Tuesday, August 26, 2014

DWB (Driving While Black)

Curtis Shannon says"On December 26th 2013 at 9:30pm, I was driving home from work. I purchaced a pizza pie from a local pizzaria so my wife wouldn't have to cook. She was still adjusting to the mother's life, our only son was only 5 months old at the time. Just before I got home, a police cruiser pulled behind my car...
I urge people to follow that link for the rest of his accounting of what happened next.

He also posted a video

I truly really tried to ignore all the crazy ass stuff cops are doing. I'm sure it doesn't speak for the majority who consider themselves "peace officers". However more and more everyday we're seeing ever increasing reports of cops behaving badly. I don't know who the hell is training these guys, but once they were taught how to "deescalate" rather then "escalate" in these situations. It's as though too many have a "it's us versus them" attitude. This needs to stop!

If this trend continues we're going to have a problem. Maybe we already do. Choke holds, tasers and the firing of bullets have become all too common place. Respect is a two way street. Good policing depends on the public's help and trust. It only takes a few to spoil it for all the good police work that is done otherwise.

It's a sad day when citizens fear cops almost as much as the criminals. Sometimes, in some cases, it's hard to separate which are the bigger threat.

It's not enough people are now recording these violations on their cell phones. I'm calling for a federal law that would require all police and their patrol cars be equipped with video cameras. There's no better way to keep everybody honest. That day cannot come soon enough.

A Few True Stories (from separate cities)
My ex wife use to clean several banks at night. I will not mention the city, but she noticed a disturbance outside. It seems two cops had a guy cuffed out front. While she didn't see what led up to it, she did notice them slamming his head down onto the hood of the patrol car several times which left him bleeding. When she banged on the bank window they both looked up. It was at that point they both gently took the man to the back seat of their patrol car holding his head down as if they didn't want him to bump it on the way in.

At another bank a cop used to park out in front and stare at her for long periods while she worked over several nights. He even had the balls to knock on the front door and asked to come in to "talk". He would not go away after she told him to go away. She eventually called the Pa, state police who then came out and told this cop to bug off. When she talked to the bank manager (a female) the next day she was told this same cop use to come in and try and hit on her tellers.

Then there was the time I managed apartments at a rather large complex. One of my more troublesome tenants already occupying one apartment, his parents and sister another wanted his brother (a cop) to move into yet one more. That would make it four apartments who were making my life hell. After his brother (cop) was denied I was threatened by him and found a used condom full of semen stretched around my outside door knob the next day. A few weeks later this cop was fired and wouldn't have had a job to pay the rent anyway.

I have several other cop stories that I will leave for another time. The point is several of these cowboys need to be sent packing before the public loses trust in them. If it's not too late already.

Sometimes the only thing that separates a bad guy from the good one is a badge. I certain about the first, but not entirely convinced about the other.

See Also:
Georgia county refuses to pay medical bills after SWAT tosses grenade into baby’s crib

Video shows police shot Ohio man ‘on sight’ as he leaned on toy gun in Walmart

Philadelphia cops break innocent family's door, then bolt

"On top of that, police returned to his house two times later that night"

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