Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What Is It?

Bill White of the 'Morning Call' and Kathy over at 'The Junk Drawer' have been playing this game of 'What Is It?" for some time. Today I came across another one over at DNAinfo New York that may have them all beat...

Turns out an excavation over at New York city hall revealed what they first thought was a spice grinder made from a mammal bone was used for nothing like that at all. Rather then keep everyone in suspense...“Women used them for contraception, shooting solutions of astringents made from minerals or tree roots and barks into themselves before or after sex... Several later versions were found in digs near brothels in New York [near the former Five Points neighborhood] more than 15 years ago — but whether you were a prostitute, or upper class, it seems women across economic and social lines were using them.I suppose they could also be used for.... never mind. Enough said already :-)

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