A lot changed since then
Both political parties had their disagreements, but each aspired towards the same goals despite their differences on how to get there. What we're seeing today is all together different. Our present situation has become untenable.
One could point fingers at politicians for all this turmoil we're going through. Fact is the American voters put each and every one of them in the positions they hold. No matter how ugly they are, they represent the attitudes of the American people through the votes they themselves have cast. How can any other country, knowing we've put them in office, honor us with the same admiration we Americans once held amongst world opinion?
What has happened is not a failure of our democratic government. Not the media, internet nor our educational system. The blame lies solely on the shoulders of it's people. All of these make up a composite of whom we are. If it were not so none would be able to exist. It isn't like some intergalactic alien spaghetti monster controls all these. They simply reflect who we are as a whole. This is what disappointments me the most.
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