Saturday, September 19, 2015

Who's Watching Who?

I've come across several stories today which reminded me of experiences my wife had working in retail.

A major retailer where she once worked had a theft of several thousands of dollars worth of diamonds. The store itself after hours was alarmed well. In addition the jewelry cases themselves had several laser beams to protect them after the store was closed.

So how did they pull it off?
One of the members of the store' security team shared this information with their significant other. While this person was entirely honest apparently their mate wasn't. Several months later the stolen jewelry turned up in New York City which led to an arrest. Thereafter the store would strip the inventory from the cases and lock them up in a vault every night. Then inventory them once again the next day before displaying them in the glass cases.

The only other time they were robbed was when a couple of perps occupied the sales clerk while the other scraped sealant from the top of the glass display case. A few hours later they returned and while one distracted the clerk the other lifted the glass and used a coat hanger to scoop the gold necklaces from the "T stands" unbeknownst to her until closing time hours later..

Anyone else have similar stories they are willing to share?

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