Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sing At Your Own Risk

By Molly Eichel | "FORMER Philadelphian Collette McLafferty has been forced to turn to the crowdsourcing website Indiegogo to finance her legal fees after she was sued for $10 million. Her alleged offense: Earning $75 to sing in a tribute band to Doylestown's homegrown pop star, Pink."

About all I can say is she'll have to sing something else 13,333 times at $75 a pop to come up with this chunk of change.

I mean.. really?
I do understand it's rare for someone to hit it big in the music business and the need to protect their act. BUT, most of these knockoff tribute bands will never be booked for more then a couple hundred bucks at local weddings and gigs having few in the audience.

One of the things I admired about Bruce Springsteen is he's always allowed people to perform his music. Never once asked for video take downs of his performances. Nor filed copywrite claims against anyone ever. That's the difference between real superstars and superstar wanna-be's.

That's all I have to say about this.

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