This makes the case why it's important to get a really good education. A roofer or car repairman would go to jail if they charged someone this much for a minor repair.
I truly believe there's no way we're ever going to repair our medical system in the United States. The insurance company's not on the hook. They'll pass these cost on eventually to their customers. If this guy didn't have insurance, then the hospital would project this on to other of their patients who do. Looks like everybody's a winner!
except us chumps
Is it any wonder why hospitals, pharmaceuticals, doctors and insurance companies oppose anything that smells like national healthcare? Imagine for one moment the solution being as simple as making Medicare available 100% to everyone. Government could still contract out the collections for premiums and payments to medical providers to the private insurance companies. So they'd still be around. What wouldn't be happening, if there was a single payer system, hospitals, doctors and insurance companies wouldn't be able charge patients whatever the hell they want.
Truly I can understand why the medical industry at every level will fight tooth and nail. They have a good thing going right now without any cost controls in place what-so-ever. With this much money in play and given these huge power brokers, I guarantee you 100% because of that the United States will never see the day healthcare is nationalized like in other countries.
If someone is waiting for that day, it will come on the same day as Pinocchio becomes real and turns into a boy. Neither which ain't never gonna happen.
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