Tuesday, September 29, 2015

News Roundup & Commentary (09/29/2015)

Philly.com (09/29/2015):
Many city businesses report papal weekend losses

Oh boo hoo. It almost borders on blasphemy trying to profit off this particular pope who's dedicated his life to those in poverty. What did they think would happen when every second of his visit received wall-to-wall coverage on TV throughout the world?
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Daily Mail (09/28/2015):
Asians set to overtake Hispanics to become largest group of immigrants in US

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Looks like Hispanics will remain part of the minority group. Whether this is a good or bad thing I suppose depends on where your coming from.
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The Daily Beast (09/28/2015):
A Mom’s Fight for Cameras in Classrooms

Now there's an idea I can get onboard with. It keeps the teachers honest and parents can see what their little darlings are up to. Between the teacher unions and privacy advocates it ain't likely gonna happen widespread outside of Texas.
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New York Post (09/29/2015):
Saudi VIPs use wealth, diplomatic immunity to run amok in US

No kidding! Saudis aren't the only ones. All of them do. No tickets for motor vehicle violations (of any kind) either. Anyone who ever lived in the Washington, D.C. area if they heard it once they heard a thousands times at the checkout, "no tax" while whipping out their diplomatic cards. Thank goodness none of our diplomats ever act this way while in foreign countries, right?
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Philly.com (09/28/2015):
Police ID man killed trying to get into wrong car

Oops! Is it any wonder? I've complained for years none of the cars today are distinctive like they once were. Seen one SUV you've seen them all. On the other hand why the hell shoot someone the minute you see them Quick Draw McGraw?
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Daily Mail (09/28/2015)
Audi says 2.1million of its diesel cars worldwide are fitted with emissions cheat devices

I wonder how the United States is going to deal with the problem if any of these manufacturers declare bankruptcy. I can hardly believe they'd force owners to park them or assume the cost to bring them into compliance. I tend to think the United States may need to grant exemptions to present owners in some way. Is this another case of "too big to fail" and governments (taxpayers) will once again be forced to step in with some sort of bailout? I HOPE NOT!
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Raw Story (09/28/2015):
Black off duty cop says he and his son were beaten by racist colleagues who mistook him for fleeing suspect

"The off-duty officer said he repeatedly identified himself as a Providence police officer, but his claims were ignored and he was placed in the back of a patrol car — where he watched as officers then attacked and beat his son.."

Another case of he said... they said. One thing I do know, There's an awful lot of people making assumptions and acting on their impulses before reasoning things out.
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Alternet (09/24/2015):
Astounding Drug Prices Show How U.S. Government Is in Cahoots with Big Pharma

Alternet has a chart showing the drug prices here in the United States compared to elsewhere. Whether one favors universal healthcare or keeping it private nothing is ever going to be solved with either one till we get all aspects of medical care and these drug costs under control. If government can't or won't do it, who will?
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