Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Nazareth Parents Sue The School District

Lehigh Valley (04/09/2014)-- Nazareth Area School District sued over religious notes removed from Valentine's Day cards

File this one under, 'careful what you wish for'. This headline could have just as easily been written as, "Nazareth Area School District sued over Christian Belief notes removed from Valentine's Day cards."

Putting aside the arguments for/against the separation of church and state. If schools allow this for one religion then they must for all.

I'd be certain these same parents would be very upset if junior brought home cards saying 'praise Allah'. They no doubt would even more upset if the cards contained quotes from ' Al-Jilwah ' (the black book of Satan). Have these parents even considered how kids who are the followers of Judaism felt when they included in the note, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son..."?

Smooth move Ex-Lax!
Let me explain how this is going to go down. Valentine's day itself is named after 'Valentinus', a Christian saint of Rome martyred around the year 496. If I were on the school district's board I would do what they most likely will do too. That is take the least path of resistance by eliminating St. Valentine's day in school.

I don't know why everything becomes a big issue these days, but of this I'm certain. Everybody needs to put a sock in it. Christianity doesn't belong in school anymore then Allah or Satan. As I've said before the constitution was designed to both protect religion and protect us from it by forbidding the government's influence over the laws based on religious precepts. The founders of this nation understood that religious beliefs create more division among people then government would in of itself separated from them.

Let me explain more clearly. Worshippers of religion are suppose to keep their beliefs out other peoples faces. Just as importantly as it is for nonbelievers to stay out of theirs. Schools exist to educate. Not to indoctrinate for nor against religion. Why is this so confusing to so many?

Point Of Observation
04/11/2014 10:51 AM
So far 'WFMZ' received 132 comments. At 'Lehigh Valley Live' they've received 122 comments so far. You mean to tell me not even one person cared enough to leave even one comment here after three days?

Yeah I know I sound like a broken record, but holy shit... REALLY!!!

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