Monday, February 25, 2013

A Single Track Coaster

The following videos are of the alpine single track coaster in Mieders, Austria. They are single cars with one occupant fastened in with a seat belt who can control their speed with a hand brake.

This next video is from the viewpoint of the rider, David Jellis, the maker of these videos, who decided to max out his ride by not applying the hand brake for the entire ride.

Not to rain on someone's parade, but I spotted a few things concerning safety. Notice the tree stumps right alongside the rail within falling distance. What if there were to be a tree laying across the track unseen just beyond the next bend? I can also imagine a deer running out of the woods. I'd hope those brakes would have good stopping power.

Alas I guess that's all the more the thrill of it all and I'm just showing how big a wuss I've become.

I suppose my anxiety comes from all the pains I've felt to my body from all the dumb stuff I've done in the past. For some it's being young and foolish. In my case it was young and 'stupid' !

Any whooo.. Enjoy the ride!

Actually It really does look like fun doesn't it?On second thought,I wanna try that!

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