Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Teacher Shortage I'm Not Buying It

The New York Times says, Teacher Shortages Spur a Nationwide Hiring Scramble (Credentials Optional)-- "Across the country, districts are struggling with shortages of teachers, particularly in math, science and special education."

I'm Calling "Bullshit" On This
I have a couple of stories to relate. My daughter received her BSRN degree specializing in critical care This while a couple of her friends pursued other degrees. Unlike her their careers went nowhere. My daughter found a job within weeks after graduation and has worked steady ever since after passing her certifications comfortably in the first go round.

Meanwhile one of her friends pursued a degree in special education (as mentioned in the article). After a year of not finding a job she decided to go back to college and received a master's degree in it. Still another year passed w/o being able to land a job. Being the ever determined person she is went back to school yet again and now has a PhD in 'special education. Three years have passed since and now she is only able to find work at a non profit agency that pays less then $30,000 a year specializing in social services.

Another relative of ours received her teaching degree a few years ago in the Bucks, Philadelphia area. I must admit I don't know what her specialty was. However I do know her story was the same as above. At this point in time she now holds two different master's degrees in education and is only able to secure part time work at a charter school. Her mother (also a teacher) was dropped down to part time substitution and then finally left go.

I'm not sure where the NYT comes up with this stuff, but speaking from personal knowledge this story seems to be hogwash.

Seeking Input
     Did you yourself or someone you know find a job in education?
     Would you recommend a friend or your offspring to pursue a degree in education?
     In your area school district is there a surplus or shortage of teachers?
     What about the work environment regarding having to put up with today's student rights opposed to 20 years ago?

I tend to think Huffington Post has got it right. The How To Create A Teacher Shortage Recipe

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