Saturday, June 20, 2015

Molovinsky Called It Years Ago!

Well it finally happened!

Massive retaining wall collapses
"Allentown police say a 50-foot section of retaining wall collapsed along the Lehigh Parkway Saturday morning... As a result, the Lehigh Parkway entrance off of Jefferson Street is closed until further notice."

It wasn't like M. Molovinsky didn't warn us years ago. Check out his post from almost 1 year to the day.-- In Comments Michael said, "As a proponent of the WPA it's very discouraging. not one penny has been spend doing even one repair in the last 6 years. The parkway wall was supposed to be reinforced with buttresses."

Allentown >> SMOOTH MOVE EX-LAX!


  1. Amazing how you ignored to mention that wall was currently under repair and the recent heavy rains caused it to collapse. Good job on spinning the story. No wonder no one takes you seriously.

    1. Anonymous Sunday, June 21, 2015 at 1:21:00 AM EDT
      Amazing how you ignored to mention that wall was currently under repair...

      Four days ago on Thursday WFMZ Reported, " will take a month or two for the design work to be completed, then the city will seek bids to hire stone masons to do the work." I wonder then how long after that would it have taken the masons to work it into their schedule?

      Point is-- Allentown screwed around for years with one study after another w/o actually doing repairs. I'm certain now that the wall has become a rock pile they'll commission yet another. I think everyone understands by now what it actually means when government says they want to do a study.

    2. and the recent heavy rains caused it to collapse

      Heavy rains didn't cause this wall that stood against the elements for nearly 90 years to collapse. That's an excuse. Neglecting it did

      No bridge, building, pipeline or retaining wall can go this long w/o proper maintenance and repair. So now I suppose we can just go around blaming the "heavy rain" or "rough winter" for the next bridge collapse, gas line explosion or water main break. Yeah sure, like none these had anything to do with neglect?

  2. Wrong..... "The portion that fell was part of a restoration of the wall."

    1. It's the Moring Call's incorrect assumption. It should have read-- The portion that fell was part of a "PLANNED" restoration of the wall.

      Even if it were true (which I don't believe it is) wouldn't this mean it was really crappy work?


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