Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Crisis In Iraq And Immigration

In light of the immanent failure of the Iraq government and the hot button issue regarding amnesty FOX News has gone off the rails (yet again).

Except for Shepard Smith..

Huffington Post- "Give them some drones!" co-host Steve Doocy said, adding, "We could have predicted this the moment President Obama said, 'we're getting out.'" Later, he transitioned between stories this way: "So we're not helping the Iraqis but we are helping illegals get into this country. On Wednesday's "Kelly File," Megyn Kelly stated flatly that the violence was happening in "a vacuum left by America's commander-in-chief."

Here's a news flash. Back in October 2011 Time reported, "Iraq’s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence... 3,000 trainers behind failed because the Iraqis were unwilling to grant them the legal immunity from local prosecution."

The Issue Of Amnesty
As far as stupid Steve Doocy's snark attack on Obama concerning the estimated 200 immigrants a day entering this country... What's his solution!

See here's the problem. If I lined up armed border guards every 10 feet along the entire border, what would be their orders when dozens of kids & adults keep coming after being ordered to turn around? Should they shoot them dead?

Should they instead be rounded up and sent back? Here's the problem with that. We'd need to use a fully tricked out Boeing 747 shuttle flight leaving every two or three days holding a maximum on 600. Therein lies problem number two. Even if they told us where they came from, the United States can't just fly into a country and dump people off without another nation's permission. These countries consider these people just as big a headache as we do and don't want them back either.

The United States is seriously considering using 'drones' in Iraq. In the midst of this free-for-all the Kurds have taken advantage and "On Thursday, Kurdish forces took control for the first time of the oil hub of Kirkuk"

The world is spinning out of control. No matter how well intended, the United States doesn't have the resources to stand alone while Syria, Egypt, Iraq and a half a dozen other nations go at each and other's throats killing one another. Besides who the hell appointed us the guardians of the world?

Most of all this happening because we stuck our noses in where it didn't belong. Good or bad some of the countries had dictators that we didn't like, but held things under control. It's up to the citizens of these warring nations to either make peace, form a common government or annihilate themselves. These people have gone at each other for centuries mostly over religious differences. That being the case political boundaries are meaningless therefore will not bring about political solutions These people have been wanting to have a go at each other the whole time the United States has done everything possible interfered by preventing them from doing so.

We need to circle the wagons by not spreading our financial and military resources throughout the world like we have been. We need to face reality. Many nations are and always have been killing each other over religious differences for eons Their beliefs are so deeply rooted in religion that national governments and borders are meaningless. In short they are never going to become like us. Get over it!

This whole immigrant thing reminds me of a sinking ship. Hundreds daily flock to the United States like it were some sort of lifeboat. If too many pile on, we will eventually sink too!

There's no wall high enough nor (short of shooting them at the border) a way to stop desperate people forcing their way into our country. This isn't because of Obama's policies. The United States always has been viewed as having endless riches and as the land of milk and honey to the rest of the world. It's not a matter of asking ourselves why do they come here but rather why wouldn't they?

Obviously the answer to our immigration problems lies neither in shooting them at the border nor amnesty. Not when we look more attractive then where they came from. Therein lies the solution. All the political finger pointing and blaming one another is useless. We need solutions not aholes on TV and in Washington talking out their asses,

Immigration Solutions?
(1) Offer nations where they came from binding incentives for their repatriation. Things like cash, favorable trade agreements, etc.
(2) Provide bare minim housing and food encampments to them until/unless they earn a right to stay
(3) Seek out other third world host countries that might be willing to take them via incentives.
(4) Strengthen our relations (incentives) with countries South of us preventing them to travel through them.

Foreign Involvement
You guys stay in your backyard and we will stay in ours. No more nation building or spreading our ideology. It simply does not work with religious kooks. Yeah OK I feel bad about sharia law, but that's your freaking problem. Go grab a gun (you seem to have plenty of them). This whole foreign involvement thing is like being a nosey neighbor who can't seem to keep their nose out of someone else's business. Keep your own shit in your own backyard and we'll get along just fine.

We with our best intentions supply food and medical aid. Yet time and again as soon as we nourish and heal those oppressed they go right back out there over reproducing and slaughtering one another. Truly I do understand there are wonderful peace loving people out there, but damned if I'm Godlike enough to know which ones those are. Countless aid and medical workers have been killed needlessly.

Most people in these nations that are in turmoil fulfill their own destinies. Neither the United States nor God can save them from themselves. It's up to we here in the United States to look out for each other as much as it is for them to do the same. If more people would depend on one another rather then some outside belief that God or the United States could save them none of this would be the kind of suffering humanity endures.

Why is it us humans act like this towards one another?
It's not like Earth's environmental disasters and diseases weren't enough of a challenge to humans' survival. We find some sort of need everyday to kill one another.

In short.. Does the human race even deserve it's continued existence except by the mercy of a so-called God that we all claim to believe in?

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