Thursday, July 25, 2024

Playlist Of Seven Music Videos I Came Across

"Person Of Interest" (Repost)

Another series we used to enjoy.
Why The Show Was Cancelled
"Here's why Person of Interest was cancelled after season 5 and what season 6's story could've been about. The action-thriller series was based on the concept of an artificial intelligence called The Machine that could predict murders before they happen."

Show Opening Season 1 (2011)

Knowing today there's facial recognition software, cellphone tracking, trojan virus malware, etc. this program was not as far fetched as some may believe it once was. Who knows what the government (and others) may have at their disposal.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Liberals Are Blah, Blah- Conservatives Are Blah, Blah

Repost From November 23, 2016

Ever notice how conservatives say liberals are blah, blah, blah...?
Ever notice how liberals say conservatives are blah, blah, blah...?

Neither has the right to define the other!
It's amusing how conservatives think themselves experts on liberals. Just as it for liberals who seek to define what conservatives believe. Both seem to think they know more about the other guy then the person does him or her self. Generally speaking the world isn't so simple as people being 100% aligned with either ideology on either side.

Over the last few months I've observed on social media, local blogs and in mainstream media far too much pandering given to those who divide us. I'm disappointed this has become the norm. It's should be everyone's responsibility-- including mine-- to reject such divisiveness.

Anyone who participates in journalism or on social media sites (such as this) each bears responsibility in seeking those things which unites us rather then those which further divide us from one and other. There's too much trash talking and not enough people speaking towards our common bonds.

I really truly hope this isn't the nation we've become.-- or have we?

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Fake News From Allentown


* Lehigh County Water Authority announced it's leasing out it's water agreement to Allentown.

* Council is considering a measure to require all of Allentown's automobile drivers to be licensed

* Neuweiler Brewery could become a haunted house attraction this October

* Bon Ton announced Hess's may be coming back to downtown Allentown pending NIZ approval.

* Mayor announces measure to eliminate city council. City council expected to approve.

* Train service to resume. Trains will depart from LVIA for Newark International Airport.

* Parking authority will begin issuing tickets to drivers who expired.

* Riparian buffers to be planted around all the city's storm drains.

* City considering installing toll booths on each of the parking deck levels.

* Fairgrounds sold for a new warehouse location.

* Area warehouse owners announce conversions for indoor farming.

* Just announced. ASD plans to profit from it's own new casino.

* Allentown becomes officially named as NYC's sixth borough.

* Officials considering removing all traffic signals in hopes of cutting down commute times.

* Pennsylvania looking into installing bike lanes on Route 22 and I-78.

* Newly formed organization called "Trails To Rails".

* Fracking soon to begin in 'Trexler Park',

* New 30 year term limits set for mayor of Allentown.

* New newspaper called "The Mourning Call" coming to Allentown.

* Latest restaurant announced it's closing on opening day.

* Newest affordable housing complex called "Tents Along The Lehigh" will announce shortly.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

600 Song Samples From 1966 Thru 1969

The following clips were from the height of AM radio days. Unlike today's machined music each were entirely different from the other. No computer generated "beat box" back tracks. Nor pitch correction software used. Plus a whole variety of different instruments and arraignments. Each created their own original distinctive style. Think about this, each video features about 150 hits per year. A once very robust music industry for sure!

So which year was your favorite?

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Allentown Where's The Jobs?


The Way It Once Was
A partial list of significant jobs within the city limits which no longer exist
     A&B & Swift meats
     Western Electric
     Mack Trucks
     Bell Telephone
     Allen Laundry
     Dozens of textile mills
     Several large department stores
     General Electric
     Numerous repair shops (we don't repair things anymore)
     Gas station attendants & repair bays
     Dairy, beer & soda makers
     Home delivery & huckster jobs
     Metal and large machinery repair shops

I'm sure old timers can think of many more. What each had in common was a kid could get out of high school and land one of these jobs without additional education. Most employers provided their own onsite training.

Here's The Pickle We're In
There are tons of people who graduate each year who will have none these same opportunities Few will become rocket scientists, world famous physicians or entertainment superstars. There are all kinds of reasons why these jobs no longer exist. Still the fact remains these kind of job opportunities remain a relic of the past for the average schmuck. The vast majority will be relegated to finding a warehouse, service or burger flipping job being unable to support families. Far more feeling left out in the cold and frustrated from even landing these kind of jobs.

How Do We Fix This?
One thing I can tell ya jobs scraping the ice, bartending and flipping burgers at the arena on event nights a couple of nights a month isn't going to cut it. Neither is being on call to clean hotel rooms and offices. Frankly I wouldn't wait for a political hack to come up with solutions at either the federal, state or local levels. Everything's changed.

If I were graduating high school today here's a few things I might consider* Two years will get someone a ticket in the fields of radiology or nursing
* 6-24 months earns one a ticket to become an EMT or Paramedic
* Cops get paid well requiring minimal education for some departments
* Join the Navy or Air Force (where you're not likely to get your butt shot)
* Plumbing or electrical work
* Apply everywhere for city or park work
* Run unopposed for state office (not silly as it sounds)
I'm sure there's plenty more I haven't thought of. What each has in common they require the least investment in both time and money. One thing's for sure, it beats waiting around for some politician's promises. None of them are ever going to bring back manufacturing or the job opportunities of the 60's.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

63 Year Old Melissa Etheridge Still Great As Ever

When Melissa Etheridge came home to Leavenworth, Kansas to perform at Topeka Women’s Correctional Facility, she arrived with healing intentions - gifting the residents with a full-production concert. She also took the time to connect with and learn the stories of some of the residents, which inspired her to write the uplifting new song, “Burning Woman.” The creative journey has been filmed for an accompanying Paramount+ documentary “I’m Not Broken”.

"A Burning Woman" (Live From Topeka Correctional Facility) July 2024

Idioms Make Learning English Confusing


Idioms & ponderisms make it harder for people coming to live here from other countries.Why do we say an alarm is going off when it's actually going on?
Why offer a penny for thoughts when most aren't worth two cents?
Why is a baker's dozen not twelve items?
How is it your nose runs, but your feet smell?
Why a hot water heater. Shouldn't we need a cold water heater?
In sports why do they call 3 points a hat trick when nobody wears them?
If idle hands are the devil's tools what does he use to get things done?
The whole nine yards. Why not ten?
To drink like a fish. Do fish drink?
Why do people play at a recital and recite at a play?
Why does night fall but never break and day break but never fall?
Why does a man get a hernia and a woman a hysterectomy?
Why do they call them apartments when they're all together?
Why is the word abbreviation so long?
If olive oil is made from olives, what do they make baby oil from?
If pro and con are opposites, is congress the opposite of progress?
If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of booth be beeth?
If the teacher taught, why isn't it also true that the preacher praught?
Why does winding up a watch start it, but winding up a project ends it?
Does our head have have hair or hairs on it?
Why call them resturant waiters when we do all the waiting?
A non-stop flight has to stop some time doesn't it?
Why is it called a one night stand if neither were standing?
How does daylight savings time store daylight?
Isn't planning before something much the same as preplanning itslef?
How can airlines preboard passengers before they begin boarding them?
Why do we pull up a chair, isn't it high enough?
Back and forth. Doesn't something have to go forth before it can go back?
Lucked out doesn't mean you ran out of luck. shouldn't it be lucked in?
Saying watch your head is as impossible as trying to bite your teeth
If someone does something behind your back, could they do it in front of it?
How did Roman's do math without a Roman numeral for zero?
Do we fill in a form by filling it out?
Bandages are wound around a wound
A farm can produce produce
Can a dump refuse refuse?
It's bad idea for a soldier to desert in the desert
When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes
A farmer once taught his sow to sow
How come an eggplant has no yolk?
Shouldn't an apple look simular to a pineapple?
Why are boxing rings square?
1 goose. 2 geese. Why aren't 2 moose meese?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
How is a slim chance different from a fat chance?
Is a house burning up as it burns down?
What race is the human race?
Why doesn't Buick rhyme with quick?
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
If nothing ever sticks to Teflon, how do they make Teflon stick to the pan?
Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up ATM?
Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
Why is it called a TV "set" when you only get one?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Is there another word for thesaurus?
Is there another word for synonym?
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
Why is a pear called a pear when there is only one?
What do they pack Styrofoam in?
Why does the word monosyllabic contain five syllables?
If you were scared half to death twice, would you be 100% dead?
If you asked a librarian where the books on self help were would they tell you?
If you can't drink and drive, why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor, and why do bars have parking lots?

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Foxconn A Con?

Trump-Backed Move to Wisconsin Create Jobs or Catfish the Public?

Governments are really lousy dealmakers.

Ever since NAFTA government has demonstrated time and again why it shouldn't be trying to tweak capitalists adventures. That goes for sport stadiums as well. Those along with all these state and city private investment projects involving taxpayers money. You'd think by now they would have learned. I'm convinced they never will.

Remembering The Late Joe Bonsall From The Oak Ridge Boys

Born in 1948 the 76 year old from Philadelphia passed away on July 9th 2024 from ALS.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Allentown Circa 1828 to 1985


...and Beyond

"These postcards were from the private collection of the John Stopp family from Allentown, Pennsylvania, whose ancestors pioneered near the Jordan Creek prior to the Revolutionary War, later built civic and commercial buildings in Allentown, and were involved with several of the institutions depicted in the postcards."

Video Courtesy jmackel

"Sheila Evans of the Allentown Symphony Association gives the
history of Symphony Hall and its influence on the surrounding area."

History & Tour by ViaCastTV

A BRIEF TIMELINEMarch 12, 1867- Allentown was officially "incorporated".

July 4, 1828- The first documented performance by the "Allentown Band"

1832- M.S. Young & Co. 724 Hamilton Street (later 740 Hamilton) (Mark Young & Stephen Barber). Stephen died in 1860. The store was huge. It's 5 story building was connected by tunnels and an overhead bridge to it's other buildings at 11,13 & 15 S. 8th Street.

June 1, 1848- Allentown had a population of 3,700 people living in 619 houses (6 per home).Today 118,032 are living in 45,960 houses (2.56 per home)
1847- Appel Jewelry, originally opened on E. Hamilton street. It relocated to the 600 block on Hamilton in 1860. In 1930 Carl W. Appel then became owner after his father passed away. Carl passed away at 94 years old on June 24, 1997.

1850- Henry Leh (an Allentown native). At 20 years old started H. Leh & Co at 626 W. Hamilton St.

1887- Allentown Steam Heat Company (23 S. Hall Street) was founded by Harry C. Trexler (his 1st business venture). It ceased operations in 1968

July 1, 1891- Electric trolley car service began in Allentown on Hamilton Street by the Allentown and Bethlehem Rapid Transit Company.

February 19, 1897- Hess's (9th & Hamilton) founded by Charles and Max Hess. Max died in 1922. Charles ran the store between then and 1932. Max Hess, Jr., from 1932 through 1968.

Oct. 19, 1899- The Soldiers and Sailors Monument at Center Square in Allentown was unveiled

Sept. 17, 1908- The Bandshell in West Park was dedicated (The Allentown Band performed at the dedication)

1910- Zollinger-Harned replaced the hardware store (W.R. Lawfer & Co.) at 605 W. Hamilton St.

November 17, 1913- 8th Street toll bridge opened for traffic (5 cents). The plans for the bridge were started in 1911 by the "Allentown Bridge Company" (formed by the "The Lehigh Valley Transit Company"). In 1906 Harry C. Trexler bought the forerunner to what became the LVT.

1912- Benioff Furs opened. The store was later run by his son, Abraham J. Benioff who at 91 passed away on Nov. 27, 1997. The store at 10th & Hamilton along with it's storage locker at 410 N. 6th Street closed on Friday, Feb 2, 1996.

1914- Harry C. Trexler started "Romper Day"

1897- Harry J. Trexler (lumber dealer), George Ormrod (coal/iron-like in Ormrod, Pa.) and Col. Edward M. Young (hardware) formed the Lehigh Portland Cement Company. On April 23, 1919 Lehigh Portland Cement Company' became reincorporated.

1922- Yoccos (Liberty Grill) founded by Theodore Iacocca (uncle of Lee Iacocca). Currently being run by the 3rd & 4th generation.

1923- Kern's Restaurant (Stooges) founded by Charles and Arlene Kern.

1926 to 1928- The PPL building was built.

1931- The Brass Rail opened it's first stand. It was started by Philip Sorrentino. Later, in 1933 it's location moved to 1137 W. Hamilton Street (since then closed). In 1961 a second store was opened at 3015 Lehigh Street where it is now run by his grandson.

1933-1934- The Allentown post office was built.

Other misc. businesses:The Allentown National Bank
The Lehigh Valley Trust and Safe Deposit Co.
The Second National Bank
Allentown Boiler Works
Shafer's Popular Book Store
Allentown Brewing Co.
Daufer & Co., 16 South 8th St.
Arbogast & Bastian, 7-23 Hamilton St.
Koch Bros (Clothiers) 7th & Hamilton
The Vulcan Brass Works, 716 N 4th St
Lehigh Knitting Mills, Court and Hall Sts.
Allen Steam Laundry, S 7th St.
Eastern Light
Allen Stamp and Stencil Co., 104-106 N 7th St.
Kramer's Music House, 544 Hamilton St.
Good's Pharmacy, 803 Hamilton St
Dolly Madison (soda/ice cream)
Adelaide Silk Mills
Wolfe Shoe Mfg. Co., Hall and Court Sts.,
McCrory's Five & Ten
Woolworths Five & Ten
A&P Food Store
Mohican Market
Movie Theaters:The Boyd, The Towne, The Jeanette, The Rialto, The Colonial, The Earle, The Capri, The Strand (12 N. 8th circa 1917), Orpheum Theatre (6th St. and Linden St.), Boulevard Drive-In, Westend Drive-In, The Eric
The Rialto Theatre was built from 1918 to 1921.
Fire severely damaged it 1946.
It reopened and remained open till it's closure in 1979.

More Pictures Of The Rialto Can Be Found At
The Library of Congress (July 1985)

A List of mayors of Allentown, Pennsylvania (from 1867 to present)
Cemeteries and Memorial Sites of Politicians in Lehigh County

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Lost Opportunity Pete Buttigieg 2020

Pete's Best Debate Moments (Debates 2-6)

Two important thoughts..
If he'd won we wouldn't be in the pickle we are in with Biden today. Also notice how many candidates we had available to choose from last time compared to this past primary season.

Intelligent, articulated and a lot younger in age. All of which making him a hellva lot sharper then either these two losers we're stuck with right now.

2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg

Certainly more well spoken the eithe Biden or Trump

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

LV Environment Bad Now.. You think?


The good ole' days!

I've been reading the local negative concerns regarding the quality of our parks, air and water. In my mind the glass is much more full then empty.

I certainly am aware with the huge growth in our neighboring suburbs there are environmental concerns that need be addressed. However, let use take a look back into just 62 years or so (over my lifetime) and see if we are less or more environmental sound.

Back when I was growing up, Allentown had a central city coal fired steam heat plant installed which heated many buildings downtown. As far as efficiency, well efficiency wasn't exactly something high on the scale of priorities. In the winter many streets didn't need plowing. The heat emanating from those steam pipes beneath melted a great number of blocks around Hamilton Street.

The way a city heating customer adjusted their heat was by raising or lowering a window. What's a thermostat?

The central steam plant was installed in 1888 and was in use till 1968. It was located at 23 South Hall Street. It was "coal" fired and had no pollution equipment what-so-ever.

Those who were not served by city heat mainly relied on coal. Trains delivering coal from up North would arrive at various coal storage yards throughout the city to unload. From there coal trucks plied the streets delivering coal down the chutes into 1,000's of basement coal bins.

The remaining cinders (coal ash) after the city burnt them were stored to later be spread on city streets in the winter. Just about every homeowner as well saved buckets of coal to put on their sidewalks. Before the snow throwers, shovelers used coal ash to finish the job on driveways.

I grew up on SW 27th street at the foot of S. Mtn. What we had out in front of our house was a dirt road. All of them were over there were at one time. In the winter coal cinders (ash) was used on them.

In the summer the city would come once or twice and spray oil on the roadways to keep the dust down. That's right, good old black petroleum muck with a good dose of used crankcase oil mixed in.

We open burned the trash and the leaves too!

Let's talk about water & sewer. We had a cistern where rainwater from the roof would flow into it from our downspouts. Now we chose to boil all our drinking water and were just fine. The neighbor in back didn't. As a result they wound up with a case of worms and on another occasion boils on their skin. Rather then boil water their solution was bleach. Gallons and gallons monthly they added to their water.

Then there's the sewer side. What sewer? Before septic tanks many of these homes just dug a big hole. In it they would throw rocks and then trench it out at the top as an overflow. You knew when it was full when the overflow trench leached up and emerged from below. Some would call honeydippers to come scoop them out. Others just hand dug a new hole somewhere else on their property. Few had concrete septic tanks.

In some other outlying areas those fortunate enough to live closer to the creeks and streams just ran a waste pipe from their toilets into them. Never mind farmer Joe downstream probably tapped into this same creek for his family's water supply. Still there were others who had wells were not too far down from someone else's septic field.

Oh by the way we too had a coal furnace.

Allentown, just like many other communities used to own the city garbage trucks. Allentown's trucks ended up on Allentown's Basin Street where the city incinerator would then burn the garbage they collected. Many cities around here had them as well. These trucks would back up to a hole in the second floor and dump into the flames below. As a kid, when I looked into the roaring fire below I thought it was hell. Nope, no chimney pollution equipment here either.

Now let's focus on the burgs. Just North of Allentown in areas like Bath, Whitehall, Cementon, etc. we had lots and lots of cement plants. You knew where they were because entire towns were coated in cement dust. Further North Coal dust was the order of the day.

Lest we forget good old New Jersey zinc down in Center Valley or it's smelting operations up in Palmerton. All of the above which either blew in the wind or were washed downstream.

The steel plant in Bethlehem used 100,000's gallons a water a day. Think about the three or four thousand workers that used the toilet facilities etc. Then perhaps one of you local historians out there may be able to find where Bethlehem's Steels' water treatment facility was located.

I say this in jest because I don't think they had one. But one thing I am certain, if you ask anyone who lived in Hellertown down by the old coke plant, the air wasn't sweet!

Also in the burgs at one time we had tons of farms. As a kid we'd swim in a creek in Macungie. It didn't even occur to us just upstream there was a cow pasture until our feet sank in cow poop two feet deep at the bottom. Talk about your nitrogen levels, but the sunnies (fish) just seemed to thrive in it.

Art (my friend) doubted that it was poop. He insisted rather optimistically that it was mud. It took Dave to scoop up a couple of handfuls from the bottom and heave them at us to make us conclude.. yep that's poop alright!

The area also had a number of pig farms as well that sold to the former A&B meats. Things weren't too sweet down wind from the numerous chicken & turkey farms either! Especially in Spring when farmers used to "spread" their fields.

Then there were the many area orchards that were spraying DDT into the air. Thusly the runoff from them into area creeks.

The state highway department for years used "agent orange" to kill the weeds alongside the local highways. Hey who knew!

Fortunately for us we had far fewer people then today. If we hadn't made the environmental progress we did, one can only imagine. Because of water lines and sewers, pollution equipment and the de-industrialization we fare much better then just 60 short years ago.

Can we use some more tweaking? Absolutely.

But if today's generation thinks this area was pristine and needs to be restored to what it once was, they are quite misinformed. While all is not perfect, it's certainly not an immediate crises.

Sometimes this valley just needs us old farts around to explain things.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

HUMOR: The Traffic Cop. The Husband. The Wife.


A police officer pulls over a speeding car. The officer says, " I clocked you at 80 miles per hour, sir."

The driver says, "Gee, officer I had it on cruise control at 60, perhaps your radar gun needs calibrating."

Not looking up from her knitting the wife says: "Now don't be silly dear, you know that this car doesn't have cruise control."

As the officer writes out the ticket, the driver looks over at his wife and growls, "Can't you please keep your mouth shut for once?"

The wife smiles demurely and says, "You should be thankful your radar detector went off when it did."

As the officer makes out the second ticket for the illegal radar detector unit, the man glowers at his wife and says through clenched teeth, "Damit, woman, can't you keep your mouth shut?"

The officer frowns and says, "And I notice that you're not wearing your seat belt, sir. That's an automatic $75 fine." The driver says, "Yeah, well, you see officer, I had it on, but took it off when you pulled me over so that I could get my license out of my back pocket."

The wife says, "Now, dear, you know very well that you didn't have your seat belt on. You never wear your seat belt when you're driving."

And as the police officer is writing out the third ticket the driver turns to his wife and barks, "WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP!"

The officer looks over at the woman and asks, "Does your husband always talk to you this way, Ma'am?"

Only when he's been drinking."

Friday, June 28, 2024

Who Lost Last Night's Presidential Debate?

The American people.. PERIOD!
What an embarrassinga disgrace.
These two the best we can do?

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Things Said In Trial Courts (Humor)


From a book called "Disorder In The Court"- by Charles M. Sevilla (Published In 1992)
Here are a few excerpts from the book of things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters. Check out the book. There's plenty more.

ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.

ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.

ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth?
WITNESS: July 18th.
ATTORNEY: What year?
WITNESS: Every year.

ATTORNEY: How old is your son, the one living with you?
WITNESS: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which.
ATTORNEY: How long has he lived with you?
WITNESS: Forty-five years.

ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: He's 20, very close to your IQ.

ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shitting me?

ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid

ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?

ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death.
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.

ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I'm going with male.

ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.

ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.

ATTORNEY: ALL of your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you attend?

ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 PM.
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Little Known (Mostly Useless) Trivia Information


The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for Blood plasma.
Many people burn more calories sleeping than they do watching television.
Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are twenty (20) years of age or older.
The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum.
The King of Hearts is the only king WITHOUT A MOUSTACHE
American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one (1) olive from each salad served in first-class.
Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
(Since Venus is normally associated with women, what does this tell you?)
(That women are going the 'right' direction...?)
Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning . (It's the sugar)
************************************ ***********************************
Most dust particles in your house are made from DEAD SKIN !
The first owner (Philip Morris) of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer.
So did 3hree men who appeared in Marlboro advertisements - Wayne McLaren, David McLean, and Dick Hammer.
Walt Disney was afraid OF MICE!
Pearls dissolve in vinegar
(A pearl is mostly calcium carbonate, which is susceptible to even a weak acid solution)
It is possible to lead a cow upstairs... but, not downstairs because of how cows knees bend.
(A cow produces on average 30lbs of urine and 65lbs of feces daily)
(They also can produce up to 64 quarts of milk a day)
Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least six (6) feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.
(I keep my toothbrush in the living room now !)
Turtles can breathe through their butts.
(I know some people like that, don't YOU ?)

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Wisdom Of Carl Sagan


Pale Blue Dot

Carl Sagan expanded on this subject far more greatly in the following video. In the video he spoke on things which should alarm us all. They should serve as warnings far into the future beyond his years here on this Earth. His journey may have ended but anyone who cares about our present conditions and those in the future regarding humanity should pay heed to his thoughts.

Previously I watched one of his other videos concerning the possibilities of alien life. In my view there's a couple of salient points to be made. Since the universe is far older then Earth there are plenty of other places species themselves and their technology far exceeds any possible understanding by us humans. Thus contact likely has already been made by them first a long time ago. We simply were incapable of recognizing it. Either that or they haven't for the same reason we don't even bother trying to communicate with earth worms, ants or amebas. This because we think they are beneath our species. Secondly earth worms, ants and amebas simply don't have the capability of mentally functioning as that which is compatible to humans.

Some final thoughts.
Some may call it karma for neglecting the heeds about this pandemic and the current state of our environment. Far from it. This is what happens when the inhabitants of Earth ignore soundly based scientific laws. Same goes with Earth itself (a living thing) when we over reproduce taking more then it can provide. Eventually we'll exceed what is available. The same as it would if there were too many parasites feeding within our own body. Science tells us this is so. Yet we continue on as if science will make an exception for the human race unlike other species who've succumbed to over breeding when there weren't enough resources left to sustain them.

Hoping for a God or space alien to save us is really a bad choice over scientific reasoning which truly is our best option.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Johnny Visits A 'Epicentr' In Kharkiv, Ukraine

Recently, there's been a lot of news about Kharkiv's Hypermarket being blown up by a Russian attack. It was described as a Home Depot or Lowe's type store, but in reality, Ukraine's Epicentr Hypermarket's are much bigger than that. In this video I show you inside our local Epicentr Hypermarket in Ukraine.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

I Think I Am, Therefore I Am.. Not Necessarily


Philosopher John Searle addresses consciousness as a biological phenomenon

Chasing Our Own Tails
The statement "I think, therefore I am" could be said to be awareness of oneself. Awareness is nothing more then a product of consciousness. Since without consciousness (in a unconscious state) there can be no such self awareness it can be said we don't exist unto ourselves under these conditions. However a person outside of our self is still consciously aware of our being while we are lay in a state of unconscious. So this doesn't mean that we don't exist, right? But where do we exist? In their consciousness not in our own under these conditions. So now we've become dependant on someone other then ourselves or what we call 'collective consciousness" for our continued existence.

Let's Take This All The Way To The Top
In the beginning there could exist no self awareness nor consciousness within the creator since both are products of biological conditions (humans). In order to bring about conscious awareness the creator (God) would have to first create humans. However in order to do that the creator would have to first develop a plan. A plan which of course would require self awareness that it/she/he existed in the first place. All which at first seems could only come about after the creation of humans, not before. Seems we're in a paradoxical catch-22 situation, no?

What Came 1st Can't Be Lesser Then What Came After
Scripture tells us the eye cannot see it's own self. Therefore it follows conscious awareness only exist as a reflection. That makes this "I think, therefore I am" nothing more then a reflection of something far larger going that cannot not possibly be understood by the human mind. If the only tool we have is our mind and it is operating within itself, it cannot possibly hope to understand what's truly going on through intellectual musings within it's own limited perimeters.. Back to that old catch 22 again, eh?

It is said everything that exist lay within all things that don't. The latter being far greater. Some lean on faith for what they cannot understand. Some simply block out anything they don't understand or care to think about. Still others make up things and declare them truths for what they can't comprehend. Each are much like the unconscious person I mentioned above.

There is yet another way to approach this (since no one can understand through one's human faculties). For the sake of definition I will call it 'taking a stance'. If one simply takes a stance (position) that the universe (and all the people in it both good and evil) is what it is and accepts that, one becomes more attune (one with it). Some religious philosophers called it surrendering to 'God's Will'. I'd rather think of it as leaving one's ego behind. Another way of saying it is 'going with the flow'.

All Our Troubles Begin With the 'Ego'
You Can't Beat The System

The human 'ego' tries to beguile us into thinking we are lazy, surrendering or uncaring when we resist our inclinations to 'change the world'. Whenever human reasoning gives into the temptation to change the world, what results is conflict with others. Things like wars and social bickering with those who's minds will never adapt to our own views no matter how much we argue. Simply put our world and the universe is what it is. Accept the world for what it is or die trying to make it what we think it should be. Either way the world will be much the same way it was when we came into it as it will be when we leave it.

The short and long of it is, enjoy the ride while it last. Whoever or whatever the creator is/was or what ever evolves is larger then we who are only temporary reflections of that. To do otherwise would be like a shadow (reflection in a mirror) trying to outwit that which is standing before it.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Stocks-- Most Americans Don't Benefit From Record Highs

Repost From 2018

When it comes to stocks they're not a great way to measure American incomes I'll explain why.

Only about 54% of Americans are invested in them through their retirements plans (like the 401's), mutual funds, pensions and so forth. Meaning some 46% are foreign owned. So when the stock market does well nearly half of it's wealth benefits investors in other countries.

92% of stocks are owned by 20% of the wealthiest investors. This means 80% are left to divvy 8% of the remaining wealth between themselves throughout the world. Since only 54% are American investors it appears not as many as we're lead to believe are benefiting.

Therefore I conclude the stock market does very little to benefit the average smuck unless they're in upper management receiving a profit sharing plan.

A Word About 401K Plans
In 2018 employees are allowed to contribute up to $18,500 a year. To my way of thinking workers are giving a good chunk back to the corporations. These companies can use this tax free money right now, On the other hand employees have only a piece of paper with numbers on it until they can start withdrawing their money at retirement. A lot can go wrong between now and then.

In my case I chose to keep my money, pay taxes on it now instead of later. Then using it to pay down ahead on my 30 year mortgage while setting some aside in FDIC insured savings accounts. The average return on of the S&P between 1973 and 2016 was 11.69%. That's all fine and dandy but when you're 70 1/2 and are forced to start taking money out (paying taxes on it) better hope it isn't a year stocks take a tumble or if tax rates should go up over what they are now.

Here's how I benefited on the mortgage alone.
My original 30 year mortgage was around 10%. Compounded over 30 years it would have totaled 315.92%. Divided evenly over 30 years it would have averaged 10.53%. Even if the average S&P' returns were 11.69% it wouldn't have included the fees I'd end up paying. Plus I wouldn't be able to get at my money to do what I did.

After a few years I refinanced the remaining balance on my mortgage at 6%. Instead of keeping the extra $700 I saved monthly I put in on the new mortgage. Hence being able to pay it off 10 years before retirement rather then still be paying on it for 8 years into my I retirement. Since it was paid off 10 years before I retired I was able to then use a chunk of that former mortgage payment for savings. Besides, who wants to pay a mortgage or ever escalating rents when they're on a fixed income if they can buy a house early enough?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Maybe someone is comfortable with a finance company holding their deed over them for 30 years while they gamble on the stock market. I wasn't. After I wised up I rolled over what ever little I had of my 401K into a no fee, no risk FDIC insured IRA savings account years ago. Good I did or it would have taken a shellacking in 2008. This along with some regular savings. This doesn't mean I'm well off by any means but it sure beats allowing others to manipulate what little assets I've accumulated.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

It's Bat Season Again!

If I didn't have CCTV cameras I'd never know when we'd be sharing living space inside my home. This since they only come out at night while we're sleeping.

It's a game and hide and seek in the morning. Where oh where could it be hiding? We usually get two a year NOT FUN!

Thank goodness for cameras.
Good the cat doesn't tangle with them

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Ever Hear Of Israel Kamakawiwo’ole?


Documentary about Israel Kamakawiwo’ole

Born: May 20, 1959, Honolulu, HI
Died: June 26, 1997 (age 38 years)

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Taylor Swift Music Compared To The Beatles Members'

Yes Taylor Swift has bigger audiences then the Beatle members did. BUT consider this..

(1) Back in the Beatles days there was no streaming. They had to do things the hard way. Through individual physical album sales.

(2) The Beatles didn't rely on costumes and multimillion dollar stage effects (they simply wore pants).

(3) Which songs do you think will endure far longer through the test of time?

(4) Nearly every song Beatle members wrote were far different then the ones they recorded before. They most certainly had far greater inventiveness blazing through new and unproven genres far different from one to the next.

(5) Taylor's vocal style is bland compared to the greats like Aretha Franklin, Liza Minnelli, Patsy Cline, Tammy Wynette, Tina Turner, Otis Redding, Teddy Pendergrass and so many others. In other words she's not a soulful singer who can generate a wide range of emotions.

(6) As far as I'm concerned no matter how many stadiums her recording company can fill she's still just a popular singer but never be one of the greats in my book.

The Making Of..

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Who Knew Jeff Daniels Could Sing Like This

During a conversation about Jeff Daniel's love of music, Jeff shocks Kelly Clarkson with a moving performance on the acoustic guitar of one of his original songs.

Phrases You Don't Hear Anymore


Be sure to refill the ice trays, we're going to have company.

Watch for the postman, I want to get this letter in the mail today.

Quit slamming the screen door when you go out !

Don't forget to wind your clock before bed.

Don't you go outside with your school clothes on.

Take that empty bottle to the store so you won't have to pay deposit.

Quit jumping on the floor, I have a cake in the oven.

Let me know when the Fuller Brush man comes by.

Don't lose that button; I won't be able to sew it back on.

Soak your foot in this pan of kerosene so it doesn't get infected.

Hurry up and finish drying the dishes.

I'm going out and compression start the car.

I have to take the wash off the line before we leave.

I'm running out of fresh boiled diapers.

Why would I need a phone in my bedroom?

Don't forget to leave a note for the milkman.

The car needs to get it's points adjusted.

Isn't a skateboard nothing more then a scooter with a broken handle?

I just met the cutest 'soda jerk'.

Got to go and boil some baby bottles.

Socks need darning.

TV's acting up. I'm going down to the store's tube tester.

The coal bin is almost empty.

The record player needs a new needle.

I ran out of carbon paper.

The 8 track mangled the tape.. AGAIN !

I got that information on my 'rolodex'.

The Mimeograph needs more stencils

The handle is broke on the office adding machine.

Encyclopedia salesman is at the door.

Insurance man is here for this month's payment.

Check the oil. Give me $2 worth of gas.

I'm taking the toaster down to the fix-it shop.

What's 'revolving credit'?

Hospital says there's no smoking near the oxygen tent.

When cigarettes go to 35¢ I'm quitting!

Try pumping it & pull the choke out.

Use the electric plug in the floor.

Where's the # key on my rotary?

Beer delivery man is here !

Did you hear, the soda's machine is going up to 25¢?

With cable TV you can now get 12 channels !

HiFi Stereo.. wow !

Which should I buy.. VHS or Betamax?

Why should I put 'siding' on my house?

Triple track windows are the way to go !

The push mower needs sharpening

The ash man comes on Tuesdays.

The wringers are shot on my washing machine.

My dungarees need patching.

Doctor says we can pay him next time he comes to the house.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Online Price Steering


Margot Peppers for MailOnline: Price-steering: How e-commerce websites charge some customers more for the same item-- "According to a study by computer scientists at Northeastern University, many major e-commerce sites personalize prices per customer, depending on what software they use or their browser history."

Although I ran across this same thing, I wasn't aware this was a deliberate act. When I was looking to buy my security cameras online at a major online site the price for each camera was $100. I did a bit of searching on Google and was surprised there was another page on this very same site which offered them for $80. This was the exact same camera from the same retailer. So apparently they have two exact pages in two separate locations offering two different prices. A total savings of $80.

So it does appear they set up two different pages depending how a customer comes into the site. While I did not clear my browser's history nor try using a different browser that's something I'll have to try in the future.

Watch out for so-called 'free shipping' versus the total purchase price. Sometimes it ends up costing more. As do some of those offers that come in via email with discount codes. On a number of occasions I found items cheaper elsewhere w/o the discount codes.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

I Want to Break Free' (Queen) Performed In North Korea

Yeah sure they're fake but still super cool
Maybe Kim Jong Un secretly enjoys them.
Never know.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Scientific Explanation For Bad Behavior


For quite sometime I've questioned why people over the last few years seem to have less and less ethics, civility and moral turpitude.

Do I finally have my answer?

Research from MIT suggest: "Moral Judgments Can Be Altered"

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers affected activity in the right temporo-parietal junction (located at the brain’s surface above and behind the right ear). They construed that "People's moral judgment can be altered by disrupting part of the brain"

Pardon me while I make a giant leap here and say..
Hmmm.. this could explain a whole lot, eh?

Monday, May 6, 2024

Johnny's Slowly Making His Way Back To Ukraine

Johnny is slowly making his way back to his apartment in Kyiv over the next few weeks. He spent the past month with his relatives in Taiwan the birth place of his parents. Currently they live in LA but it was cheaper to bring them over then what it would cost to visit them in the USA. This video describes his 22 hour layover in Singapore's Changi Airport before his next stop in Athens.

I've been following Johnny for some time and have been surprised over his many travels in other countries where you wouldn't think English was spoken. Sometimes prices are a fraction of what things cost here if you know where to look. Here in the United States we like to think we're the cat's meow. Tell me we have any airport in the United States anything like this one in Malaysia.

Not only Johnny but three other world travelers who make me realize Americans are not the only pebble on the beach. Some country's governments are unfriendly but the people themselves are surprising welcoming. Sometimes more so then we are here in the USA. While this airport wasn't particularity inexpensive there are some countries where he stayed cost less then $1,000 a month for all expenses in some really beautiful accommodations. You just need to know where to go, away from the touristy areas.

Music Break With Ray Benson | Brennen Leigh

Good stuff, eh?

Saturday, May 4, 2024

LVCI Going To Jail ?

Repost From 2016

Oh No, Say It Isn't So !

This is an example of the calls going around from these scumbags. There's a few things that should be a tip off. They gave no specific information knowing who I am. It was a Robo call. This IRS only does business in this way by certified, registered mail or by a process server coming to your home. Even if some scumbag should come to your door the documents themselves will list all your personal details that crooks have no way of knowing. Take it and don't leave them in under any circumstance.

The IRS itself warned on August 2nd, 2016 there's been a surge in automated phone scam calls.-- "The IRS has seen an increase in “robo-calls” where scammers leave urgent callback requests through the phone telling taxpayers to call back to settle their “tax bill.” These fake calls generally claim to be the last warning before legal action is taken.... Scammers are evolving and using more and more automated calls in an effort to reach the largest number of victims... If you think you might owe taxes, call the IRS directly at 800-829-1040."

Don't be stupid. Before responding in anyway what-so-ever call the IRS number mentioned above to make an inquiry no matter the circumstance which you've been approached.

Hey I may look stupid.

May even be possibly dumb...

BUT I didn't just crawl out from under the cabbage patch yesterday either !

It use to be a cell phone number out of Los Angeles, California.
Not exactly what the IRS would be using, is it?

Thursday, May 2, 2024

"Person Of Interest"


Another series we used to enjoy.
Why The Show Was Cancelled
"Here's why Person of Interest was cancelled after season 5 and what season 6's story could've been about. The action-thriller series was based on the concept of an artificial intelligence called The Machine that could predict murders before they happen."

Show Opening Season 1 (2011)

Knowing today there's facial recognition software, cellphone tracking, trojan virus malware, etc. this program was not as far fetched as some may believe it once was. Who knows what the government (and others) may have at their disposal.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

It's A Rich Man's World

It's getting harder and harder to earn a decent buck when so few control so much. It's been said, too many people are spending their time and effort doing work instead of making actual money. At this point in time we probably have more investors living off the backs of laborers then any time in history.

We know the turnover in these kinds of businesses are huge. How do you keep a manager? Convince him to buy a franchise. Then they ain't going nowhere. Can't be fun being sandwiched between employee cost and those they must pay for equipment, supplies and dictated to what their prices they're allowed to charge by their corporate overlords.

In short, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. This ever widening gap is becoming unsustainable. Seems there's little we can do about it. Doesn't look like we can depend on government on either side of the aisle to do anything about it. In fact it may played a part in creating this situation we finnd ourselves in.

I Remember A Time...


* Telephones didn't need to be updated every month.
* A toll booth collector would make change & provide direction information
* We had the same postal delivery carrier everyday
* The same grocery & bank cashier was there next week
* Cars weren't entertainment and communication centers
* Cops & people weren't considered adversaries
* Saturday mornings TV was for kids
* Door to door callers weren't scam artists
* Teachers were respected
* Attendants pumped gas, checked the oil, tire pressure, washed the windshield and gave green stamps to boot!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

President Biden On Meeting His 1st Wife (Howard Stern)

Who says Joe Biden isn't clear thinking and has trouble speaking?
Seems fine to me.

About the Death of His Son Beau

Friday, April 26, 2024

Tips To Help Secure Your Wi-Fi


Not only is it important to install the latest firmware. Create a strong password. But it can also be useful to create a name for your network which might put some people off from being inclined to use it such as...

On the other hand you may want to steer a family member in the right direction.

A few years ago (when the college boys lived next door) they labeled theirs "MrDelish". Personally I prefer to label mine "ERROR: Not Found".

Friday, April 19, 2024

Arizona's Old/New Abortion Ban
The history of Arizona’s Civil War-era abortion ban
"The Republican-controlled Arizona House has repeatedly refused to take up a measure to repeal a Civil War-era state law that amounts to a near-total ban on abortion following an Arizona Supreme Court ruling earlier this month that the law can be enforced.

The state's near-total ban, which predates Arizona's statehood, permits abortions only for saving the woman's life and provides no exceptions for rape or incest"

Meet it's 1864 author

Is this really what we want to do. Go dig through every piece of legislation for the past 160 years nitpicking till we come across something we can hang on somebody. Do you have any idea how many tens of thousands of laws exist that we never undone? We make laws but seldom if ever eliminate them no matter how stupid they sound now.

Can you imagine..

Yes we keep on creating new laws without ever considering how many of these pile up over time. Thus making almost everything unlawful if legal beagles are able to dig one up against someone for just about any reason. Arizona must be proud of itself coming up with this historically ancient piece of crap. Shame on them!.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Pennsylvania's Traveler Information System: 511PA


Motorists can check road conditions on more than 2,900 miles of state roads by visiting

511PA is free and available 24 hours a day, provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, average traffic speeds on urban interstates and access to more than 670 traffic cameras. 511PA also provides easy-to-use, color-coded winter road conditions for all interstates and other routes covered in the 511 reporting network.

Access to 511PA is also available by calling 511.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Took A Video Of Myself During The Eclipse

The rapture happened this morning.
So, if you're reading this, well, I have some bad news for you...


Friday, April 5, 2024


I was born in 1948 after this took place. As a boomer very little of this was taught to us in school. I, like probably everyone else, knew little of this. I found it rather shocking to learn how close we came to losing our democracy. Perhaps it's time every person born after 1948 should be shown this video in schools and elsewhere.

Many of the parallels in politics today as then are quite concerning. Sometimes history repeats itself. Are we at similar crossroads once again?

53.19 Minutes

The United States has come close to falling apart several times throughout our history. Let us not experience it's collapse with today's extreme differences in party beliefs. We seen it happen in other countries like China, Russia and several other countries with their prior governments. Dozens of others are going through this on this very day. There's no guarantees United States be an exception. Let this serve as a danger signal for what fate could await us if things don't turn out well as they did in the past.

Maybe I've not made myself clear enough

See the parallels?
Your call America