Sunday, February 26, 2017

Large Flowerheads Allentown Masonic Temple (Music Video)

(February 25, 2017)

Anyone Can Live Forever In Virtual World

It use to be said pictures were absolute poof. Not anymore. This is true with videos as well. What an amazing time we live in.

So if you think someone filmed space aliens... maybe you want to think again.

Using CGI to bring actors back to life (CBS Sunday Morning )

Here's one such example...


Linear vs. Non-Linear Thinking

I became interested in this because of the Oscar noninated movie "Arrival" (2016).

I've always been a fan of Sci-Fi stories. So too the way these writers get me to thinking.

Aside from the plot the biggie here is the difference with how these aliens think in "non-linear" terms opposed to how we think "linearly". In other words we humans think in sequential pieces along a straight line, but that may not be the only way when it comes to understanding. Taking a closer look I see artificial intelligence developers have been working on this in great detail for some time

This can be best explained by computers having unlimited capacity for multitasking--something we humans are incapable of. Suppose we as a human stood before an object. We would be limited to only one view at a time. A computer on the other hand could be looking all 360 degrees around, over/under and inside all at the same time. While our human minds could understand each individually we'd never be able to comprehend the entire composite make up in one sitting other then metaphorically.

Now apply this to the universe in all it's complexity. Suppose a artificial intelligence could be developed which could take in everything which makes up a galaxy. Light, gravity, it's entire structure including each black hole, sun, planet, radio waves, all there is within along with the scientific formulas controlling them all at the same time. Us humans limited to linear thinking would have to rely on thousands of other minds in an attempt to develop some sort of metaphorical understanding. A view far different from it's actual over all totality.

This is what fascinated me about this movie. What if there were an alien race not limited to such things. A race who could multitask in a non-linear fashion--unfettered by our own limited sequential (straight line) cognitive logic?

In the movie our hero linguist discovers where you start out (in a circle of logic) each will produce a different outcome. However these aliens try to express the entire number of possible outcomes in a single spiral. Fully understanding this creates results entirety different from those assumed prior.

This is the challenge today's AI developers face when trying to create algorithms capable of human understanding as to what has been culled. In other words someday we may be too limited by our abilities to relate to these so-called machines. This leads to the question whether we will play a part in the future of how ever evolving intelligence. expresses itself. Will one day these devices look upon us as lower species then themselves?

The Way I See 'The Creator' (GOD)
He/she/it will occupy/express itself in whatever form there is. Humans may think themselves 'all that and more' but so do monkeys, elephants and ants who led their tribes before we came along. This creator (whatever it may be) is on an ever evolving quest to expand itself. If we're unable to transition beyond our linear measurement of thought at least we can say we contributed towards the next advancement. Every thing and everyone has it's day for a little while in the larger scheme of things. Hopefully he/she/it will look upon us gracefully.

Final Thought
I really appreciate movies/TV and all those who inspire others to think outside the box. H/T to each and every one of them. Keep em' coming.

When Wealth And Power Not Equitably Shared

We should be ever reminded when wealth and power is concentrated in too few hands things get volatile. It's a never ending cycle. One which is pertinent today as it was back then. It appears to me all the turbulence we constantly experience throughout the world is a result of such imbalances.

Making use of the military is a really poor choice. A solution can never be achieved without recognizing where lies the root cause--poverty, injustice, greed. Bombs can't fix those. Only good minded smart leadership having the strong will of the people behind them can.

Not too many of these around. Hence why we constantly keep having these messes.

What caused the French Revolution? (TED-Ed)

Friday, February 24, 2017

Warmest February Day On Record

Lehigh Valley had its warmest February day on record
By Steve Novak |
"A high of 77 degrees made Friday the warmest February day on record in Allentown, according to the National Weather Service in Mount Holly, N.J."

Although I usually wait till March--warm as this day was--it gave me an opportunity to trim my small rosaceae trees for a couple of hours today. Kind of figured it would be a good idea especially if we have an early growing season.

These are great plants because they produce flowers throughout August when many other plants gave up their bloom providing nectar for bees beyond the normal blossoming season.

Besides it also gave me a opportunity to get some exercise I usually don't have this time of year. I can't wait for more warm days like these.

Despite what that rodent from Punxsutawney said on Grundsaudaag... hopefully Spring will come around early this year. I'm pumped.

LVCI's Retirement Savings Advice

Philadelphia pension fund lost $149 million in 2016
Claudia Vargas | (February 23, 2017)
"The 2016 loss was due to market investments that went south, losing 3.17 percent of the fund’s value, and a reduction in the assumed rate of return from 7.8 percent ..."

Here's What I Did
When I was working I had the choice to stash a bunch of loot in my employer's 401k. Instead I paid far larger amounts into my mortgage payments. I doubled the payments. In the last half I even made triple payments, This enabled me to payoff a 30 year mortgage in just 13 years saving me over $68,500 in interest.

My Reasoning Behind It
I thought it made little sense to have an oodle of money which would end up going towards another 15 years worth of mortgage payments after I retired. My 401k suffered nearly the same fate as Philadelphia's pensions fund. It came no where close to earning the $68,500 I saved by paying ahead on my mortgage. So this strategy panned out very well for me.

This worked out extremely well on taxes as well. Owning a home--rather then renting--allowed me to take large deductions while I was working. After retirement--since 401k savings are taxable--it allowed me to take out much less then what I'd be taxed otherwise.

This allowed me to own my home free a clear years ahead of time. This 2,117 Square foot home I'm living in costs me 1/5th in taxes what a small apartment rents for these days.

Here's the bottom line. When it comes to financial wheeler dealers they always have your money. As long as your money is tied up some where whether it be in debt or in a financial cloud it's never really yours. These gauys have lots of skin in the game--usually it comes at your expense. There's no sense in having a bucket of money stashed away still owing a large amount of debt come retirement.

Gambling on the market with these sharks like Philly did likely will end up the same way. Anyone who believes they can make a boatload of money without working for it or without paying down debt thinking they are smarter are fooling themselves. The game is rigged against them

My alternate advice is--if someone doesn't want to follow what I did--put money aside which is FDIC insured. It may not pay out the kind of money these so-called investment advisors made with their false promises but by doing it so in this way one can be assured it will actually still be there at retirement.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Yahoo Other Planets Where We Could Live

BUT... they are 40 light years away from Earth.

Seven Earth-size planets where life may be possible
Irene Klotz | Reuters (Feb 22, 2017)
"Astronomers have found a nearby solar system with seven Earth-sized planets, three of which circle their parent star at the right distance for liquid surface water, raising the prospect of life, research published on Wednesday showed."
Not exactly what I would call "nearby" to my way of thinking. Even if we could travel there I'm not sure several generations later my offsprings would appreciate being born on a space ship upon such an endeavor over the years it would take at our present rate of travel. No doubt we'd have to drag along another ship with several tons of supplies to get started. Who's to say the seeds we brought along could be cultivated. There may be no animals we could consume either.

But hey it's start I suppose. Something to think about once this planet becomes exhausted.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Three Gods Riddle (TED-Ed Video)

This sounds like something a clever prosecutor, detective or U.S. intelligence official might find useful. Who knows the clever ways some of them might have been taught similar to this methodology.

Seems equally possible the formula <+ +> + <- -> might prove useful in scientific experimental outcomes as well. Can't rule out the possibly a fake mentalist couldn't use it to their advantage either. Sure a lot of clever people out there. Certainly not what I could have come up with. That's for sure!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Gun Safety: Did You Know...

Defective or not, the government can't recall your gun

When it comes to guns, federal agencies have no recall power

CBS's '60 Minutes' posted online a video piece entitled Popular Remington 700 rifle linked to potentially deadly defect in which they said, "..10 attorneys general wrote the court saying, “There are potentially as many as 7.5 million defective rifles at issue.” And that, “Remington knows or should know…they are unreasonably dangerous.”

It pays to have good lobbyists. I'm of the opinion purchasers of weapons should have one of their own if the NRA isn't going to look out for them.

How Federal Elections Are Rigged

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Facebook Video

Posted February 14, 2017

Lady Gaga's Super Bowl Raw Mic Feed

1,215,025 views as of 02/19/2017 3:25 PM

No faking... THE LADY GOT IT !

Sunday, February 19, 2017

In Allentown Even Doggies Are Gentrified

"Downtown Allentown is about to get its first dog park, but before business district residents who struggle daily to find a patch of green for their pooch get too excited, they should know that only patrons of Strata apartments and the Renaissance Hotel will be allowed to use it...

The lighted park will include a picket fence and a locked gate that Strata residents and Renaissance Hotel visitors will be able to access using their apartment or room keys."

After taxpayers backed nearly $1B of NIZ development--and still counting--neither they nor their doggies are welcome. Should we think of this as Allentown's version of club "Mar-a-Lago" for doggies ?

Other's doggies will just have to crap on the other side of the fence I suppose. How inclusive !

Get In On The Conversation

I've posted a bunch of things over the last month,

I'm looking for some feedback... got any for me?

Love cha hear from ya.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Magic Bank Account

Imagine that you had won the Following *PRIZE* in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 In your private account for your use. However, this prize has Rules.

The set of Rules:1. Everything that you didn't spend during each day would be taken away from you.
2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account.
3. You may only spend It.
4. Each morning the bank opens with another $86,400 for that Day.
5. The bank can end the game without warning. At any time it can say, "Game Over!" It can close the account and you will not receive a new one.

What would you personally do?
You would buy anything and everything you wanted right? Not only for yourself, but for all the people you love and care for. Even for people you don't know, because you couldn't possibly spend it all on yourself, right? You would try to spend every penny, and use it all, because you knew it would be replenished in the morning, right?

Actually this GAME is real. Each of us is already a winner of this *PRIZE*. We just can't seem to see it. The PRIZE is *TIME*

Each morning we awaken to Receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of Life. And when we go to sleep at night any remaining time is not credited to us. What we haven't used up that day is forever lost. Yesterday is forever gone. Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank can dissolve your account at any time WITHOUT WARNING...

So, what will you do with your 86,400 seconds?

Friday, February 17, 2017

Mayor To Spread The Good Word

"The mayor will travel to Racine, Wisconsin, where he is scheduled to speak before a city council there on Monday (02/20/2017). Pawlowski's presentation will focus heavily on downtown development. Racine is weighing whether to construct a $40 million, 3,800 seat downtown arena with an attached hotel."


"Allentown, Pa., Mayor Ed Pawlowski will no longer visit Racine to talk about Allentown’s downtown arena. However, Racine city staff will make Pawlowski’s presentation for him at the scheduled 6 p.m. Monday meeting of the City Council’s Committee of the Whole."

9 Candidates For Allentown Mayor And Still Counting

Second Republican enters race for Allentown mayor
By Emily Opilo | The Morning Call
"The already crowded race for Allentown mayor just got a little more crowded. Republican Christopher Pez announced this week that he will be running for Allentown's highest office. He is the ninth candidate to enter the race."
My goodness soon we'll have more candidates then a dog has fleas. What each seem to have in common is either they are retired or have little else in the way of another source of income. I wonder how many would be interested if the job paid less?

My bet would be on the incumbent mayor Pawlowski winning. With so many choices I suspect most will vote for the name they recognize. Allentown voters have proven time and again they're not involved in details.

Some will always vote for a Democrat. Others--if they bother to vote at all--won't take two minutes out to study a candidate's background. That's just the way it's always been. I expect it to be no differently in this round.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Canadian Passports Being Rejected At The Border

Without posting a bunch of links (people can look that up for themselves) there's a bunch of people being denied entry in the United States holding valid passports from Canada. One such woman was from Morocco who lived in Canada for twenty years and came across regularly to shop and visit family in Connecticut. Another an athletic student.

I'm sure there's plenty more we may or may not hear about. The point is this. How far is this nonsense going to go?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Are Gun Control Wackos Running Amok?

Visa Crackdown Rural Doctors At Risk

Source: CNN: Money

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Chaffetz Town Hall Meeting Got Ugly

Chaffetz says town hall crowd tried 'bullying and intimidation'
By Lisa Riley Roche | Desert News Utah (Feb. 10, 2017)
"You could see it online a couple days before, a concerted effort in part to just cause chaos," the Utah Republican said Friday. "Democrats are in disbelief that they have nothing but flailing and screaming to deal with this."...

Another longtime Trump supporter, Senate Majority Leader Ralph Okerlund, R-Monroe said,... "This is taking it to a new level. All of the demonstrations and some of the vehemence that we have not seen before."

As you can see from the clips below these liberals got quite ugly.

I apologize.
Those were clips of 'Tea Party' protestors in 2009.

The President Seems Confused

Maybe we should give President Trump some slack. Sometimes it takes a while for a new president to understand all the players when they first come into office.

Johnny Carson as Ronald Reagan (1982)

Friday, February 10, 2017

Illegal Immigration Not Bad As Made Out To Be

Should we allow everyone flood across our border... absolutely not!
But what if a person worked hard, paid taxes, raised a family and kept their nose clean for decades?

There's a price to pay not only for them but it becomes very expensive for taxpayers to simply round them and send them back. In doing so we might be shooting ourselves in the foot. In a number of cases it leaves their families financially devastated with many ending up on taxpayer supported government programs they otherwise would not. Farmers who can't find labor. Less revenue coming into our economy, taxes and a few other considerations as the following videos points out.

One of the legacy's Ronald Reagan left behind was his 1986 amnesty program for illegal immigrants. At the time it was thought by a number people on both sides of the aisle to be a common sense solution all things considered-- could it be one now as well?

California State Senate Leader: ‘Half My Family’ Here Illegally
Published on Feb 5, 2017

Undocumented immigrants contribute $231 million in Arizona taxes Alone
Published on Mar 2, 2016

Broken lives of immigrants deported from US to Mexico- BBC News
Published on Mar 20, 2014

Illegals Taking American Jobs?
Published on Jul 23, 2014

Real Tear Jerker From The X Factor UK

If this doesn't move you, nothing ever will

Caitlyn Vanbeck - Piece By Piece by Kelly Clarkson (Aug. 2016)

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Funny Photos