Here's every single verifiable fact we know so far regarding the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370..
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In the late 70's when planes became lost there was one expert who had the uncanny ability to spot them. Unfortunately for the news media and investigators he's no longer with us...
Sorry, but I couldn't resist
It's not that I'm insensitive to the 239 missing passengers, but this constant 24/7 media attention is way over the top. This is only a drop in the bucket considering..We need to put things in perspective
About 362,255 people die each day worldwide. Why is the media (and those who watch) obsessing over the possible deaths of these relatively few passengers when 1,515x's that many die each and every day on this Earth? Why are these passengers lives any more or less important then those of countless others?
I'll tell you why. It's because the
Greed has replaced professionalism in the TV news media. The field hardened experienced news veterans like the Walter Cronkite types have been replaced by TV news reader models wearing low cut tops and skirts up to their thighs along with strategically placed camera angles.
Field news crews have been left go replaced by clips from YouTube. Producers now rely more on Google then having a team of their own gathering the stories. Top news executives in charge have been replaced by those from the networks' entertainment divisions in a few cases.
I consider my satirically making light of this incident far less disrespectful. I'm not pretending to be a legitimate news gathering organization. It's they who are exploiting this situation for every nickel it's worth to them. Much of it through every conceivable wild speculation they could possibly think of.
I've given you only the verifiable fact we have. This plane is still missing as of March 25, 2014. Until if/when we have debris or the black boxes all else is meaningless fodder served up by the networks for the gullible masses who apparently eat this stuff up.
As far as I'm concerned these news huckster phonies can all 'zip it' till they actually have something to actually report.
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