Thursday, July 25, 2024

Playlist Of Seven Music Videos I Came Across

"Person Of Interest" (Repost)

Another series we used to enjoy.
Why The Show Was Cancelled
"Here's why Person of Interest was cancelled after season 5 and what season 6's story could've been about. The action-thriller series was based on the concept of an artificial intelligence called The Machine that could predict murders before they happen."

Show Opening Season 1 (2011)

Knowing today there's facial recognition software, cellphone tracking, trojan virus malware, etc. this program was not as far fetched as some may believe it once was. Who knows what the government (and others) may have at their disposal.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Liberals Are Blah, Blah- Conservatives Are Blah, Blah

Repost From November 23, 2016

Ever notice how conservatives say liberals are blah, blah, blah...?
Ever notice how liberals say conservatives are blah, blah, blah...?

Neither has the right to define the other!
It's amusing how conservatives think themselves experts on liberals. Just as it for liberals who seek to define what conservatives believe. Both seem to think they know more about the other guy then the person does him or her self. Generally speaking the world isn't so simple as people being 100% aligned with either ideology on either side.

Over the last few months I've observed on social media, local blogs and in mainstream media far too much pandering given to those who divide us. I'm disappointed this has become the norm. It's should be everyone's responsibility-- including mine-- to reject such divisiveness.

Anyone who participates in journalism or on social media sites (such as this) each bears responsibility in seeking those things which unites us rather then those which further divide us from one and other. There's too much trash talking and not enough people speaking towards our common bonds.

I really truly hope this isn't the nation we've become.-- or have we?

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Fake News From Allentown


* Lehigh County Water Authority announced it's leasing out it's water agreement to Allentown.

* Council is considering a measure to require all of Allentown's automobile drivers to be licensed

* Neuweiler Brewery could become a haunted house attraction this October

* Bon Ton announced Hess's may be coming back to downtown Allentown pending NIZ approval.

* Mayor announces measure to eliminate city council. City council expected to approve.

* Train service to resume. Trains will depart from LVIA for Newark International Airport.

* Parking authority will begin issuing tickets to drivers who expired.

* Riparian buffers to be planted around all the city's storm drains.

* City considering installing toll booths on each of the parking deck levels.

* Fairgrounds sold for a new warehouse location.

* Area warehouse owners announce conversions for indoor farming.

* Just announced. ASD plans to profit from it's own new casino.

* Allentown becomes officially named as NYC's sixth borough.

* Officials considering removing all traffic signals in hopes of cutting down commute times.

* Pennsylvania looking into installing bike lanes on Route 22 and I-78.

* Newly formed organization called "Trails To Rails".

* Fracking soon to begin in 'Trexler Park',

* New 30 year term limits set for mayor of Allentown.

* New newspaper called "The Mourning Call" coming to Allentown.

* Latest restaurant announced it's closing on opening day.

* Newest affordable housing complex called "Tents Along The Lehigh" will announce shortly.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

600 Song Samples From 1966 Thru 1969

The following clips were from the height of AM radio days. Unlike today's machined music each were entirely different from the other. No computer generated "beat box" back tracks. Nor pitch correction software used. Plus a whole variety of different instruments and arraignments. Each created their own original distinctive style. Think about this, each video features about 150 hits per year. A once very robust music industry for sure!

So which year was your favorite?

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Allentown Where's The Jobs?


The Way It Once Was
A partial list of significant jobs within the city limits which no longer exist
     A&B & Swift meats
     Western Electric
     Mack Trucks
     Bell Telephone
     Allen Laundry
     Dozens of textile mills
     Several large department stores
     General Electric
     Numerous repair shops (we don't repair things anymore)
     Gas station attendants & repair bays
     Dairy, beer & soda makers
     Home delivery & huckster jobs
     Metal and large machinery repair shops

I'm sure old timers can think of many more. What each had in common was a kid could get out of high school and land one of these jobs without additional education. Most employers provided their own onsite training.

Here's The Pickle We're In
There are tons of people who graduate each year who will have none these same opportunities Few will become rocket scientists, world famous physicians or entertainment superstars. There are all kinds of reasons why these jobs no longer exist. Still the fact remains these kind of job opportunities remain a relic of the past for the average schmuck. The vast majority will be relegated to finding a warehouse, service or burger flipping job being unable to support families. Far more feeling left out in the cold and frustrated from even landing these kind of jobs.

How Do We Fix This?
One thing I can tell ya jobs scraping the ice, bartending and flipping burgers at the arena on event nights a couple of nights a month isn't going to cut it. Neither is being on call to clean hotel rooms and offices. Frankly I wouldn't wait for a political hack to come up with solutions at either the federal, state or local levels. Everything's changed.

If I were graduating high school today here's a few things I might consider* Two years will get someone a ticket in the fields of radiology or nursing
* 6-24 months earns one a ticket to become an EMT or Paramedic
* Cops get paid well requiring minimal education for some departments
* Join the Navy or Air Force (where you're not likely to get your butt shot)
* Plumbing or electrical work
* Apply everywhere for city or park work
* Run unopposed for state office (not silly as it sounds)
I'm sure there's plenty more I haven't thought of. What each has in common they require the least investment in both time and money. One thing's for sure, it beats waiting around for some politician's promises. None of them are ever going to bring back manufacturing or the job opportunities of the 60's.