Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Cover Song Video

Thriller- Michael Jackson (1930s Jazz Cover) ft. Wayne Brady

The 'Postmodern Jukebox Band' itself is scheduled to appear at the 'Santander Performing Arts Center' in Reading, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7:30 PM.

Regular tickets are $32.50-$49.50. The highest are $105-$135 for front row seating.

This is not a paid advertisement

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Immigrants Taking Jobs A Good Thing

February 2017

Anyone who is concerned about losing businesses to Mexico need to think twice. Either these workers will pick crops here or in Mexico if our farms go out of business. Same goes with the meat and dairy farms. Which do you think will end up being cheaper? Which do you think would make us less dependent? The answers should be obvious.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Marketing Our National Parks

Looking to make a couple more buck$ off our national parks the NPS announced plans to over double admittance fees during peak seasons--and that ain't all.

According to the online National Park Service Fact Sheet they are soliciting public comments from 10/24/2017 to 11/23/2017. Although I'm not sure how much weight it will carry in their decision.

The site links to THIS PDF FACT SHEET which says at 17 parks--during peak-season, the entrance fee will be $70 per private, non-commercial vehicle, $50 per motorcycle, and $30 per person. The $80 annual pass that permits entrance into all federal parks would keep the same price tag.

So let's say mom and pop bring their 2 kids 16 years or older by car into the park. That means it will cost them $190 just to get in the place during peak seasons. That may not be the whole story. Different parks may have guided excursions or special programs which would not be included.

Then There's This Press Release
Secretary Zinke Announces Largest Oil & Gas Lease Sale in U.S. History
March 2018 sale to offer 76.9 million acres in Gulf of Mexico
Date: October 23, 2017

NEW ORLEANS – U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke today announced that the Department is proposing the largest oil and gas lease sale ever held in the United States --76,967,935 acres in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico, offshore Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. The proposed region-wide lease sale, offering an area about the size of New Mexico, is scheduled for March 2018 and includes all available unleased areas on the Gulf’s Outer Continental Shelf, surpassing last year’s region-wide lease sale by about one million acres.
I only posted part of it above. Point is the fee increases alone are expected to bring in between $199.99M-$268.5 million annually-- an increase of 34.3% over fiscal Year 2016. That's a pretty steep increase in one shot. Throw in $100's of millions more from the oil and gas leases we're looking at a serious chunk of change.

Think about this. 87% of the state of Nevada is federally owned public land. In September 2017 lawsuits were filed to prevent further drilling permits issued for them. This means Nevada has little say. It's like relegating Nevada to being only a 13th of a whole state. Not saying Clive Bundy was right to graze his cattle on public land, but that kind of narrowed down his and other ranchers options didn't it? So now what--is the land just sitting their getting weeded up? Shouldn't Nevada have a greater say in what it's state's lands should be used for?

April 2017

Donald, Nevada doesn't get to "control" nor
any other state where federal lands or
coastal waters are located and allowed to drill
by the federal government.

The Point Is
I'm not thrilled with this latest announcement of drilling over 150 million acres of what is supposed to be pristine waters set aside. This defeats the very purpose why they were first created. These were never intended to become cash cows for neither the government nor fossil fuel industry.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Something Really Suspect Going On In Puerto Rico

"For the sprawling effort to restore Puerto Rico’s crippled electrical grid, the territory’s state-owned utility has turned to a two-year-old company from Montana that had just two full-time employees on the day Hurricane Maria made landfall...

Whitefish said Monday that it has 280 workers in the territory, using linemen from across the country, most of them as subcontractors...

The hourly rate was set at $330 for a site supervisor, and at $227.88 for a “journeyman lineman.” The cost for subcontractors, which make up the bulk of Whitefish’s workforce, is $462 per hour for a supervisor and $319.04 for a lineman. Whitefish also charges nightly accommodation fees of $332 per worker and almost $80 per day for food."

Paid over $227-$462 an hour--THAT'S PLAIN NUTS !!!

If I had the ultimate power (or if congress were so inclined) I'd tell the "state owned" already bankrupt utility to go stuff it. They're the reason Puerto Rico's electric grid was such a mess even before the storm. Instead I'd set up a temporary federal commission headed up by proven successful engineers from electric companies here on the mainland. After work was completed sell it (or pieces of it) off to each of the highest bidders within that group. While I was at it put a cap on how much they could pay per hour.

Here in the states we have many choices for our electric suppliers. Puerto Rico's citizens shouldn't be under the thumb of any one monopoly. Now would be the perfect opportunity since it's starting all over from the ground up.

Either this or inquire whether existing power producers would be interested in expanding there in whole or part of the areas.

Anybody but the current Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA)
PREPA has a $9 billion debt load and filed for bankruptcy earlier this year (2017). Hell if they couldn't run it even in good weather imagine how this is going to turn out. Course when your paying each worker over $1,800-$3,000+ a day with another $400+ for meals and lodging I have a pretty good hunch. Somebody's going to get screwed. Gee I wonder who?

Published on Oct 24, 2017

Monday, October 23, 2017

EPA Cancels Climate Change Conference

"EPA officials have not explained why the three agency scientists were pulled from the conference, but the move has raised alarm among those who believe the agency is silencing scientists conducting climate change research.... The EPA said in a statement that the EPA scientists are still attending the conference: “They simply are not presenting; it is not an EPA conference.”

Could this be the reason?

"Methane molecules trap roughly 30 times more heat than carbon dioxide over a century, and the gas comes from agriculture, coal and gas production, and landfills. Nitrous oxide, known as laughing gas, trap about 300 times more heat than carbon dioxide; it’s emitted by soil fertilizers and chemical production....

The U.S. could be responsible for up to 60 percent of the global spike in human-caused atmospheric methane emissions since 2002, a Harvard University study found last year. The researchers said there was too little data to identify specific sources, but the increase tracked the boom in shale oil and gas production across the country, which leaks large amounts of methane from wells and pipelines."

Yeah let's not talk about this. Maybe it'll go away if we ignore it.

The 'Sea Shepherd' Is Not A Pirate Ship

Far too many people--including myself--misunderstood what the "Sea Shepard" mission is. Most of us have only seen them interfering with fishing vessels on TV. Myself included assumed they were a rogue bunch of extreme environmentalists attacking fishing ships purely for their own beliefs. This is not the case.

Rather think of them as cops upholding international laws that nations across the world ignore. Though many nations made such agreements they are failing to live up to their promises to enforce them. That's where the "Sea Shepard" comes in. Under the U.N. World Charter for Nature, it isn’t up to one country or entity to protect our seas, it’s everyone’s responsibility. That’s where Sea Shepherd comes in. This diverse crew of volunteers from around the world literally put their lives on the line to enforce international conservation law against the illegal fishing industry.

According to their website--'Sea Shepard Global--Sea Shepherd was founded in 1977 by Paul Watson, one of the original members of Greenpeace. Since its grassroots beginnings it has grown into an unstoppable global movement with independent groups established in over 20 countries.

Sea creatures have enough problems--global ocean warming--garbage patches--oil spills. Because of these threats over fishing should be recognized as one more. Not only migratory wildlife but we as well will be impacted if our oceans become lifeless. 100,000's are employed in the industry (including those on fishing ships). Some island nations peoples entire lives depend on fishing for their subsistence.

It's a damn shame nations fail to enforce themselves. If they did (including the United States) there would be no need to depend on the crew of "Sea Shepard" to risk their lives for what nations are failing to do on their own. For that that the "Sea Shepard" organization needs to be commended..

One More Thing
It's all nice and touchy feely for the U.N. and it's members to agree to such laws--but without appropriating money or enforcement of such agreements they might as well have opened an umbrella on a sunny day or tossed a cup of water into the air thinking somehow that'll make it rain.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Racism Is Very Real

In the previous post to this I featured Harry Belafonte who fought his whole life against racism. Many would have you believe it's fiction--the work of leftists playing the race card. I'm here to tell you it's not the case. Over the last year or two racism has become more pronounced. Blame it on politicians or what you will--the fact is racism has had a resurgence.

I offer the following examples.

10/20/2017- Coatesville [Pa.] Students Leave School to Protest Racist Pumpkin Carvings

10/21/2017-- Police: 3 men made Nazi salutes, shot at protesters after Richard Spencer event

10/21/2017-- Virginia police investigating video that shows middle schoolers simulating sex, shouting racist remarks

10/19/2017-- Racist patients often leave doctors at a loss.
Dorothy R. Novick is a pediatrician in Philadelphia. “I don’t want some spic doctor, I want the other lady!” The patient was 6 years old. He leaned back on the chest of his father, who nodded silently and then agreed: “He would feel more comfortable.” My colleague, a physician-in-training who is from Colombia, stepped out and I took over."

African-American cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado were targeted with racial slurs. Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria, the school's superintendent, made a powerful speech to the academy with an important message.
CBS Evening News
Published on Sep 29, 2017

This didn't help (Sept. 2016)

There was a time when presidents faced racism head on

Point Is...
Racism is very much alive and well and has remerged it's ugly head. It's not some made up BS by the so-called liberals. Now more then ever we need someone with courage having great voice to come forward and speak against it like some of those in the past. Good lord knows we need inspiration now more then ever !


The White House 2010

Change Starts With Each Of Us...

I realize this post was very large--but I thought it deserved all the attention I could give it when it comes to racism and the kind of hatred we're seeing today.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Reduce Your Income If Spending More Then You Make

The New York Post
US Budget Deficit Hits $666B
The US budget deficit grew to $666 billion in the 2017 fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, according to data released Friday, after lawmakers took a step toward enacting $1.5 trillion in tax cuts.

The deficit increased by 13.6 percent, or $80 billion, over the prior fiscal year.

“Growth in spending outpaced growth in tax receipts for the second year in a row as a result of historically subpar economic growth,” the Treasury Department said in releasing the figures.

Three ways this could go.
(1) Federal government ignores our 20T debt and hopes the U.S. Dollar holds value.
(2) The old switcheroo: So-called tax cuts end up not being cuts after all.
(3) The shit rolls down hill theory: Cut funds to states, local governments and social needs programs.

Hell maybe all three...Why not!

Punishment Before Trial

That's what this bill amounts to.

The Control Unlawful Fugitive Felons Act would discontinue Social Security and retirement benefits to those with an outstanding arrest warrant
It only applies to those people facing federal or state felony charges subject to at least one year in prison

Labeled H.R. 2792 in the House, it was introduced in June by Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD0).

“I reject proponents’ claims that this bill only targets fugitive felons. In reality, current law terminates benefits for fugitive felons,” Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL7) said on the House floor. “This bill strikes the current restriction against fugitive felons and instead expands the benefit cutoff beyond those who are actually fleeing to encompass everybody who had some unresolved run in with the justice system based on allegation, not conviction.

The bill passed the House on September 28 by a 244–171 vote. It now goes to the Senate Finance Committee.

There' There's another problem I didn't see mentioned in the article. It could take away a possibility of someone being able to afford an attorney to represent their guilt or innocence at trial. We all know the person who usually wins is the one with the most money. A defendant having little or nor resources is a sitting duck.

Prosecutors are already at an advantage. It's not uncommon for prosecutors to seize assets before a trial if they have good reason. It skews things in their favor making a defendant less able to hire a team of lawyers to fight charges.

Everyone heard the expression about traveling down a slippery slope. In my opinion this a further step in that direction.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Got A Flat? Too Bad About That

New York Daily News
Nearly 30% of new cars don't include spare tires
"All told, 28% of 2017 model cars do not come with a spare tire as standard equipment. Instead, some vehicles include tire-inflator kits that can temporarily repair small punctures. But that does little to help a blown-out tire. “Also, tire-inflator kits can cost up to 10 times more than a tire repair and have a shelf life of only four to eight years,” according to AAA."

Come on--what did you expect for $20,000. The good thing is with GPS on-board you can call a garage telling them exactly where you are. Then wait a couple of hours for someone to come out and sell you one. Then on the other hand I'm not too hot on changing a flat on the side of a highway the way people drive these days.

Maybe I watch too many cop shows but I'd think might we be better off driving a couple of miles on the rims. Why not? The tire is shot any way. Beats getting hit.

You'd think with all the new technology around someone could come up with something better then filling a tire with air.

Member For 44 Years Had Trouble Finding Senate Chamber

According to 'Politico' 79 Year Old Mississippi GOP Sen. Thad Cochran appeared frail and at times disoriented during a brief hallway interview on Wednesday... at one point, needed a staffer to remind him where the Senate chamber is located. He started to walk into a first-floor room — though the Senate chamber is on the second floor.

On one amendment, Cochran voted “yes” despite being told by an aide to vote “no.” The staffer tried to get the senator to switch his vote, but Cochran kept flashing the “thumbs up” sign, even walking over to the clerk tallying the vote and doing so. GOP floor staffers repeatedly told him the leadership wanted a "no" vote. Several more moments passed before Cochran realized he was voting the wrong way and then changed his vote.

Unlike the private sector all anyone needs to qualify for government office is get more votes then their opponent. No aptitude/skill tests, physicals, drug test nor a employee probationary period. So if the military rejects you and companies consider you unemployable running for office just might be the ticket.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Such A Thing As Borrowing Your Way Out Of Debt?

Pennsylvania seems to think so.

Pennsylvania House OKs new deficit package
"It's built around borrowing $1.5 billion against Pennsylvania's share of the 1998 multistate tobacco settlement and extending the state sales tax to purchases in online marketplaces to raise about $50 million."

Borrow 1.5b-- Well that's one way to balance the budget.
Isn't that one of the leading causes of bankruptcy?

I knew this fella who laughed off the $100,000's he owed saying screw em'-- they can't collect when I'm dead and gone. Problem here is after these legislators are dead and gone those of us still among the living in Pennsylvania will be paying for their financial recklessness.

Hey who knows--maybe some of these legislators once voted out of office may move to some other place where the grass is greener.

Always good to have a backup plan, right?

Monday, October 16, 2017

Fevers Are Good For Your Health

Flu and cold season will soon be here along with accompanying fever. This is when most people start popping temperature reducing over the counter drugs. Unless one's temperature exceeds 104 degrees for a length of time it is exactly the wrong thing to do. While it makes someone more comfortable it slows down recovery. This is also true when someone is taking antibiotics which of themselves cause temperature rise. It's part of how they fight infection.

"Fever isn’t an illness. It’s the body’s attempt to fight illness. So when we treat fever with antipyretics, like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen, we only handcuff an important part of our immune response. Although it might seem counterintuitive, several studies have now shown that antipyretics increase the severity of infections."
Sweat It Out
I figured this out for myself. Several times I went to bed fully clothed under the electric blanket turned up high. Daytime I put on a heavy coat indoors. Most times after a day or two I felt much better, Before I tried massive doses of vitamin C and cold medications to little avail. For me what always worked best is just sweating it out.

A Word Of Caution
Like I mentioned it's not a good idea for an adult to let their temperature rise over 104 degrees for more then a few hours. If it should rise to that level for too long taking medication will help bring it down to safer levels. Somewhere between 100-102 degrees is normal for a fever.

I call this blog "Lehigh Valley Clancularius Introspectives" for a reason. It's because you'll never know what I come up with next. Please follow me via email (right sidebar) or through an RSS feed. Even if it's only one or two items you find of interest to you.
Thanks, LVCI

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Gov. Kasich Should Have Been Elected President

Although Kasich flamed out in the Republican primaries--as far as I'm concerned--he would have made a much better president then the one we have now.

Sunday, October 15, 2017
Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) joined Meet the Press

I'm certain many on today's right would label him a RINO after seeing this. There's two things to keep in mind however.

(1) In the last presidential election Donald Trump received 46.1% of the popular votes, Hillary 48.2%. Meaning--whoever ended up elected shouldn't ignore half of this country's views. This would be true if either ended up in office. By ignoring half the country it's little wonder why so little is getting done. Call Kasich a RINO if you will but it's the president's job to represent everyone even those who didn't vote for them. Being the reasonable kind of person Kasich is he recognizes this fact.

(2) Kasich may not be quite as liberal as you think. How do we know this? Because Kasich (unlike Trump) has a political record we can examine. One which doesn't look exactly liberal as Democrats would see it.
Wikipedia--Political Positions And Record
*** Abortion--Kasich is a "firm abortion opponent" and describes himself as pro-life. He says abortions should only be performed in cases of rape, incest, and when the mother's life is in danger.

*** Climate change, energy, and environment--In a speech in April 2012, Kasich acknowledged that climate change is real and is a problem. In the same speech, however, Kasich said that the Environmental Protection Agency should not regulate carbon emissions and that instead states and private companies should be in charge of regulating coal-fired power plant emissions.

*** Kasich formerly supported fracking in Ohio state parks and forests, signing legislation in mid-2011 authorizing him to appoint a five-member commission to oversee the leasing of mineral rights on state land to the highest bidder... Kasich is a supporter of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project

*** Executive clemency--He has the lowest clemency rate of any Ohio governor since at least the 1980s, when records began to be kept.

*** State budgets and taxation--During Kasich's tenure, the state has eliminated a budget shortfall that his administration has estimated at $8 billion,.. Ohio also increased its "rainy day fund" from effectively zero to more than $2 billion... Kasich "closed the budget shortfall in part by cutting aid to local governments, forcing some of them to raise their own taxes or cut services... Kasich signed a state budget in 2011 which eliminated the state's estate tax effective January 1, 2013.

*** Labor Issues--On March 31, 2011, in his first year as governor, Kasich signed into law Senate Bill 5, a controversial labor law which restricted collective bargaining rights of public employees, such as police officers, firefighters, and teachers. The legislation, championed by Kasich, prohibited all public employees from striking and restricted their ability to negotiate health care and pension benefits

*** Education--During Kasich's tenure as governor, he pushed to expand charter schools, increase the number of school vouchers that use public money to pay for tuition at private schools, implement a "merit pay" scheme for teachers, and evaluate teachers by student standardized test scores in math and reading

*** Foreign and defense policy--Kasich opposed the landmark 2015 international nuclear agreement with Iran, and in September 2015 was one of fourteen Republican governors who sent a letter to President Obama stating "that we intend to ensure that the various state-level sanctions [against Iran] that are now in effect remain in effect," despite the agreement

*** Immigration and refugees--In 2010, while running for governor, Kasich expressed support for amending the U.S. Constitution to abolish the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of jus soli (birthright) citizenship for people born in the United States.

Yet he was (and still is being) resoundingly rejected by today's right for service in Washington

Of course I don't agree with many of his policies and others I haven't listed because many of my views stand in opposite. Even so if the election would have came down to either Hillary or John I wouldn't have hesitated for a second to cast my vote for him.

The reason?
I believe he's totally honest and forthright. Well spoken. Respectful to opposing views. Greatly informed and has a good head on his shoulders. Something Hillary doesn't have and most certainly Donald Trump least of all never will.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Some Members of Congress Have Alzheimer’s?

The New York Post
Pharmacist hints some members of Congress have Alzheimer’s
A pharmacist who fills all the scrips for members of Congress says he’s given Alzheimer’s drugs to lawmakers — who may be running the country while losing their marbles.
This could explain why some of them forgot why they were elected.

Sonic Noise Cuba Says It Didn't Do It

Cubans Doubt U.S. Sonic Attacks Claims
A bizarre string of attacks on diplomats in Havana has sent Cuban-American relations to their lowest point in decades, with the Trump administration virtually closing its embassy here and expelling Cuban officials from Washington. But few people on this communist-run island believe a word of the U.S. allegations.
New York Daily News-- HEAR IT: The 'sonic weapon' Americans heard during Cuba attacks

False flag?
Who knows One thing is for sure--the U.S. isn't going to make nice any time soon nor in the foreseeable future. Donald always was against Obama's warming up our relationship with Cuba.

Boy Scouts Piss Off Girl Scouts

New York Post
Girl Scouts tear into Boy Scouts: Their house is on fire
Discord between the two organizations has been brewing since August, when Girl Scouts president Kathy Hopinkah Hannan sent a scathing letter to the Boy Scouts formally requesting that they stop their “covert campaign to recruit girls,” calling it “reckless” and “unsettling.”
Worried it's gonna cut into your cookie sales?

Interesting how we're talking about females having equality with males but when given the means are aghast. Look how about this--you both merge into one organization called "The Scouts". Yeah I didn't think so.

So now the ball's in the Girl Scouts court. Either they leave boys in or continue as they are. Let kids decide for themselves.

Your Kid Is A Bully Go To Jail

Parents Of Kid Bullies Face Jail Time
This city just north of Buffalo [New York] is getting attention for a new law that lets authorities send parents of bullies to jail for up to 15 days and fine them up to $250.
While I do see the logic I also can see downsides if this is applied excessively without commonsense. I'm thinking in terms of what hardships it could be on a single working parent. So too some brat teenager who figures out how he/she can hold parents hostage if they don't like their punishment.

This can really mess a family up especially if only one of the kids are a brat. Imagine some parent not showing up to work for 15 days Another trying to find someone to watch their others kids while they're locked up. We may have a perfectly good parent stuck with a brat who ends up getting punished more then the kid.

What kind of message does this send a kid? Do whatever you want. You won't be held accountable. Seems to me if someone wanted to make a new law the kid should be locked up for 15 days not the parent. Fined yes. Locked up no. Only lock the parent up if they fail to pay the fine. To me this makes more sense.

Firing Out The Back Door--Hiring In The Front

The Philadelphia Inquirer
Inquirer, Daily News staffers offered buyouts while newsroom plans to hire others
Philadelphia Media Network, owner of the Inquirer, the Daily News, and Philly.com, is seeking to eliminate 30 to 35 newsroom positions through buyouts and warned that it could lay off employees if it fails to reach that target. At the same time, the company is hiring 10 employees with digital-related skills... to modernize the newsroom and expand its audience on Philly.com.
It's an old story. Out with the old. In with the new. I bet cheaper too.

I wonder if they got the usual spiel about how much their experience and dedication was valued...BUT...

Friday, October 13, 2017

Loophole In 2nd Amendment?

Two Guns Per Person
The 27 words of the Second Amendment don’t say anything about how many guns someone can own in America. Neither do the other 7,564 words in the Constitution.... The Constitution certainly doesn’t mandate that Americans be allowed to own an unlimited number of guns....

Under such a two-guns-per-person law, would anyone be prevented from owning a firearm to defend themselves in their home? Clearly not. Whether or not you agree with this idea, it’s plainly correct that neither the Second Amendment nor any other part of the Constitution stands in the way of policy proposals like this one.

Yeah well as logical as that may be don't expect the NRA to endorse it. They'd sooner be shot then give an inch.

So to speak :-)

Seniors Getting A Social Security Increase in 2018

Social Security Announces 2.0 Percent Benefit Increase for 2018

According to 'The Chicago Tribune'--"Medicare has the right to impose that charge, so long as the amount that seniors receive from Social Security isn't reduced in the process. So, the program is expected to ask older adults who paid $109 this year to pay $134 for Part B coverage next year an increase of $25 a month."

So actually what this means is most of us ain't getting diddly-squat. Myself included.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

$1.3M Skatepark Planned For Allentown

Micah Shapiro, lead designer for Seattle-based Grindline Skateparks Inc., leads a meeting Oct. 11, 2017, at the Alternative Gallery in Allentown on plans for a new two-phase, $1.3 million skateboarding and BMX park spanning about 18,000 square feet in Allentown’s Jordan Park

Source: Kurt Bresswein | For lehighvalleylive.com

I'm sure many of us here in Allentown are excited for this creative use of our tax dollars.

Speaking as a senior citizen on a fixed income I know I am.

Make Allentown Great Again

Wonderful World Of Computers

Reuters is reporting Equifax takes down web page after report of new hack--Equifax Inc said on Thursday it has taken one of its customer help website pages offline as its security team looks into reports of another potential cyber breach..

As far as 'Equifax' is concerned--I'd think it best to ignore them completely. I think they've pretty much established their reliability. Might as well toss a stone in the air and hope it doesn't land on your head.

'PC Gamer' is also reporting Windows 10 update sends some PCs into a BSOD boot loop-- A troublesome Windows update that was rolled out to PCs running the Windows 10 is causing some systems to spit out a blue screen of death (BSOD) error. Worse yet is that these rigs end up caught in an endless reboot, making them unusable for the time being.

Silly me but I have this belief that some windows updates are more a problem then the malware it's intended to protect against. One of the best pieces of advice I was given was wait a week or two after a new update. Let the rest of the suckers find out what happens first :-)

Then there's my cable modem. It works great for several months. Then from time to time (like it has over the last week) drops my internet 4 or 5 times a day for no reason. All my signals check out 100%. I gone through this several times. Most likely in a week or two (or whenever it feels like it) everything will be fine again for a few months.

My digital TV plays funny tricks too. The 3 HDMI inputs decided to quit for no reason. I reconnected my component cables instead. Other times it thinks certain HD channels don't exist. A few hours later it decides they do.

Ok I think I'm starting to get it..

Grim's Orchard Hit With Zoning Violations

'The Morning Call'--"The township emphasized its support of local agriculture, but it stood by its decision to cite the orchard for hosting activities outside of the bounds of the zoning rules."

I'm not going to pretend to know all the ins and outs on this issue. I may be reading this all wrong, but (1) Various local governments are spending lots of loot on trying to save farmland. Here's a family trying to do just that. Seems to me they should receive encouragement rather the discouragement.

(2) If the Grim family decided they probably could sell off their land for warehouses or home development like the Jaindl's making more money then spending years of growing season after season could ever bring in without assuming the risks.

(3) A couple weeks out of the year with traffic seems to be less a burden then year round truck and/or home development would bring in. Nor require the infrastructure

(4) Warehouses and homes pay taxes. Is that what the township is looking at?

Like I said I may be reading this all wrong, but family owned farms in my book should receive all the encouragement we can give them. Too many of their next generations are giving up farm life. I further believe the government should exempt all family owned farms from inherited estate taxes. Unless people want to depend on imports from some not so friendly polluted foreign nations these polices should change. MAGA

I call this blog "Lehigh Valley Clancularius Introspectives" for a reason. It's because you'll never know what I come up with next. Please follow me via email (right sidebar) or through an RSS feed. Even if it's only one or two items you find of interest to you.
Thanks, LVCI

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Latest House Budget Resolution Passed

Fiscal 2018 Budget Resolution
Vote Passed (219-206, 9 Not Voting)
It would assume the repeal of the 2010 health care overhaul law.

It also would propose reducing spending on mandatory programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and changing programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (also known as food stamps)

It would call for restructuring Medicare into a “premium support” system beginning in 2024.

Rep. Charlie Dent voted NO

Here's Where I Stand
I'm with Dent. I'm against "repeal of the 2010 health care overhaul law". Against the "reducing spending on mandatory programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and changing programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (also known as food stamps)."

I'm also against "restructuring Medicare into a “premium support” system beginning in 2024."

Anyone who supports screwing American taxpayers who paid into Medicare or Medicaid these many years deserve to be jailed for bait and switch in perpetuating this kind of fraud. People worked their whole lives for these. How dare these crooks deny people what they paid for. If it were wall street bankers they be fined possibly going to jail for it.

I'm angry as hell. I'm sure I'm not alone. How dare these people in congress screw over Medicare and other people most vulnerable in their critical time of need.

How are we suppose to support a government who doesn't respect or support it's own people?

How Easily Our Perceptions Are Fooled

This is meant to be a follow-up to my two previous posts just before this one.

Ok enough. I'm done perpetuating
My hopes are at this point anyone reading these posts will at least give these due consideration. Further as a result people need not treat others or their own lives with absolutes to the determent of either themselves or others.

In other words...
     Enjoy it while you can for as long as possible.

Whatever life's illusion is--we're all in this together

I call this blog "Lehigh Valley Clancularius Introspectives" for a reason. It's because you'll never know what I come up with next. Please follow me via email (right sidebar) or through an RSS feed. Even if it's only one or two items you find of interest to you.
Thanks, LVCI

The Brain Hallucinates Our Conscious Reality

This is meant to be a follow-up to the one I posted yesterday just prior to this.

Neuroscientist Anil Seth

17 Minutes

Political Differences And Other Opinions
This clearly explains why so many people obstinately insist on their point of a view over that of another.

Criminal Minds
Why some people commit all sorts of horrible acts others would never think of doing. It also clarifies why mass killers do what they do.

My Thoughts
Some have "open minds". Others have "closed minds". This varies from only slightly to impenetrable. Are some brains hardwired at birth to reject conflicting information while others are open to it? If so--is it even possible to retrain the computer like brain born that way to process information differently?

Can brain altering chemicals help overcome the brain's hard-wiring at birth? We certainly know how chemicals used in bath salts, LSD and other drugs can really mess up one's perception of reality. So if we accept this as fact this leads us to question whether society is growing further apart and becoming more violent because of the synthetic chemicals we've introduced over the years. Could the explanation be simple as that?

Which leaves us the keyword word "perception".
Everything we think we are, who we believe others to be or the world around us is left up to our computer like brains to interpret for us. When the brain becomes stymied it falls back on faith or some other means like expressing anger for what it finds inexplicable out of frustration. Hence I think it would serve each of us well to accept our fallibility realizing our "perceptions" can't be entirely trusted.

Reality--What Reality?
More importantly. Life itself could be one great big grandiose illusion with our limited brains themselves playing a part.

Now go look at my post from yesterday :-)

I call this blog "Lehigh Valley Clancularius Introspectives" for a reason. It's because you'll never know what I come up with next. Please follow me via email (right sidebar) or through an RSS feed. Even if it's only one or two items you find of interest to you.
Thanks, LVCI

Monday, October 9, 2017

DNA The Future Of Data Storage?

Doesn't This Also Imply Our Creator Also Did So And Has Yet To Be Discovered

The Future?
What do ya mean!
DNA already contains data

We're living proof.
'The Sun (UK): Elon Musk claims humanity is living inside a simulation which will soon END--"The billionaire has previously spoken of his belief that we exist in a fake world designed by superintelligent developers."

Just What If?
Although Elon made the statement somewhat tongue-in-cheek it does cause someone to wonder. Let's take a few moments to consider this hypothesis.

It's an absolute fact data stored in strands of DNA forms all the cells in the human body. This is true from our toenails, to all our organs including the brain itself. Let's focus on the brain. All of us are born with a brain that already knows how to control the muscles in our heart, lungs, intestines and other vital organs. In a few weeks our vocal cords and eyesight begins to be further refined. Preprogrammed as it were.

So here we are now with a basic data unit in our head. With at least rudimentary information a human will need to get started. After that everything anyone will ever see, touch, smell or experience lie external to the grey blob residing in darkness within our skull. Everything it relies on for information comes only to it through external sensory inputs. I called it a grey blob because that's all it is. It's entirely dependent on data coming in from outside itself. It's entire function is to process those signals into something that makes sense.

Now let's go off the rails with this far out hypothesis
Let's suppose someone wishes to create a artificial intelligence of some kind made up of biological material. The first step might be to form strands of chemicals (DNA) that would replicate and create the individual parts necessary to make it a self functioning unit. One that not only had intelligence but the capability of reproducing other units like itself so you didn't have to fret about storing your society's history and information. It could be possible our DNA contains hidden messages from our designers yet to be discovered. This until they felt the time would be be appropriate to reveal itself.

A important consideration. You'd want it to be intelligent but not too much so that it could become a threat and over take it's designers. In other words you would give it limited capacity. Even if it were capable of recognizing it's own existence it wouldn't be much more capable beyond that. Hopefully not either destroying themselves before such a time humans evolved enough enabling them to decode their creators' hidden messages. Could our purpose be to store information for beings currently beyond our comprehension?

Just for a hoot let's take this a step further
You could design it's algorithms (brain) to support it's hypothesizes. In other words if enough of these organic units imagined something might exist it would become so due to it's in-common design. Oh let's say like a incomprehensively large unending universe or endlessly smaller masses disappearing into what only can be described as quantum theories. These are all so-called things it could conceive then perceive as it's physical reality.

Human understanding has always questioned reality and it's place in it. Perhaps this hypothesis can explain some of these mysteries. Scholars throughout the ages hinted all answers lie within. This most certainly would clarify what they were trying to tell us, wouldn't it?.

Crazy Talk?
Perhaps--but as per usual I'll leave you some videos to ponder..

After millions of years why is it only in the last 30 or 40 years humans advanced this rapidly?
Could all be revealed soon?

I call this blog "Lehigh Valley Clancularius Introspectives" for a reason. It's because you'll never know what I come up with next. Please follow me via email (right sidebar) or through an RSS feed. Even if it's only one or two items you find of interest to you.
Thanks, LVCI

Sunday, October 8, 2017

In The News (10/08/2017)

According to 'The Daily Mail' (UK) Amazon is thinking about getting into the prescription drug business. Let em'. I won't buy drugs from them for a few reasons. (1) If I wanted mail order I could already do that with the pharmacy I go to. I couldn't imagine how I'd deal with Amazon when it comes to service. The people at my local drug store have helped me out more then a few times when it came to problems with billing. They also answer questions I have. Some things require in store personal service and attention no online company can provide. Even if they do employ so-called "trained operators standing by" how long do you think you'll be waiting on the phone in the queue listening to music, advertisements and the nauseously redundant message every few seconds reminding how "important your call is to them"?

(2) This pharmacy chain I go to in Allentown alone has 7 locations. Each with 2 licensed pharmacists plus their helpers in each. Poof--20-25 jobs gone just like that. Their jobs along with the taxes they are paying locally. Is Amazon required to hire dozens and dozens licensed pharmacist to count pills? Or instead be allowed to hire one with 30 helpers?

(3) These professionals spend a good amount of money and time to acquire the knowledge of knowing what pills can and not be taken in combination. Which ones should be and not be prescribed for people with certain conditions. Doctors have a somewhat limited knowledge of these drugs. Therefore pharmacists serve a vital role acting as a backstop for their patients. You think Amazon's pill counters will?

(4) A number of drugs require a temperature controlled environment. After packed, then sitting on the loading dock, then on the road for who knows how long will they arrive on someone's doorstep that way? Finally when they do (assuming nobody steals them) I'm having trouble imagining they'd remain within specified temperatures sitting outside prolonged periods. In the summer it might be over 90+ degrees. In the Winter 30 degrees or less.

(5) Since Amazon has gotten in the food business they already know your eating and buying habits. Now they'd have access to your medical information as well. That's helluva lotta information other companies would be willing to pay for. So off of that they could profit as well. Let us also remember billions of these dollars come from taxpayers in the form of Medicaid, Medicare and Pennsylvania's taxpayer supported medical assistance programs. It already costs taxpayers without getting 3rd and possibly 4th parties involved in the mix. Speaking of medical insurance--is Amazon going to bill insurance for you? Will your health plan go along with it? And if they do--wouldn't it mean Amazon would also then know who your insurers are? Amazon I trust you--but not that much with having so much access to my information.

(6) The only way Amazon could overcome these problems would be to contract locally with existing pharmacies in the area. Oh hell then what's the point? Only one I can see. These "contracted" pharmacies would have to agree to sell them less then they are now by reducing wages.

As you might have gathered by now I'm completely against this. As momma use to say--leave something on the plate. Others want to eat too.

Ricky On Gun Control
'Mediaite'--Rick Santorum on Gun Control Debate: Why Aren’t We Going After Violent Video Games and Films?

Well offhand I'd say because they don't kill people.

Yes I agree they are too violent--but other then the 2012 Aurora theatre shooting there hasn't been a single one at any other nor a single one at a video game competition. So that pretty much blows that theory.

Besides Ricky...

Know Anyone Looking For Experimental Cancer Treatment?
There are free experimental trials being offered to select individuals. Problem is only people of means can afford them. That's because someone still has to pay for themselves and the family's transportation along with lodging where these treatments are available.

This is where the "Lazarex Foundation" can step in to help pay for those expenses. This is another example of so many good people doing good things we seldom hear about. Lazarex assists advanced stage cancer patients of any age and ethnicity, with any type of cancer, nationwide who wish to find out about or participate in an FDA (Federal Drug Administration) clinical trial...

The Lazarex Cancer Foundation LCF) Medical Liaison team helps patients navigate through and identify their clinical trial options based on their individual diagnosis, treatment history, physical condition and family situation.

When needed, LCF provides financial assistance for a patient to participate in a clinical trial defraying the associated costs such as travel, lodging, rental cars, diagnostics, etc. LCF also provides funding for a travel companion to provide emotional and logistical support while a patient is in treatment, away from home, family and friends.

HR Manager Values Honesty
But does he/she always reward someone for it?

Hmmm, I wonder whether he got the job or not?

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Hawaii Where Solar Energy Is Best Option

Courtesy 'VICE News'

The Problem is...
Courtesy 'The New York Times'


Courtesy PBS News Hour

My impression is although solar energy may be the way of the future don't expect utility companies or the fossil fuel industry to give up without a fight.

My suggestion would be that both utilities and fossil fuel companies get into the marketing of these products sooner rather then later. Otherwise it would be like steam locomotive engine manufacturers or canal barge operators before them trying to stop the progress which followed. Diversify or be left behind.

Could this also be Puerto Rico's best option?

I'm not sure if Tesla is making to look a buck off of this--but it's worth looking into.

In The News (10/07/2017) + Videos

Flu Season Will Soon Be Here
Everyone should start thinking about getting their FLU SHOTS before the end of October. Flu season runs from November to May. It peaks in January and February. This is especially important for those with respiratory problems and everyone over 65 years of age.

Extensive information can be found on these sites...
Penn State
The CDC--Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine
The CDC--Fluzone High-Dose Seasonal Influenza Vaccine (for those over 65

AND... if you haven't thought about it I also would recommend the Pneumonia 13 and 23 vaccinations as well. They're both a one time thing for those over 65. While none of these vaccinations can guarantee 100% protection--it sure beats having none at all.

Poor Donald. Is He Getting The Short End Of The Stick?

Donald I don't watch "late night TV" precisely for this reason.
Here's a suggestion why not do the same?
Turn it off and go to bed.
You watch too much TV!

As for equal time--I see more of your puss on TV then I ever saw Obama's. Maybe you should try to be more funny and less dour. I'm sure the "late shows" would be more then happy to have you on. Even if the others wouldn't I'm certain Rachael Maddow would treat you with respect. 60 minutes too. Look Donald if you want more airtime wouldn't it be best confronting those you have a beef with? Why not give them a call? Come on Donald--don't be scared

Jimmy Kimmel-Former President W. March 2017


Even past leaders can share laughter when given bad press.

Why can't you Donald?

Here is how it's done.

Every well liked world leader at one time or another provided us with a laugh or two Donald you on the other hand lack charisma and the kind of humor most people seek. Cheer up--you still have twitter to fall back on. Heck with your money maybe you ought to start your own cable channel instead of twisting arms.

Speaking Of Which
CNN's Smerconish said Megyn Kelly Is Struggling Because of ‘Political Cannibalization’ of TV. Won't get any argument from me. Anyone else remember the days of lighthearted soave faire which once predominated morning shows?

George Clooney on Rosie O'Donnell (1996)


How it happened or exactly when it happened I do not know but when it comes to TV programming it's become nasty humored and intolerant. Gone are the days of political free shows like Gilligan's Island, Andy Griffith and variety shows like Dean Martin and Carol Burnett to name a few. Is this what people really want?

Finally I'll Leave You With This Since I'm On A Nostalgia Kick
Back in the days when country music was actually "country music"...

Today's so-called country artists are anything but. Most artist and bands have eliminated the infamous steel guitars which were a staple. Yet there is one guy who's always remained true to it's roots--Scotty McCreery. I found it amusing when he appeared on 'American Idol' how he was able to take everything thrown at him somehow turning it into a country tune.

Scotty still stays true to country music's roots to this day


Thanks for checking out my news of the day...

Friday, October 6, 2017

In The News (10/06/2017)

Bad News For Bees (and us)
Most could give a thought less about honeybees--BUT WE SHOULD. Here's why.

The AP is reporting "When researchers collected honey samples from around the world, they found that three-quarters of them had a common type of pesticide suspected of playing a role in the decline of bees."

Less pollination means less crops. Less crops mean less food and higher prices. Additionally I don't think it's a great idea for humans to consume honey containing even the smallest amounts of pesticides.

Speaking of bees, Phys.org is reporting part of the hurricane Maria aftermath left behind in Puerto Rico are the "bees flying around, disoriented, searching for flowers to pollinate. The trees have no leaves and once-lush mountains are a mass of dry branches. Hurricane Maria not only destroyed Puerto Rico's infrastructure, it also wreaked havoc on the environment, disrupting the island's entire ecosystem.

Hence what bees weren't carried out to sea by the winds are left struggling to stay alive. Again no bees--no food agriculture. As if crop losses weren't bad enough. And it's not just the bees. Other farm animals and wildlife in the eco chain who depend on plants are struggling. These are things we don't think about and media hasn't mentioned them either.

Speaking of Puerto Rico
FEMA had been listing the current recovery conditions. They removed the list for some reason. Fortunately people seeking information on the recovery the government of Puerto Rico has created it's own status list online. At the time of this writing the site indicates only 10.7% of the electricity has been restored. Good news is about 78.18% of the gasoline stations are up and running. 73.03% of the grocery stores although communications restoration still remains from 15.4% to 42%.

Foreign Trade: Sticking It To Yourself
The Trump administration wants to slap Canada's Bombardier airplane manufacturer with a duty tax of 220%. According to Reuters "Boeing has accused Bombardier of receiving taxpayer subsidies that allowed it to sell the CSeries in the United States at prices below cost.

Indeed that might be bad for Boeing's bottom-line. However it's going to put the screws to 800 other suppliers spread out in 47 states here in the U.S. since Bombardier pays $2.4 billion to them for making their parts. The implications should be obvious.

What shall become of the suppliers after Bombardier decides to take it's business elsewhere? What about the loss of taxes these U.S. suppliers are currently paying to the feds, state and local governments? Does this mean the federal government gets to pocket all the tariff money for itself? Does anyone seriously believe they'll share that money? Nay. Instead states and local governments will not only be stuck with tax loses but have to come up with unemployment for workers who could lose their jobs.

By risking the taking away of good paying American jobs I don't see how this would make MAGA. I thought we were suppose to encourage U.S. manufacturing. Not scare it away.

Looks like Boeing got a little gravy of it's own
'The Daily Beast'--"In 2011 the World Trade Organization ruled that over the years Boeing had received between $3 billion and $4 billion in local, state, and federal support for each of its commercial jet programs. And analysts have calculated that more than 300 Boeing 787 Dreamliners were sold for at least $25 million below cost when the program’s huge cost overruns are accounted for. More recently, Boeing gave United Airlines a 70 percent discount on an order for the smallest of the 737 family of jets—specifically to persuade United not to order the Bombardier C Series."

Does This 'Jeopardy' Contestant Have A System?
As of Thursday night this quirky champ won over $300,000. NPR--"He doesn't own a television but nonetheless found ways to watch "hundreds upon hundreds of episodes" of the game show in preparation for his first appearance. "I'm not going to say that there's a system or a code, but if you watch enough, you'll start seeing things repeat," he says."

I've watched it for years and the only "repeats" I come up with are "repeatedly" the wrong answers. I use to have a mind with good memory. Problem is now I can't remember where I left it. The one I have now is like a steel trap. Once something goes in--it never comes out :-)

The Los Vegas Shooter
'The New York Daily News. Kellyanne Conway says it's Obama's fault. "I did note... it was President Obama’s ATF — the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms — in 2010 that decided not to regulate this device,” Conway said."

Yeah like that wouldn't have gone over like a lead balloon. In two shakes flat the NRA would have him in court. The Republicans in congress would have null and voided it faster then you could say Rumpelstiltskin. Besides he hasn't been the President since ten months ago.

One of the things I noticed is how everyone seems baffled by what this shooter's motives were. If only he were a Muslim or foreign born. I bet they'd assume what his motives were wrapping it up in a heartbeat. Conservative media would be all over this like ants on honey. The problem here is everyone is looking for a sane reason why someone would do something insane. Well good luck with that. That's why they call them insane acts. There's no sane explanation for them.

Here's what I believe. Insane people will always try and justify what they do. We've seen killers blame voices in their head. Others blame their deeds on temporary insanity due to passions, on drugs they were taking or some sort of revolt against government. I don't see why we continue to classify their actions as proof they represent some group. Take for example Timothy McVeigh (a Roman Catholic) when he went nuts against the government. Did we declare Catholics posed a terrorist threat? No--of course not because nuts are nuts. Religion is just another excuse crazy people will come up with trying to justify their actions (even unto themselves)..

When it comes to these lone wolf mass killings--they all have something in common. There's something wrong with them in the head. They each are filled with internalized hatred. There can be no rational explanation for the existence of evil. There will be always those trying to find reasonable explanations when there are none. This shooter is no different.

If You're Heading Up To Jim Thorpe...
There's been a rockslide along Route 209. The highway will be closed for cleanup and repairs beginning Tuesday October 10, 2017 Monday thru Friday 9 AM till 2 PM. Work is expected to take 3 weeks. Further details can be found at 'Skook News'

Do For Profit Schools Have An Advantage?
Propublica--"OLUMBUS, Ohio — Last school year, Ohio’s cash-strapped education department paid Capital High $1.4 million in taxpayer dollars to teach students on the verge of dropping out... In one room, empty chairs faced 25 blank computer monitors. Just three students sat in a science lab down the hall, and nine more in an unlit classroom, including one youth who sprawled out, head down, sleeping."

Propublica also reported a student -"in Cape Coral, Florida... didn’t realize the for-profit charter school would also be a source of income: a $25 gift card each time she persuaded a new student to enroll. “I referred almost all of my friends,” said [the student] 17, who earned three gift cards. She also won a Valentine’s Day teddy bear in a raffle for sharing one of the school’s Facebook posts. Such incentives are rampant among for-profit operators of public alternative high schools."

Really--Is this the best use of taxpayers school dollars?

If these schools can afford to award prizes and still manage to make money--I can't imagine how they weren't cutting corners somewhere.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

In The News (10/05/2017)

West End Cafe Long Overdue
Easton Express reports, A long-delayed cafe is finally opening--"Now, after months of renovation and planning, Cafe Frais is getting ready to open at 2301 West Liberty Street, the former location of Campus Luncheonette and Store

Frequently when I bought my lottery tickets from Gordon (the former owner) he and his wife expressed their frustrations why it was taking so long to complete the transaction of selling the store. Upon learning all of this I think it is a good thing all the way around. Good for the college students. Good for Gordon and his wife as well for the neighborhood. Not so much for the business across the corner.

Not too long after Gordon bought the campus shop he discontinued making food. He and his wife relied entirely for their income on it being a postal substation and in the sale of lottery tickets. Neither he nor the wife wanted Muhlenberg college students business.

Prior he and the wife had a small income from renting the barbershop I use to go to beneath the store. But Tony retired years ago leaving the shop empty..

In short I see this as a plus all the way around for everyone (except for the pizza joint across the street).

Another One Of Our Favorite TV Shows Bit The Dust
It was announced Major Crimes’ is ending with Season 6 on TNT--"TNT announced... Season 6, which premieres Oct. 31, will end the show’s run... The two-part series finale is scheduled for Jan. 16.

It was one of only three others we use to enjoy, Leaving us with only one other we're still watching on TNT. The cable channel is a subsidiary of Time-Warner (HBO, CNN, Warner Brothers, 50% ownership of the CW Network). I find it ironic in this day and age where consolidation seems to be the norm these companies have chosen instead to spread themselves thin. Maybe it's me but wouldn't it be better business to have viewers watch six shows on one network rather then one show on six?

Same goes with SiFi--who changed it's name to SyFy--which since ended all the programs we use to tune into. Ending our viewing of it completely. It's become more like the slasher horror channel. Maybe another name might be more fitting of the programming which they've become.

16 Years And Still Counting
TPM: Afghan Troop Boost To Cost $1B More Yearly, $12.5B Total--"The U.S. military’s top leaders told lawmakers Tuesday that the thousands of additional U.S. troops President Donald Trump has ordered to Afghanistan will cost just over $1 billion a year, bringing the total bill for fighting America’s longest war to $12.5 billion annually."

Look I'm all for encouraging other countries to become free democracies BUT after spending billions upon billions of dollars to become so at the point of a gun--when is enough, enough?

Recently China signed an agreement with Afghanistan for their lithium resources. About all we got out of this is more of our soldiers' blood spilt and the heroin trafficking in return for our dollars since Russia withdrew it's forces. Face it. When it comes to wrecking things and blowing stuff up we're good at it. Nation building--not so much.

Shouldn't we just admit the truth and cut our loses like Russia had?
Even Vietnam wasn't as screwed up a war as this has become

Smoke Em' They're Good For You (Videos)

Tony Marvin 1953


How granny lived so long..

Aw go ahead don't be a wussy

Hey girls you too
It can pay to smoke

Smoke For The Good Of The Country
Ever wonder why Medicare is in such financial trouble?
It's because too many damn people now make it to 65.

Want to help save farm agriculture?
Why not MAGA by supporting these poor tobacco farmers of yesteryear?

Anyone else tired of seeing all the drug ads on TV?
They're boring. Not nearly entertaining as cigarette ads.
(And they came without all them pesky health warnings)

Yes indeed there's nothing like relaxing enjoying one last cigarette in bed before the firemen arrive.

I bet many (along with Trump) think fake media is something brand new.
Here's a flash-- it ain't !

The point of this post is to say...
No matter the era--media (including the internet) will always try and send whatever message to those willing to believe what they are selling. Something everyone should keep in mind no matter which source one relies on.

Oh how life could be made so much simpler if someone could invent one of these...

Chart Topper From 1948 Not So PC (Videos)

February 7, 1948

I'm not expecting any remakes anytime soon :-)

While I was pursuing through Arthur Godfrey material I came across this video from 1953. Sort of reminds me of the floods we've experienced over recent months. One of the surprising things I learned was Andy Rooney was once a writer for Godfrey's show--"Talent Scouts".

Another clip from that same show...

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

In The News (10/03/2017)

It Ain't Her
A few weeks ago the family of Natalee Holloway--the girl who disappeared in Aruba--received a tip her murdered body was buried in a backyard grave. Independent forensic analysis has now proved the skeletal remains did not match her DNA. So the mystery continues.

New Yorkers Getting Short End Of The Stick?
'The New York Post', New York gives billions more than it gets in federal spending--"For every dollar New York State taxpayers sent to D.C., last year, they received back just 84 cents, State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said. “Most states received more than they paid,” he said. On average, states received $1.18 cents per tax dollar sent to the federal government, but New York paid $40.9 billion more, by DiNapoli’s reckoning."

Yeah well it doesn't make sense that the federal government should pay every state more then they take in. Then on the other hand he went on to say--"Policymakers should take that into account while considering eliminating state and local income tax deductions. That makes sense too. If New Yorkers are already being short changed over other states imagine losing New York taxpayers ability to deduct 8.82% off their gross income for federal taxation. California's state income tax rate is 13.3%. In some states their income taxes range from 8.95%-9.9%. Some states have no income taxes at all. Eliminating these kind of deductions could wind up costing certain taxpayers' far more then others. This is what makes federal tax overhaul so complicated.

Good News--Key West Is Back In Business
Key West, Florida's tourist Bureau announced as of October 1st they were back in business and ready to receive guests. This is the screen grab I did today at 3:00 PM (10/03/2017). It's the second ship to pull in today.

You can check out the latest live stream for yourself HERE

When these ships pull in places like 'Sloppy Joe's Bar' become busy again.
Yeah and 'Kermit’s Key West Key Lime Shoppe' isn't hurting either.

Weighing In On The Las Vegas Mass Shooting

I've been reluctant because I'm sure--I like many others--are up to our ears in the over coverage. However I do want address some thoughts I have on the shooting.

Late Night TV Shows
I don't watch them because who wants to be inundated with everything that was already over exhaustively covered throughout the day. I don't know what ever happened to being able to escape for a few hours before bed with some unrelated comedy entertainment. Gosh sake--I for one--feel we don't need these hosts to get in on the act. Enough is enough already.

Speaking Of TV Hosts
Megyn Kelly promised on her very first morning show on NBC she had enough of politics. Somehow her show was going be something completely different from her previous gig at FOX News. Well that lasted about as long as a ice cream cone on a hot sidewalk. Today (Tuesday, 10/03/2017) she began by emotionally weighing in on the shooting. "I do feel helpless in these times. Do you? The mental health laws are not going to change and we know it. The gun laws, right? And even if they did change, you would get people like this guy"

Of course Sean Hannity last night too had to check in. His position is "it's too soon to start talking about it". Accusing cold hearted Democrats of playing politics instead of focusing on the victims. My response would this headline from 'The New York Times'--477 Days. 521 Mass Shootings. Zero Action From Congress

MSNBC's Morning Joe' co host Mika Brzezinski. complained not a single Republican would come on the program to discuss it.

Meanwhile over at "Fox And Friends" this morning one of the guests accused CNN of being partly to blame.

My Opinions
Of course we could require manufacturers to produce semiautomatics that couldn't be modified without infringing on gun ownership rights. BUT WE AIN'T GONNA.

We could update the second amendment to reflect today's advanced firearms. Back when our forefathers wrote it a ram, flint, powder and a lead shot was the latest technology BUT WE AIN'T GONNA.

For every 10 people swearing by guns--10 more will swear at guns. For some altering the constitution is as blasphemous as someone wishing to change the bible verses accounting for mankind's beginnings in Genesis. Face it--for many the constitution has become a sacred unalterable document. A religion as it were.

We go through this through every shooting. With 10 on the right--10 on the left--all we're accomplishing is more animosity towards one another. You know what would help? If a whole lot of those in the public spotlight would shut the hell up.

If it were possible to take away all the guns and knives these bastards would still find a way to kill other people. There's plenty of other options this shooter could have chosen. A chemical attack, fertilizer bomb, mowing down people in a vehicle or since he had a pilots license could have a crashed his plane into them.

The battle between good and evil has always been since the beginning of time. This constant bickering will not change that. So talk hosts need to knock it off. This accomplishes nothing. Evil people have always existed. There's no way of eliminating them in this world of the living. For some death will come sooner then for others whether by age, disease or at the hands of another--no one escapes death. It's all part of our temporary being.

If you had a certain number of days left to spend how would you use them?
Pissing and moaning trying to change the world you're shortly going to leave behind?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Guess Who Latest Gay Couples Are

CNN veteran anchor Don Lemon, 51

Alt-right poster boy Milo Yiannopoulos gets married in Hawaii

History Of Puerto Rico (Videos)

We all know Puerto Rico is a territory belonging to the United States. What many of us don't know how it became one or the controversies regarding it's history. Here's a few videos which I hope will serve to enlighten those very things.

Here's One Person's Very Brief POV

Setting The Record Straight

I've Heard Puerto Rico Doesn't Want To Become A State---WRONG
We won't let them!

Here's The Reason Why They Aren't Allowed To Become A State

June 2017

Want More Evidence?

From The Horse's Mouth--The U.S. House Of Representatives

Point Of Fact---The United States Has Not Adopted An Official Language

Mike Pence on Puerto Rico's Status (2010)

Another Reason Why He should Be Our President

So in other words because of U.S. politics Puerto Ricans shall retain the status of always being thought of as second class citizens.

One of the reasons Puerto Rico is so far in debt is because though they pay taxes to the United States (other then federal tax on incomes) they receive so little in return. No federal dollars for their highways, schools, Medicaid, grants or many of the other things states take for granted. They need to come up with the money for themselves. Thus placing them at an extreme disadvantage. Because we've denied them statehood along with the benefits all the other 50 states enjoy we now blame them for the fix they're in. Then turn around and deny them statehood because of it. Talk about a fixed race. Imagine if the state you live in were cutoff from federal dollars. How do you think it would work out?

Right now Puerto Rico needs help--lot's of help. Granted we are planning to help restore their infrastructure. However when all is said and done residents themselves will never receive the same federal benefits as those in Houston, New Jersey, Louisiana and Florida after their storms because of Puerto Rico's lack of statehood.

We granted statehood to Hawaii and Alaska. Why not Puerto Rico? Perhaps it's because Hawaii and Alaska are both strategic locations for our military. Alaska is also is rich in deposits. If that's the criteria Puerto Rico doesn't stand a chance for statehood since it has neither. I'd like to think not--but it does make one wonder.

There are plenty of people right now who resent our tax dollars being used. Well here's an idea. Allow them to become a state. Then citizens and businesses on the island would be required to pay income taxes just as we do. Businesses on the island would also become part of our trade deals offering them opportunity to financially advance themselves. They'd be allowed to vote for the kind of representation in Washington that would help them prosper.

Right now they're only treated as half citizens
Give them the same as you would want for yourself and family No one wants to think of themselves as property of a nation. It's time to step up and do the right thing.

Ricardo Rossello, Governor of Puerto Rico | CNBC (06/09/2017)