Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Allentown Parking Authority Overreach?

The APA gives people another reason not to visit downtown

There's is a lively discussion of this on The Morning Call's Facebook page. Here's my own opinion. I have an extended van that makes it very difficult to pull in forwards due to it's limited steering range. I've driven forklifts for years and I know the reason why they all have rear steering. It's because it's much more maneuverable in tight warehouse spaces similar to these decks.

Pulling in forwards makes it nearly impossible to see past cars, large pickup trucks and tinted SUVs parking alongside to safely back out. Especially for pedestrians.

Having owned older cars for years I can't tell you the number of times I've had to jump my battery. Something which would be impossible to do if parked the way these folks want.
As if parking weren't expensive enough now Allentown is going to add another layer to the costs of parking downtown. Look I know they want to scan license plates from the comfort of their vehicles as they drive by, but if this is what they want to do let them get off their duffs and walk around. The exercise will be good for them. Barring that they could set up their cameras at the entrances.

On another level I find it offensive having to prove I'm legit. This and creating unsafe conditions that I alone will bear just to make things convenient for them. No thanks. I'll go somewhere else where I feel my business will be more welcome.

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