Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bud Is Not Happy When We're Gone

Yesterday (Saturday, June 14th, 2014) we had the pleasure of attending a wedding at the 'Dupont Country Club' in Delaware. This is what our cat Salem ('Bud') does over the course of several hours after it registers on him we aren't home. No I don't think he was doing his 'stepper size exercises' since he usually hangs out with us half asleep on the recliner till it's time to go to bed with us for the night. Of course not before having his bedtime snacks far earlier then when we came home on Saturday :-)

By the way-- We went down the Pa. Turnpike (495) to I-95 and back. No wonder there's nearly an accident everyday the shuts the damn thing down. They are working on a 10 mile stretch around the Lansdale area. A great deal of it involves lane shifts and miles without shoulders to pull over if there is a problem. What the hell! Why not work on a mile or two at a time, then move on to the next.?

What a very treacherous heavily traveled piece of highway. Anyone who has a break down is forced to be stuck in a traffic lane. We all know how that goes with all the rear end collisions involving slow or stalled vehicles. Yeah sure it will be wider and safer when the four year project is done, but that's four freaking years in which 1,000's of cars and trucks are placed in danger in the meantime every day. What the hell are they thinking!

Ironic that Pa. just increased the tolls for drivers. Then increased the inconvenience to them while both reducing their safety and travel speeds for 10 miles over this particular section of the turnpike. Glad I don't have to travel down it on a regular basis.

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