Daily Mail.com: The speaker's revenge: John Boehner punishes conservative Republicans who 'p***ed him off' by trying to oust him by removing high-profile committee posts-- 'It's about time,' a Republican congressman told DailyMail.com on Tuesday evening. 'This is a new ball game, and the speaker doesn't have to put up with childish antics anymore. You mess with the bull, you get the horns.'
25 dissenting members either voted present or against John Boehner. In his previous term in 2013 there were 12 who opposed his appointment. These were even more then the 9 who rebelled against Newt Gingrich (R) in 1997. Dennis Hastert (R) had only vote against him in 1999 & 2003 and 5 in 2005. Nancy Pelosi (D) had only one vote against her in 2009 and none in 2007. Going back to 1991 & 1993 Tom Foley (D) had one against him each of those two years. These stats indicate Republicans are less united behind their speakers then Democrats. Pull up a chair.. it could be bumpy ride.
A Couple Of Other Things Worth Mentioning
According to VOX Media The Senate's 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans. This should take some of the hot air out of pundits' claims American voters have made a clear choice.
Lest they become too caught up in victory celebrations, unlike elections for Senate seats the President electoral votes are based on population. I wouldn't bet the farm this means a conservative Presidential candidate is a shoo in and the tide has turned against liberals. Especially when I read something like this. New GOP Congress Fires Shot At Social Security On Day One-- "Democratic staffers said that that would mean "either new revenues or benefit cuts for current or future beneficiaries." New revenues are highly unlikely to be approved by the deeply tax-averse Republican-led Congress, leaving benefit cuts as the obvious alternative."
The ball's now in their court. It's now theirs to win or lose If they can't function well as a team or satisfy the crowd there could be a hellva blowback come the 2016 elections. This not just for those conservatives running to be President but for Congressional candidates as well. Sports fans know how this works. Players get traded and who gets to coach in the future is selected by the owners (the voters). If they manage to piss off their own supporters, many of which are on Social Security on the first day, I wouldn't spend all my capital just yet.
Patience is not something many of them are known for as demonstrated in this public rebellion against their own speaker. At least lie low until after the 2016 elections are over. Something many of their party members seem to have trouble doing. One race doesn't win the series. Nor one battle the war.
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