Saturday, December 7, 2013

Obama Jailing Whistle Blowers At Unprecedented Rate

People who allege that President Obama is too liberal, listen up. Obama has prosecuted more people under the 100-year-old Espionage Act than any other president. "President Barack Obama campaigned on a pledge of expanded government transparency, yet his administration has charged more Americans with violating the Espionage Act by leaking classified information than all previous administrations combined." further reported, The name was never published, but Kiriakou became one of eight people charged by the Department of Justice since 2008 for leaking classified information under the Espionage Act.

Whether one's leanings are towards either conservatives or liberals being in the oval office one thing can be said. Snitches 'Whistle Blowers' will find no friend within either party. Both don't have any use for people who expose what government is up to.

Speaking of Whistle blowers, the NSA is tracking 5 billion of cellphone records daily according to Snowden documents reported on by the Washington Post.

Which safeguards our freedoms more? The activities of the NSA, Obama's jailing of 'Whistle Blowers' or the information provided by Snowden?

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