Friday, April 24, 2020

This New Virus Will Never Ever Go Away

No Covid-19 will never ever completely go away despite what you might have heard. This virus, like any other, cannot exist on it's own. It needs living cells in order to propagate. In other words we all are the incubators making it possible for any virus to continue forever as long as this Earth and we shall last. Remarkably they have the ability to embed themselves within our own genes.

Heat, certain light strength and wavelengths may destroy them outside our body. Once they embed themselves deeply within us humans in some form or another they're never going away. There's only limited ways we can survive the Covid 19. (1) A vaccine (like those we've gotten as children). Some which wear off over time. (2) Treatment to suppress it. (3) For some the immune system fighting it off within. But none of these will ever eradicate it.

Your Genes: More Virus than Human

So what have we learned kids?
We live in a Petri dish full of bacteria and viruses. Some good. Some bad for us.
8% of our genes are made up of viruses.
Covid 19 is only a threat because we haven't had to coexist with this kind of virus before.
We feed off other life forms. Other life forms feed off us.
Viruses are not alive until they enter our body. We are not alive till they enter ours.
Evolution is inevitable, but this doesn't mean everyone will survive to become part of it.
We cannot defeat viruses nor bullshit our way out with denials until we understand what mechanisms we're up against (or we are part of in the grand scheme of things).

It seems to me a bunch of people want to cast their fate to the wind simply by opening everything up rather recklessly. To my way of thinking this is like going into battle with an unknown enemy without the proper equipment or knowledge. If we are going to face this Covid 19 enemy shouldn't we at least prepared to know what we're up against before we rush into battle?

I understand the hardships people are enduring. Some say how much worse can it be? My hope is we never have to find out. Truth is things could be far worse in this terrarium we're all forced to live in which we cannot escape. Plenty of past civilizations were completely wiped out by disease. I'd rather not be a part of one of them.

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