Sunday, June 8, 2014

Notice I've Been Slamming Conservatives?

I don't really mean to. I absolutely don't favor one party over the other. Rather I'm absolutely committed to common sense values and the things I strongly believe in. I myself personally don't associate my beliefs with either party.

I will now list a few of my thoughts and leave it for others to decide whether I'm Red or Blue. Something I abhor because nothing in this life is either that black or white when it comes to either party. Although most of my beliefs align somewhat with liberal ideology when it comes to words versus actions the Democratic party is as full of shit as anybody* Allentown's NIZ- Redistribution of wealth: Instead of trickle down, it's trickle up. Whether taxpayer money is used to line pockets of the idle or the rich is flat out wrong. I don't believe in redistribution. Taxpayer money should be used to provide basic public services and not for investment for either the poor or wealthy.

* Social Security and Medicare is not a government handout nor redistribution. Workers pay into these funds which are separate from the federal income tax which is targeted for the federal budget (or should be) just like the Post Office's budget. Instead the government is bitching about paying back the IOU's owed because of it's overspending by dipping into funds never intended for the purposes in which they were created.

* As long as we can spend $600 billion and another 200 or 300 billion more via in so called discretionary spending (off the book-over the budget) EVERY YEAR on the military, we can afford to take care things for basic needs of the people like infrastructure, education, promised pensions, etc. It's not a matter of not having the money. Rather it's this government's priority to take care of itself first before the needs people who's labor goes to support it.

* Who the hell cares whether Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt or other nations peoples can get their act together or not. Why spill American blood and/or pour money into them? See above-- that's why we pour vast sums of money to a "DEFENSE" department to protect us from them. I have this 'mind your own business' policy when it comes to those who are not now or likely not to be a direct threat to us. Humanitarian aid is all fine and dandy, but how the hell can anyone decide who deserves the aid? In most cases the opposition ends up (once in charge) to be very much like the government before them.

* Who the hell cares whether gay people marry or not? When any government gets to decide what goes on in the bedroom, the outcome is never good. When any governments' law is based on religion doctrines, no good ever comes of it. Never did. Never will. No matter which religion ones believes in they think their God can kick the ass of the other. It's my belief that any almighty God that is supposed to be all knowing powerful, who created the universe and peoples' who's fate lies in his hands doesn't need any help. I'm sure he can handle things just fine if he wanted to. Mankind needs to get over themselves!

* I also believe we live like goldfish in this aquarium we call Earth. If we mucky up our waters and air just like goldfish, we're gonna die. What does one speck (like Earth) matter to the universe? I have no problem with screwing up this planet's air and water if we had someplace to go. Unfortunately we're as helpless as goldfish when it comes to our little fish bowl we call Earth. Think God will save us.. good luck with that!

* Wars are stupid. Throughout the history of mankind we've killed ourselves time and again for the very same lands that exist today. Millions have died needlessly in the name of their governments throughout time. Defense is one thing to protect our families, but almost in all cases people died because one form of government or another wanted to expand itself into other nations. If nobody showed up when politicians ordered them to millions would be alive today. Therefore I'm wary of any bullshitting politician (who almost never will ever pick up a weapon him or herself) telling me I should go kill a bunch of people. I'll take the example of Vietnam in my era. I didn't even know where the hell it was or who these people were. I'm still totally confused why I should have been drafted, dropped off in a jungle and start shooting them dead. I still absolutely have no idea how in the hell they were a threat to either me and my family. Yeah I could understand Germany trying to take over the world and me taking part in that, but what the hell is with all these others since then?

* Government regulation. Hell yeah I believe in it. Who's bigger or more powerful then the United States government to tell corporations they can't charge fees or use their battery of lawyers to run willy-nilly doing whatever the hell they please? Free market my ass. Consumers without government regulation and protection could destroy this nation in a heartbeat. Can you imagine insurance companies, bankers, utility companies, drillers, medical/pharmaceutical providers, food manufactures and real estate investors doing whatever the hell they want?
These are only a few of my beliefs and concerns. Now if you think I'm a supporter of either Democrats or Republicans that's your problem.

I will go with either party that most likely will align with my way of thinking. Right now from all indications the Democrats are not a party to be followed blindly, but Republicans sure as hell seem to stand for all the things I'm most against. If you care little about the environment, social security's stability, reasonable healthcare for all Americans (no matter how imperfect Obamacare is), reigning in out of control corporations, food regulations, environmental threats or generally speaking letting the government take a hands off policy... then the Republican party is for you.

Don't get me wrong Democrats (when it comes tick for tac) are little better, but when it comes to a outright supporting a free for all government looking out for itself and the rich/powerful, Republicans tend to come down on that side of the fence.

There are no heroes in either party in my book. Both are self serving. I guess you could say I'm loyal to neither party nor a government that doesn't place it's peoples' interests before it's own. Historically speaking I'm not sure that's ever happened nor happening today. If some still want to label me in some way.. screw ya. I don't care what one thinks. I'm about more in my ideology then being categorized and being defined in some way by someone who won't discuss or refine one of the things I stated above.

Failing to communicate with me elaborating your differences on my these views speaks more about your prejudices then it does about me. So-Be-It.

1 comment:

  1. Damn, Dude...
    I got a cRaZy lady in my neighborhood I want you to meet. She'd be so focused on you as a threat to her gun-toting, Chief Kessler lovin' ass it would draw her attention off me. You'd be her new "sparkly thing" to go after.


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