Monday, December 9, 2013

It Isn't About 2nd Hand Smoke

It's about people telling other people what they should and shouldn't do because it annoys us.

NYC Council debates ban on electronic cigarettes in public spaces.

Nobody's saying nicotine consumption is a good thing (at least not yet). BUT e-cigarettes don't produce the dreaded particulates (second hand smoke) that traditional cigarettes do. Nor does it produce 1/1,000th of the containments coming out of 1,000's of exhaust pipes of those cars just outside on the streets. This isn't a problem of science but rather that of perception or being PC.

The chances are far more likely someone could become sick or infected via hand rails, a cough or a toilet handle then from a e-cigarette. But don't let that logic stop anyone from bitching no matter how unscientifically based their logic may be.

That said there is a very real problem when e-smokers discard their cartridges carelessly into the street. They can cause flat tires."The manager of a tire shop told TV station WGAL. The cartridges, which are made out of metal, are much more harmful than a cigarette butt when they land on the road. “When they slash a tire,” the shop manager explains, “they usually leave a pretty big gash in it.” Unlike a nail, the sharp cartridges don’t leave a simple hole in the tire that can be plugged up. They leave a gash that can’t be patched."
Isn't it about time and long overdue that we put things in perspective?
     Chances are more likely someone will die from old age then some e' smoker's steam.

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