Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Nuclear Energy Is Far From Clean

For a long time I've supported solar and wind turbines as the best means of meeting our energy needs. There is no such thing as truly clean burning of fossil fuels. It is true gas powered turbines are the cleanest and most efficient energy means onsite at the power plant. The problem is the need to drill for gas in the first place. In many cases through questionable fracking methods.

Such is the same when mining for uranium. If you think fracking for gas is a negative, try and imagine potentially having radioactivity dispersed within those chemicals which are then stored below ground. Further realize most spent rods have no place to be stored. Many (if not most) nuclear power plants store them on property.

According to an article published by ProPublica they explain the perils of uranium mining. Among which they explain how waste by-products are stored deep underground in water reservoirs. Reservoirs that at one time the government never thought ranchers would ever have need for in their quests for clean water. The article also points out that the EPA has granted a huge number of regulatory exemptions throughout the country. I don't want to make this post longer then it has to be and urge anyone interested to read the article.

Mining In The Black Hills Of South Dakota

If you think this is only a problem for folks living in Midwestern areas of the United States, think again!

November 12, 2012
WAVY TV-10 Virginia

Hence I'm reaffirming my support for wind and solar generation methods. It may not solve all our immediate needs. However, each megawatt we can eliminate generated by pollutants is a step in the right direction.
Uranium Mining Poisons Native Americans
Uranium Mining In The United States
How the Feds Let Industry Pollute the Nation’s Underground Water Supply

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