Sunday, December 8, 2013

Never Pay Ahead

For anything, that's my advice. Express-Times reports, "Warren County officials said Tuesday more than 150 complaints have been lodged against Norton Oil since the company closed without reimbursing prepaid customers money or making good on service contracts." ET is also reporting that the attorney for the oil company says there's no money or oil left for those customers who prepaid for it months ago.

I know, we all like to try and save a few buck$, but it's not worth the risk. This is not the first time this has happened. I'd rather pay a few dollars more, possibly less after my fuel oil was delivered months later. Both the oil company and these customers were gambling whether fuel oil prices would come down or go up. Gambling is all this is.. period..

I see absolutely no reason to pay for something ahead of time based on speculation and a promise either by a stock broker, funeral home or a energy supplier. Playing with speculation on market prices is little different than from the throwing of dice on a crap table. I question why anyone of sound mind would hand money to someone in the hopes and trust they'd make good on their promises.

If someone were to place a bet at the horse track it will always be before the race is run. No one knows what the outcome will be or even if the track will be there in several months. Why is this any different?

File this one under paying tuition for a
education at the school of hard knocks !

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