Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What Is Happening To Blogging?

That' is the question Ron is asking over at his blog 'Being Ron'"Some things I've noticed: -People seem to be blogging less or have stopped blogging altogether....

...Eight years ago, when I first started on this social media, it was all about forming a dialogue and community. Yet, I’ve noticed that over the past year, blogging seems to be turning into a single experience in which many bloggers are writing posts and then not discussing them, thus, there is no sense of community...

The whole landscape of blogging seems to be changing. What used to be a media of quality online community and discussion is becoming more of a Tweet, a Like, or a form of solo-blogging masturbation."
I do agree with much of what he said but yet... in contradiction he has received over 26 comments on the subject in just the first few hours after he posted on this subject.

There's no doubt about it, Ron's one of the heavy hitters when it comes to blogging although I'm not sure why since he only post about 10x's a month. It's remains a mystery to me how he has so many followers and comments. He seems to have no Facebook, Twitter or the other social media accounts that are supposed to be the recommended way to grow a large blog. Neither am I particularly impressed by his posts.

Yeah sure he also has his YouTube Channel. But his 20 videos haven't gotten more then a few hundred hits either over the last 4 years.

I'm not criticizing the guy. More power to him I admire that, but what's the story?
I just don't understand how he accumulated such a large blog following ??

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