Friday, January 15, 2021

Come On Vaccine Musical Parody

To be truthful I'm not sure I'll ever be able to score the vaccine considering how my latest prescription order is going. Back on December 13, 2020 my pulmonary doctor renewed my COPD medications. Seven days later when they didn't show up at the counter I spoke with the pharmacy.  I was told it wasn't coded correctly. Gee wouldn't have been nice if they took two minutes to call me or my doctor a week earlier.

After getting that straightened out I got my meds on December 21, 2020. According to their own website it indicated I could place my January order on the 13th. It was said they'd be available at noon. Hours  later when I heard nothing I called them again. I was told they needed more Medicare information which I gave them. Then the website said it wouldn't be scheduled for three more weeks! What the hell that would be a half a month w/o my daily meds.

So I called them (again). I was told to wait two more days and it would be ready today Friday (01/15/2021) at 1 PM. Guess what. So here goes another (pain in the ass call for us both). I was told the person never took care of it two days prior.  However she did say give her a half an hour and I'd be good to go. NOT!

Seems they're out of stock on my one medication. Now they claim Saturday at 1PM it will be ready. I won't hold my breath. Besides if I did I'd likely die from respiratory failure long before these guys have a chance to screw up receiving my covid vaccination.

I have absolutely no idea how this country has became so screwed up. These are exactly the same meds, pharmacy and insurance I've had for over four years. Nearly every time it's not in stock. 

BTW- My doctor prescribed 3 months of supply numerous times. The pharmacy insist she didn't every time it comes up for renewal. Maybe they like hearing and seeing me or making us both work four times harder then they or I have to. I've been also told I can't auto-fill them. I guess that would spoil the fun.

Oh and they send me a bill for several hundred dollars once or twice a year they claim wasn't paid that most certainly was. That's usually good for another half hour. Sometimes more when they send the same bill again after I was told they fixed it.

At this point I could use some tranquilizers around the 3rd week of every month. Maybe they should offer them to me free for all the problems they put me through. I also should mention before when I thought about switching pharmacies they bought two of them up.

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