Thursday, January 9, 2014

Another Downside To Google+

I've been cranking about Google's new policy that in order to login to Blogger, YouTube or anything else, you're forced to get there through Google+.

Here's another very good reason why this new policy stinks...

" guy says the reason he found himself in jail for violating a restraining order his ex-girlfriend had against him."... unlike Facebook, which requires users to select potential friends, he believes Google+ generates invitations for ‘anyone you’ve ever contacted."My Comments About The Article Above
I abhor the changes Google made. I used to log into each of my YouTube accounts separately. Now I'm forced to combine all of them into Google+ before I can sign in. If that weren't enough Google+ then generates two logins on each YouTube account's channel. One using my screen name the other my email addy. One allows me to work with my previous (screen named) account. The other does not. Why two? I have no idea.

At one time all my YouTube channels were entirely separate from this blog account. Switching between YouTube and blogger has become very difficult. Not only that, but my YouTube account (which should remain separate from this blog) post everything I do on this blog and my other activities when I'm logged in. One has nothing to do with the other.. at least it shouldn't. I'm constantly re-optioning in and out of YouTube in an attempt to keep them separate. That and all the changes constantly being made at YouTube has made the experience more of a chore then pleasure. In short... I don't need anymore stinking improvements!

What we have here, in this guy's case, is some software programmer's foolish nonsense could very well cost this guy more then just time and money in court. Perhaps his freedom.

When I eat I don't like mixing the salad, the mashed potatoes with a milkshake poured over the top. Imagine if a restaurant forced someone to eat this way.

Why should being online be all that different?


Your Gmail Is About To Get Even Less Private-- "...random people on Google+ will be able to send emails to your Gmail account without you ever having given them your email address."

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