Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Human Species Version 2.0?

"The world’s first enzymes made from artificial genetic material have been created by scientists in what could be a major step towards generating synthetic life."
My Comments About The Article Above
This is some seriously creepy stuff. Apparently life could have evolved elsewhere in the universe unlike our own DNA (chemical) structure. Other beings could have created synthetic structures unlike themselves long before us who've long since perished and these life forms could have outlasted their original creators. This goes way beyond robotics. Are we inventing our own replacements in the ever evolving evolution of beings?

More Questions Then Answers
     * Which came first, our present DNA chemically composed structure or someone else's?
     * Were we created by they or instead come about on our own accord through happenstance?
     * Could we not synthetically create a vastly superior breed who might one day replace us?
     * Does so-called intelligent life only exist because it-in-itself thinks it's intelligent?
     * Are humans occupied by a greater being or simply emulating (reflecting) through chemical processes that which they are not?

I find it somewhat egotistical for scientists to call this breakthrough a new synthetic artificial gene material. What's synthetic? Who's to say that anything other then our own chemical makeup is not the real deal?

All this brings me back to a philosophical belief I have. Although we think ourselves being at the top of the evolutionary scale in the physical world (as we know it) doesn't mean there aren't far greater beings then ourselves. One would hope those who may be above us (in some unknown way) would show compassion and understanding towards us. If we cannot demonstrate our own compassion and understanding for those creatures beneath us (humans and animals alike), why should we expect or think we deserve to be treated in someway other then what we have to those creatures beneath us?

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