Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Global Warming Controversy At Saucon Valley School

"Calling an environmental science textbook's global warming chapter propaganda, Saucon Valley School Director Bryan Eichfeld pushed the board tonight to supplement the book with "true science"."My Comments About The Article Above
'The Express-Time's publishes local stories far more then anyone else and few garner the number of comments this one has. That's a good thing. This is such a hot-button issue the story has taken off internationally. 'The Raw Story' headlined their post, PA school director wants kids to learn the Tea Party ‘science’ of global warming denial. Usually when outlets like 'The Raw Story' pickup on these stories they gather wings, so I expect we'll see even greater attention nationally as TV news producers come across this. They too had over 100 comments in less then two hours!

I'll try an make this brief.(A) What Happens If Global Warming Supporters Are Wrong?
     (1) We get a lot cleaner air and breath in less CO2.
     (2) The climate continues to change despite reducing it's carbon content.
     (3) We reduce our dependence on foreign and domestic fossil fuels.
     (4) Global warming supporters look foolish.

(B) What Happens If Global Warming Deniers Are Wrong?
     (1) We get to breath dirtier air, inhale less oxygen and more CO2
     (2) It's a historically proven increased CO2 levels cause Earth's temperatures to increase.
     (3) We increase our dependency on traditional fossil fuels subject to market fluctuations.
     (4) Deniers not only look foolish, but more severe temperatures, droughts and extreme weather jeopardize not only the world economy but our very existence.

Ah.. let me think.... mmmm.... I'll go with (A)

Who cares if those who warn us of greenhouse gases and their effect on global temperatures are wrong. No harm can come from it. BUT on the other hand the consequences of those who deny global warming if they should be wrong would be devastating if not deadly.

Don't believe it?

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