Saturday, June 29, 2019

Warren Voices Support Of Busing

New York Post
Elizabeth Warren voices support of busing amid Harris-Biden feud
"Warren is a co-sponsor of a bill that would provide $120 million in federal funding for localities to increase school diversity — including through busing programs."

Nice Try. No Cigar Warren. It no longer applies. Busing for either private or public schools should be the least of anyone's concerns. That was back then. Long before public school budgets were required to support charter schools. Charter schools have become another way to restart segregation. Many parents are now enrolling their kids in these charter schools based on their ethnic and religious enrollments.

If everyone were truthful they'd admit they are most comfortable with their own kind. It may not be right, but it's the uncomfortable reality in which we live. When public schools held the monopoly busing was one of the solutions. This is no longer the case. How we deal with this now I'm not certain. One thing I do know. The more we focus on our differences the greater they become. Thus "school choice" is a greater deterrent to where we need to be.

I believe public schools are our only solution. Problem is the monopoly they'd hold over taxpayers if there were no alternatives. Quite a dilemma isn't it?


  1. I spent some time researching desegregation busing in the 70's.Kamala Harris scored some points in the debate but the issue is reopening old wounds further dividing the Democratic Party.I don't understand why intelligent candidates are going down this road

    1. Problem with all candidates is they try to dig up all the dirt they can on their opponents. No wonder voters don't have faith in any of them. I'd much rather each and everyone of them (including Trump) focus entirely on what they their plans are and how they're going to accomplish them. Alas like every other campaign almost all their time will be spent responding to attacks. Seems the voters are less important to them then defending their reputations. Voters should be #1. Instead most times it turns out about themselves rather then the American people.

      Not to sound like a broken record but that is why I like Ross Perot. He didn't care what people thought about him. He focused only on the issues he was promoting. Much like Kasich did when he ran.

    2. I considered supporting Governor Kasich but discovered he never held a job outside of government


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