Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tamaqua SD 1st In Pa. To Allow Armed Teachers

School district in Schuylkill County becomes first in Pa. to allow armed teachers
"Not everyone is convinced, though, and skeptics have already formed a Facebook group about the proposed change. Those skeptics include the head of the local teachers union, and a chorus of parents."

When the cops arrive at a shooting how can they differentiate between the two?

The other problem. After some kid gets killed in the crossfire by a school employee there will be one hellva lawsuit.

How can we be certain some kid won't get a hold one of these guns? They'd have to be in easy reach of teachers to be of any use. Places like desk drawers or concealed on their person. After all they wouldn't do much good locked in a file cabinet or closet would they?

It's been said "only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with one". Please define "good guys". Can we safely assume every student, teacher, janitor and administrators are all "good guys" who will never whack out?

Should school bus drivers have them too?

Monday, October 29, 2018

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Listen To This Music Video's Message

Considering all the present day division Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury recorded this most fitting piece in 1985. My hope is we can all benefit from their musical message.

Monday, October 22, 2018

About That Immigration Caravan Headed Here


What a stupid solution. This will only make things worse. Did you know the Trump administration reduced aid to Honduras so far this year to 1/10th of what they were receiving in 2017? Guatemala and El Salvador's both are receiving about 1/4 of what they use to get last year.

Call it what you like. Karma or self inflicted pain, but we can't solve this problem by military force or starving them out. The resolution lies in making their countries more livable through trade agreements (SAFTA) and dealing with these governments through the state department (not the pentagon). We once relied heavily on the state department negotiations to avoid these situations. Not just in this country but others with the problems they're seeing as well. Instead Donald is using the state department as a messenger to deliver threats to other nation's economies and our potential use of force. Obviously diplomacy is not in Trump's vocabulary.

Here's an immediate solution for the time being.
The United States should negotiate with one or more of these countries in setting up safe haven areas inside and just outside their borders for these people. Then work towards making economic deals to help these impoverished nations Eventually this would enable these immigrants to return once they felt it were safe enough and there were at least some economic opportunities in their home countries.

The reason people flee is because crime is rampant. Crime is the result of people turning to crime when all other hope is lost. Take for example South American agriculture. Farmers too poor to live off coffee beans, fruit/vegetables or tobacco will produce far more lucrative crops like cocaine, marijuana and heroin. Hence any wonder why drugs are flowing into this country? And of course what follows is all kinds of violence. What we have now is a situation where these immigrants fear less getting shot by our military then the people back home.

This isn't rocket science.
The solution to drugs and crime cannot be found at the end of a gun. We've been trying this for years and it's not working. What is needed is "fair trade" and enabling security not just for us but for them as well. We have a choice here. Either we spend 10x's as much to fight them off and/or detain them here. Or we could spend money to house them in their own countries where the economic costs would be a fraction we're likely spend under present policy.

Besides it's always better to make more friends then enemies.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Do We Need Younger Leaders In Washington?

According to Quorum The 115th Congress is among the oldest in history-- "Today the average American is 20 years younger than their representative in Congress... The average age of the Democratic House leadership is 72 years old, whereas the average age of Republican House leadership is 48 years old.

How about the those also likely to run for president in 2020?

Friday, October 19, 2018

Silly Season- Keeping My Eye On The Ball

I'm reading all kinds of stupid stuff candidates of both parties are saying. It's like a competition between certain members of either party trying to out crazy the other's. The important thing is to stay focused on the things that will really matter to the people themselves. Here's one of the biggies I've been focusing on....

McConnell Said Tax Cuts Won't Grow Deficit (12/04/2017)

Instead the national debt grew by 17% ($1.2 trillion) this fiscal year.

What is Mitch's solution?

What Would Ronnie Tell Him?

This is the huge difference between the Republican party we're seeing today opposed to what it once was traditionally

Everyone needs to stay focused on this issues instead of what these bat-shit-crazy candidates are saying about one another with their many false attacks. I'll give you a couple of examples. No... Democrats are not paying Honduran immigrants to attack our southern border so they can come here to vote That absolutely makes no sense. This situation can only serve to reinforce Donald's claimed need for a border wall. If any one were being paid it would make more sense for Donald's team to encourage this. Even a stupid Democrat would want to avoid confronting this issue so close to an election. They know no matter what they say it will cost them votes. Notice how most Democrats are avoiding talking about this?

Mob rule-criminal Democrats hyperbole-- I assume noisy relatively peaceful demonstrations are what is being referred to. As far as criminals. There are equal numbers from both parties who've enjoyed their stays at the greybar hotels. Neither party holds a monopoly.

All Republicans are alike.

No they are not. Neither are Democrats.

About the only thing they have in common are some loons who embarrass both parties.

Try to stay focused on the issues which actually affect us. Look behind candidates words. Will they be the kind that will try and work with other members or instead spend their term trying to trash talk their way through to the next election? We already know the problems this country faces-- infrastructure, government waste, immigration, healthcare, foreign policies, social/economic needs, education, immigration, lack of unity and all so many more. Instead of looking of whom to blame these candidates should be addressing how they intend to fix these. Right now there appears to be a lot more self focused opportunist running for office then problem solvers. Then again. It seems that's always the way it's been every election year.

Pat Paulsen.- Get Out The Vote!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

WARNING If Republicans Maintain Control...

here's what you can look forward to.

Mitch McConnell Calls for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid Cuts After Passing Tax Cuts, Massive Defense Spending
"After instituting a $1.5 trillion tax cut and signing off on a $675 billion budget for the Department of Defense, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the only way to lower the record-high federal deficit would be to cut entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security."

Note: Medicare is not premium free. When you get SS, they deduct about $125 a month from it for Medicare. Then you pay another $100-$135 for Part B to a private insurance company.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Nation Would Be Better Off Based On Atheism Then Religion

Atheists/agnostics don't believe in God's promise of an afterlife in heaven. Since they believe this is as good as it gets and only have one shot at life they are less likely to risk their freedom or their lives by taking foolish chances.

Atheists/agnostics are absent the religious convictions that lead to wars and hatred so many other nations' governments are founded on.

Atheists/agnostics aren't expecting God to bail them out or others (including other species). Thus their inclination towards taking action isn't dependant on prayer to some guy in the sky. Rather dependency within themselves to do what needs to be done.

Atheists/agnostics feel the same passions and compassions as all other humans do. However their moral compass isn't guided by threats from God. They suffer or are rewarded for their actions the same as believers. Difference is believers are left racked by guilt and fear over some future punishment or reward by their God. (Wait till your father gets home!).

Atheists/agnostics don't believe there's a God who favors a country, sports team or sits around all day taking millions of requests by the second.

Imagine if God only exists within?

It's been said-- if there were no God humans would surely invent one to conform to their various ideologies. Let us all visualize for one moment being all alone on this rock called Earth. How would each of us behave towards other species and humans each of us came across knowing our time was limited and there was no life beyond this one? Would we savior those we come across befriending them or instead choose to make them subjugated to us?

Look I don't know what the end game is, but if I were God and there was such a thing as hell-- for many on Earth this is it. Being imprisoned in physical bodies with a limited lifespan and suffering is abundant. If this were to be the only life for many of those who suffer, nonexistence would come as a blessing. All I'm saying is whether one believes in an afterlife or not, everyone would be far better off if we wouldn't impose ourselves on others. Instead help one another get through this with little pain as possible. So far throughout Earth's history it isn't looking so good. God or no God.

Monday, October 15, 2018

West Virginia Courts In Chaos

West Virginia Courts in Chaos After GOP Impeachment of Chief Justice Is Ruled Illegal

"The problem for the GOP started when Workman sued, alleging her impeachment was illegal because the legislature did not actually specify any misconduct and violated her due process... There was no valid state supreme court that could hear the case — all the justices were either suspended or had been replaced with acting justices who then recused themselves"

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Subprime Lending With Zero Down. Will It Work This Time?

1,000's line up for
subprime mortgages
"The loans are 15- or 30-year fixed with interest rates below market, about 4.5 percent."

All of us remember what happened the last time banks tried this. This time it's quite different and may actually work. Gleaning over the article I see a few things that stand out. Unlike last time these loans will receive $10 billion in backing from banks in the event things start heading South. There's a lot more documentation required to receive approval. Plus applicants would have to go through financial counseling before being considered and have to actually reside in the home. None of which was required when things turned sour ten years ago. Not being forced to buy mortgage insurance should also help as well.

For consumers I would think this would be a better deal then trying to keep up with ever increasing rents. Some which will be higher then these mortgages a few years from now. Sounds like a win for everyone all the way around. Check out the article for more details.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Tribal Politics Continues

Blacks Underrepresented In Ohio SNAP Program
Community Solutions.com: "Ohio counties exempt from SNAP work requirements are disproportionately white. Ohio’s minority populations are much more concentrated in urban areas that are not granted this hardship exemption, despite municipal unemployment rates that are equally high or higher than those in the exempt counties."

Is This Election Rigging?
The Washington Post: Republicans may be about to steal an election in Georgia-- "Brian Kemp the Republican nominee for governor, is locked in an extremely tight race with Democrat Stacey Abrams. He also happens to be the secretary of state, the official in charge of all elections in Georgia... Georgia’s population is approximately 32 percent black, according to the U.S. Census, but the list of voter registrations on hold with Kemp’s office is nearly 70 percent black."

Judicial Branch Could Become Politically Biased
San Francisco Chronicle: Feinstein, Harris to try to block Trump nominees to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Trump is nominating only conservative judges to this district which has ruled against him in the past. This (like just about everything he does) is unlike how this was done in the past. I'm certain this is also Trump's payback to these two Democratic Senators who opposed his supreme court nomination.

Republicans Have a Secret Weapon in the Midterms: Voter Suppression
THE DAILY BEAST-- "Many Republicans furious over the treatment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the 2018 elections are likely to see the highest turnout of midterm voters in recent history. But those voters will be confronted by a byzantine array of voter restrictions...

There's a good argument against gridlock. On the other hand it's far worse when we have either party singularly in control. I've used these stories regarding Republicans because they are in the drivers seat for now. However I have no doubt Democrats are just as capable of trying to pull these shenanigans.

Hence why I urge people to continue voting for whatever party is not in complete control. Republicans in congress mostly kept Clinton and Obama in check. Same went with Democrats in congress under past Republican presidents. When either party in history controlled the whole shooting match things didn't turn out well. Mankind has always been tribal in nature. We can't allow either party to exploit this completely. We've always been a nation of bickering. This is what separates the United States from China, N. Korea, Iran and other nations whose people are far less fortunate because of it.

So go out and vote. Do your duty. Keep either party from becoming too monolithic. Whether be in your town, state or at the federal level everyone needs to elect members whose positions differ from the tribalistic tendencies of those in the party which they claim to belong. Most importantly in this election it's vital we don't allow one single party to remain in control of Washington. Come 2020 who knows. Maybe it will be the other way around and we will have to take a look at what Democrats did in the house if they should gain control.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Social Security Benefits Will Rise 2.8% In 2019

(COLA) Information for 2019
"Social Security and SSI beneficiaries are normally notified by mail in early December about their new benefit amount. This year, for the first time, most people who receive Social Security payments will be able to view their COLA notice online through their my Social Security account. "

The maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax (taxable maximum) will increase to $132,900.

Before you get too excited remember Medicare premiums will also rise. Depending on the amount of your monthly SS income your mileage will also vary. Last year I ended up with a $3.70 increase.

I shared a happy meal with my wife to celebrate the occasion

Monday, October 8, 2018

The Problem With Political Parties << IMPORTANT PLEASE READ

Bob Schieffer addressed this issue in 2011.
What he said then is equally relative today.


This is perhaps the most significant post I've ever done. There is nothing I feel more strongly about then this at the present time.

It doesn't matter what political party one subscribes to or how someone feels about this blog. What does matter is the willingness to take a few moments of time to listen to what these two had to say. Do it for the good of the country. If this doesn't trigger a response there is very little else I can ever say that will.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

United States Still Bleeding Jobs To Overseas

Verizon Lays Off 44,000, Transfers 2,500 More IT Jobs To Indian Outsourcer Infosys
"The layoffs and transfers will impact more than 30% of Verizon's 153,100-employee workforce - as of the end of June - and are part of a 4-year plan to save the largest U.S. wireless carrier $10 billion by 2021."

I wonder what Verison's going to do with the extra $10 billion?

I'm temporarily adding this to all my posts throughout October.
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Please follow me via email (right sidebar) or through an RSS feed. Even if it's only one or two items you find of interest to you.
Thanks, LVCI

Here Is Why I Don't Do Updates

Avoid Windows 10 October Update Until You Do One Thing
"Microsoft's big Windows 10 Update version 1809 is here and... it's also causing a serious problem. One that can't be reversed. If you're not enthusiastic about potentially losing every scrap of data in your user folder such as music, photos and documents, please read on."

Over the years I've found they caused more problems then they were worth. The only one I do is my antiviral ware.

I'm temporarily adding this to all my posts throughout October.
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I call this blog "Lehigh Valley Clancularius Introspectives" for a reason. It is because you'll never know what I come up with next. This is because I have so many varied interests.

Please follow me via email (right sidebar) or through an RSS feed. Even if it's only one or two items you find of interest to you.
Thanks, LVCI

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Was Virgin Mary Sexually Assaulted By God?

If so--does this mean God gets a pass?

"Nobody is going to believe you anyway."
Looks like this has always been a problem for women.
Why start now?

I'm temporarily adding this to all my posts throughout October.
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I call this blog "Lehigh Valley Clancularius Introspectives" for a reason. It is because you'll never know what I come up with next. This is because I have so many varied interests.

Please follow me via email (right sidebar) or through an RSS feed. Even if it's only one or two items you find of interest to you.
Thanks, LVCI

Horrible Campaign Smear Against Seniors

This is despicable.
Never since the Civil War has this country been so divided.

This not addressing issues. Rather it is pitting one segment of society against the other in the worse possible way.

I'm temporarily adding this to all my posts throughout October.
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I call this blog "Lehigh Valley Clancularius Introspectives" for a reason. It is because you'll never know what I come up with next. This is because I have so many varied interests.

Please follow me via email (right sidebar) or through an RSS feed. Even if it's only one or two items you find of interest to you.
Thanks, LVCI

Monday, October 1, 2018

Stocks-- Most Americans Don't Benefit From Record Highs

When it comes to stocks they're not a great way to measure American incomes I'll explain why.

Only about 54% of Americans are invested in them through their retirements plans (like the 401's), mutual funds, pensions and so forth. Meaning some 46% are foreign owned. So when the stock market does well nearly half of it's wealth benefits investors in other countries.

92% of stocks are owned by 20% of the wealthiest investors. This means 80% are left to divvy 8% of the remaining wealth between themselves throughout the world. Since only 54% are American investors it appears not as many as we're lead to believe are benefiting.

Therefore I conclude the stock market does very little to benefit the average smuck unless they're in upper management receiving a profit sharing plan.

A Word About 401K Plans
In 2018 employees are allowed to contribute up to $18,500 a year. To my way of thinking workers are giving a good chunk back to the corporations. These companies can use this tax free money right now, On the other hand employees have only a piece of paper with numbers on it until they can start withdrawing their money at retirement. A lot can go wrong between now and then.

In my case I chose to keep my money, pay taxes on it now instead of later. Then using it to pay down ahead on my 30 year mortgage while setting some aside in FDIC insured savings accounts. The average return on of the S&P between 1973 and 2016 was 11.69%. That's all fine and dandy but when you're 70 1/2 and are forced to start taking money out (paying taxes on it) better hope it isn't a year stocks take a tumble or if tax rates should go up over what they are now.

Here's how I benefited on the mortgage alone.
My original 30 year mortgage was around 10%. Compounded over 30 years it would have totaled 315.92%. Divided evenly over 30 years it would have averaged 10.53%. Even if the average S&P' returns were 11.69% it wouldn't have included the fees I'd end up paying. Plus I wouldn't be able to get at my money to do what I did.

After a few years I refinanced the remaining balance on my mortgage at 6%. Instead of keeping the extra $700 I saved monthly I put in on the new mortgage. Hence being able to pay it off 10 years before retirement rather then still be paying on it for 8 years into my I retirement. Since it was paid off 10 years before I retired I was able to then use a chunk of that former mortgage payment for savings. Besides, who wants to pay a mortgage or ever escalating rents when they're on a fixed income if they can buy a house early enough?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Maybe someone is comfortable with a finance company holding their deed over them for 30 years while they gamble on the stock market. I wasn't. After I wised up I rolled over what ever little I had of my 401K into a no fee, no risk FDIC insured IRA savings account years ago. Good I did or it would have taken a shellacking in 2008. This along with some regular savings. This doesn't mean I'm well off by any means but it sure beats allowing others to manipulate what little assets I've accumulated.

I'm temporarily adding this to all my posts throughout October.
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I call this blog "Lehigh Valley Clancularius Introspectives" for a reason. It is because you'll never know what I come up with next. This is because I have so many varied interests.

Please follow me via email (right sidebar) or through an RSS feed. Even if it's only one or two items you find of interest to you.
Thanks, LVCI

Check Online If You're Registered To Vote

People can also can register to vote in the 11/06/2018 election
However the last day to register is 10/09/2018


Click Here >>> For More Voter And Election Services

I'm temporarily adding this to all my posts throughout October.
I have a few questions and requests.

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(09) Are there topics I should avoid?
(10) Do you prefer posts without remarks?
(11) If you ever decided to blog what would you blog about?

I call this blog "Lehigh Valley Clancularius Introspectives" for a reason. It is because you'll never know what I come up with next. This is because I have so many varied interests.

Please follow me via email (right sidebar) or through an RSS feed. Even if it's only one or two items you find of interest to you.
Thanks, LVCI