Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Energy Independence, What A Joke!

Reposted From: January 8, 2012

The short and long of this is there are those who want to export all the natural gas found in Alaska's North Slope to the Asian Pacific area. This isn't the only example nor first time either.

< < (Click On The Picture For More Info)

Time and time again we've heard the screaming of the politically ignorant "Drill Baby Drill." The theme was repeatedly pounded into the less then brain filled heads of the masses by the super energy PAC's and lobbyists. These folks are not promoting some patriotic message but rather 100% of their own self interests. The pitch to the less then brilliant, who walk among us, is that this will somehow bring "energy independence". I'm here to tell you Sparky that your being played for a fool.

Did you know?* 42% of the Gulf Coast Oil was exported in 2009.

* Between 1996 and 2004 95.49 million barrels of Trans-Alaska Pipeline oil from the North Slope of Alaska was exported. NOTE: No Alaskan oil has been exported since 2004

* Just last Wednesday (Jan. 4, 2012), Rep. Markey questioned the sanity of exporting up to 18% of our natural gas. Much of which now comes from the fracking of shale embedded gas.

* Why are Republicans so keyed up for the "Keystone Pipeline" knowing that it ends up in Port Arthur, Texas intended for export?
I could go on and on with further documentations. Let me break this down so that even a turnip could understand... Fossil Fuel "Energy Independence" Is A Joke!The only way to true "energy independence" will come from developing alternative energies that can't be exported.

Can you understand why oil producers and foreign oil producing countries have a big stake in seeing this never happens?

How many more oil producing countries will we invade or crawl in bed with to offset our fossil fuel exports?

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