Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Calling All Time Travelers

What if you threw a party for time travelers and nobody showed up? Well that's exactly what physicist Stephen Hawking did on June 28th, 2009.

"'I gave a party for time-travellers, but I didn't send out the invitations until after the party. 'I sat there a long time, but no one came.'.... Professor Hawking offered this as 'experimental evidence that time travel is not possible'

Professor Hawking in a room by himself, surrounded by canapes and champagne, and expectantly waiting for the door to open..."

My question is, what if so-called UFO visitors aren't alien at all?

What if 'they' are 'we' from some future time?Then on the other hand. Suppose in the ancient past they were privy to time travel and already left.

Doesn't that then make us pretty much the....


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