have to learn the hard way.
Others will go to their grave clinging to their beliefs.

Heard Of Christmas In July?

How about a little bit of New Years Day In July?
'The South Philly String Band' at various times a few years ago.

It's a shame because of Covid they got cancelled this year. Hopefully next year these bands will be able to make a return. They work hard and certainly deserve to be heard. They've earned it.

Republicans Holding Social Security HOSTAGE*
GOP Demands Another Catfood Commission For Debt Ceiling Vote
"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Wednesday said he would be willing to vote to raise the federal debt ceiling in exchange for a policy that could result in cuts to Social Security and Medicare..."

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Allentown Council Addresses 18 Wheeler Trucks On City Streets


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

I think council was very receptive to the problem. I'm also appreciative that the mayor attends all the council meetings when he can. This was not the case with the prior administration. I also appreciate the council streams all their meetings.

A Big World Lies Beyond The United States

While Ted Cruz And Lindsey Graham take turns trashing the Secretary of Agriculture over immigration (which they fail to produce legislation for) and Rand Paul tries trashing Fauci there is a whole other world out there. I've been watching dozens upon dozens of videos regarding life outside the Untied States. Below are just four YouTubers who gone into just about every part of the world. This is what I've been focusing much of my attention on for the past few weeks.

Each feature a huge amount of their world travels. In all the countries they visited most of the people have many things in common with one another. Broaden your horizans and check them out.

Indigo Traveller

Peter Santenello

bald and bankrupt

Daily Bald

These guys visited places you and I most likely will never visit. Nor will ever see anyplace other then on their YouTube channels.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Another Story Ignored By LV Media (UPDATED @10:00pm))

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

This is expected to come up at tonight's city council meeting (07/21/2021)

Why is it I have to learn about this from Philadelphia media reporting on it yesterday?

TMC finaly got on the stick at 9:46PM (07/21/2021)
Allentown cracks down on problematic Amazon trucking terminal near Buck Boyle Park
"Neighborhood residents Yamillet Gomez and Linda Vega told City Council on Wednesday night they had collected 250 signatures from locals demanding the city address a truck depot that’s popped up at 1 Pump Place."

Monday, July 19, 2021

Adam Joseph (6ABC Weatherman) Covid Video (UPDATE)

I, like so many other viewers, wondered why he wasn't on the air. Folks I don't know what it will take to convince people to get vacinated. One thing I do know, by not doing so they put other people at risk as well as themselves.

July 19, 2021

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Nobody Visits Moldova Find Out Why

There's a lesson to be learned. If it can happen there it can happen anywhere when theft and corruption by politicians becomes overwhelming. We must always be on guard so it doesn't occur here. Nothing last forever. Be aware, United States is no exception to what can happen. History has shown this to be true.

Excellent Interview Concerning Cuba

July 18, 2021

This is one of the most informative interviews I've come across. What surprises me is how WKMG (Orlando) managed to produce such a high quality program. "The station is owned by the Chicago-based Graham Media Group subsidiary of Graham Holdings Company. "

H/T to them for doing a great job w/o bringing politics into the discussion. Over the last few days I've learned more about Cuba then I knew before.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Arizona Election Audit Clown Show Goes On, On And On

July 15, 2021

Now they want to bring this clown show to Pennsylvania

Aside from all this crazy nonsense there's lots of money exchanging hands. One of my theories has always been if something doesn't seem to make sense... follow the money trail. Then everything becomes a whole lot clearer.

Recount Is Even Dumber Than it Sounds

I Was Curious About Cuba

Here is one of the videos I came across.

February 17, 2020

I watched several videos. I've come to the conclusion these people were screwed before and after Fidel came along. It's been 62 years since the revolution and life has little improved for these people. No wonder patience has now worn out amongest it people. Makes me wonder if there will ever come a time?

Will this finally become the tipping point where the Cuban people get their long overdo prosperity and freedom? I wonder what the United States role could be to help move this forward?

Thursday, July 15, 2021

World's Greatest Stereo System

Ken Fritz’s Virginia home

Uploaded: May 14, 2021

Once when we were deplaning late for our connecting flight a woman heard my lamenting to the wife. I'll never forget what she said. "Please... everybody here has a story." What she said stuck with me all these years. When I watched this video I immediately thought of her and what she said that day so long ago. Sometimes even the most brief encounters can make the most significant long lasting impressions.

The Full 1 Hour Documentary Can Be Seen Here

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Mask/No Mask Plus More Personal Thoughts

Christopher Michael Mann is an American singer-songwriter from Wichita, Kansas. He came in fourth on the second season of NBC's television singing competition The Voice in 2012.

I've stated before YouTube is my go to channel. Otherwise I'd have a tough time creating this blog not being able to embed these videos. It's a place where I can escape from all the bullshit going on in this world. I've pretty much blocked out all the crap going on that I find very disagreeable to me. I suppose that's why this blog has taken somewhat a different direction. For example here's a clip from 'Patch Adams'.

I find this kind of stuff much more favorable to my soul over all the other kind of political lunacy I've been coming across on a daily basis. He said.. she said.. they said. Frankly I don't give a damn. They're all feeding off each other. I've had a enough of it. Nation upon nations people are raising hell. Had enough of that too. We're all given a limited lifespan. Whatever time I have left need not be focused on the eternal struggles that have been going on endlessly on this Earth. Therefore I choose to focus my remaining attentions on the more positive aspects.

One more video I watched today.

See not everything is about what one asshole said lately. Rather there is so much more to learn about accomplishments other humans are making within this world. This may not get me a whole lot of views, but this does somewhat explain where my mindset is at this time.

It seems to me if there ever comes a time in the afterlife one reviews what they've accomplished many will be filled with regrets for what they have left behind. I may not have contributed a whole lot. One thing is certain. I've haven't added to the misery. I tend to think my life's purpose is to witness and learn. Not to participate. Hopefully this be justification enough for my existence.

Anyone want to add something?

Monday, July 12, 2021

The Very First Two Hours Of MTV

12:00 AM Saturday August 1, 1981

Nothing like it before...
Nothing like it since.

I sure do miss those days. Nothing else can ever take it's place. Out of all the hundreds of channels on cable why can't we have just one channel dedicated to 80's music videos like it used to be?

Maybe do nothing but reruns of MTV. They do it for other past TV programs. Why not?

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Never Thought A Lot About Oysters, But...

August 20, 2017

I'll admit I'm not a oyster fan. I'll only eat some about once a year in a can of Campbell's oyster stew. The last time I tried ordering them at an oyster bar I gave up trying to pry these suckers open. Even if I succeeded they reminded me of swallowing slime. Not too sure I want to eat the pollution they feed on. Especially given the reference they are "the kidneys of the bay". Not very appetizing to me.

Nonetheless the value of them to the environment is far more then I imagined.

Biden Afghanistan Presser (06/08/2021)

I apologize for the volume being so low. The White House videos all tend to be this way. The last time I tried to increase the volume I spent two hours running through three editors. The end result was the video became deteriorated. I decided it's easier for viewers to adjust their volumes instead.

This video is the part where he took reporters unscripted questions after his presentation.

Some of President Biden's most vocal critics accuse Joe of not being too sharp (to put it kindly). As far as I'm concerned he's thoughtful and deliberate in his words. Something not to be mistaken for being inept.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Biden On Afghanistan (07/08/2021)

Right On.
I couldn't agree more.
It's About Time!

I've been following the news coverage. It's been a week since troops left Bagram air field. Already a couple of Afghan pilots we trained were assassinated. A Afghan soldier was caught on a reporter's hot mic explaining to a Taliban tribal leader to keep it cool. They'll get together when these reporters following him leave. The airbase has been massively looted. An Afghan soldier was caught on camera embracing one of the Taliban leaders while it was taking place. Face it this place can't last a month without us.

What a horrible waste of money and human life. Enough is enough. Should have been done years ago.

Fight. What they've always done.. always will.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Promise Neighborhoods of the LV July 4th Message

Really.. is this the kind of message these folks want to send?
July 4th is a white man's holiday?
Well that ought to help unite Allentown.

A lot has improved over these last 126 years from those conditions Frederick Douglass had to endure. Frederick's speech was bold and precise  "FOR HIS TIME". I don't think repeating a fiery speech made in 1852 from a man who suffered and died in 1895 sets a perfect tone for this holiday in 2021. It most certainly doesn't contribute anything positive to the current tense conditions remaining in this country. Why stir the pot?

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Live At Sun Arena - Time Square, Pretoria, S. Africa

2019- Demi Lee Moore

Pretoria is one of South Africa's three capital cities

Andriëtte, Nicholis Louw, Ray Dylan, Snotkop - 60's Forever Medley

Music is the one thing that unites us all!

Monday, July 5, 2021

'The Toppers' 2018

Here's a coupla' clips from 2018. We've watched over 12 hours so far. We still have another 9 hours to go. Anyone who wishes to see these full concerts need to do a simple search on YouTube. These all were done in Amsterdam. None have ever been performed for over the 15 years they've been in existence here in the United States.

'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now' (STARSHIP) cover by HSCC

The Hindley Street Country Club
Live studio cover band from South Australia

There's so much talent all around the world.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

TMC Editor Explains Avoiding The Ce-Ce Gerlach Story

The editor at The Morning Call posted..
Taking the slings and arrows over the Gerlach story
"Dear Reader:
As journalists, we’re used to criticism for stories we write. It comes with the territory. If we’re doing our jobs, we’ll get all sides to a story and, inevitably, someone will be upset. Sometimes, we’re criticized for stories that we don’t write."

Basically he explains why the paper didn't jump on the Ce-Ce Gerlach story previously exposed on social media because they couldn't get responses from those involved.

In my opinion if people involved refuse to respond to inquires you run with what you got. The fallout from such lies on those refusing to talk. I've seen this countless times on TV investigating reporting when they knock on doors or try to confront individuals in person. If every investigative report relied on responses from those under scrutiny there'd never be any.

If the policy of The Morning Call is to withhold stories till they get callbacks they might as well throw in the towel. Face it nobody's ever going to ever call them back knowing the paper will sit on any story it comes across in the future. This doesn't seem to be a good message they're sending to their customers.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Squirrels, Rats With Furry Tails

30 feet from our back door I put a 'bird feeder' by the garage.

Not a squirrel feeder!

I did manage to squirrel proof the feeder by constructing Plexiglas I designed. One squirrel was content eating the seeds dropping from it. Soon it was joined by three more who stole the carrots we put out for the bunny (10 feet away from the feeder). The sunflowers for the chipmunk (25 feet away from the feeder). Thus no more bunny (it would chase it away). No more chipmunk it would chase away and eat it's food as well. Never content they started rooting through our flowerboxes and fairy garden we spent some $86 on for flowers. We put a plastic grid over them and the little bastards would reach right through them uprooting the plants.

So I removed the bird feeder by the garage. Instead put a hanging plate by our backdoor on the porch roof under hangs. Didn't the little furry asses start using our hanging planters on our porch poles to leap onto it. So we took those away. Being the ever pain in the ass I caught them shimmying up the poles managing to get onto it despite their removal. To make matters worse since the chippy and birds no longer had a feeder by the garage they all showed up crapping and spilling seed all over our porch entrance. I counted 15 birds, 1 chippy and four squirrels all within inches to our back entranceway. Three of the squirrels were digging through our planters on the back deck (even though we screened them as well). I find it disappointing that we can't enjoy feeding and watching the bunny, chippy and birds because of these unwelcome rodents. So it looks like nobody's getting nothing.

Twice in the past squirrels knocked out our power by crawling onto the transformer on the pole out back. One of them got electrocuted, fell the 30 feet or so, still got up and ran away. They're invincible I tell Ya. Before the neighbor and I put chimney caps on we each had a squirrel in our fireplaces. Difference was his was lit at the time and the squirrel ran around his living room, tail on fire causing all three of his dogs to chase it around his first floor. He also had three living under his attic roof at one time in the past.

I can't begin to tell you how much I've tried ignoring them But it's impossible. They're aggressive with each other and every other form of wildlife when it comes to food. Anyone who thinks they're cute are welcome to come and get them. There yours for free. I'll even deliver

Robocalls To End?

Steve Lehto

I have my doubts they will, but who knows. I'm fairly sure these guys will refocus their efforts somewhere else like smartphone texts and Facebook messaging to name a few Just yesterday my wife got four email alerts on her 'smartphone' supposedly from Amazon claiming hackers seized her account.  Wanted her to click here. Hell no!

Both her and I logged onto her account. Reviewed all her messages on Amazon and there were no such things mentioned. These robocallers are going to up their determination trying to trick people by some other means. One thing I'm certain of, they aren't simply going away. Be alert for an uptick in spoofed messages in the coming days... be very aware!

Smokey's Fireworks Safety Advice

Thursday, July 1, 2021