Monday, January 18, 2021

Mika Brzezinski Outraged With Facebook And Twitter

I don't agree with everything she said but why after years of allowing this crap to continue do it now? I think the answer is obvious. They're attempting to distance themselves after the wind has shifted having profited from it prior. Much like many of Trump's friends are trying to distance themselves now.

Ever hear of a guy named Judas?
Let's just call this what it is, 'The Judas Effect'. People (or companies) seek to cover their asses looking to preserve themselves whenever conditions turn unfavorable for them. Time and again it has worked successfully for both politicians and businesses to apologize by locking the doors after being warned the horses would get out. Course this doesn't repair the damage already done.

Sort of along the lines of a judge telling jury members to disregard a shrewd lawyer's previous remark. Yeah like that's going to happen.

Face it these guys are no dummies but they're hoping you are. 

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