Saturday, August 14, 2021

Setting Up New Computer Sucks

I dread every time I have to do this. The wife's computer is perfectly fine. Problem is it's a Windows VISTA OS system no longer supported. Neither is my Norton antivirus  on it.

Honestly if we weren't forced into a corner not being able to visit many of these sites because they no longer loaded we'd hang on to it for years more.

Setting this system up is like walking through the gates of hell. The login requires an email address. It won't accept our provider's. Course not. They forced me to create a new one on Microsoft's. Then it didn't like the password I wanted to use. Just about every file I transferred needs a new app since this system didn't like the ones we have in our backup archives. Then there were updates to the updates. It even required we download a new version of Window's 10 we had on this brand new computer. Of course then there were more updates for that.

There also was an issue with our password manager. This new updated Norton software claims my wife's doesn't exist in the cloud even though it did an hour before on the old computer. So I was forced to use my list instead of hers So I imported and merged her old backup into mine. Now we have one great big giant chunks of passwords which had some outdated coming in from her side. One step forward two back. I tried to log in with some of hers and had to end up resetting passwords which of course required all kinds of confirmations before I could do that. And... here we go again having to back up the new ones into my archives overriding the old one I had just made.

Then I tried to make a recovery disk if/when the HDD ever gave up the ghost. Another no go. Had to order a thumb drive that was larger then any I have in stock. It used to be I could just burn a couple of disk. That's a no go now  Looks like I'm stuck with dozens of DVDs and CD burnable discs. No one uses them anymore. They're setting on top of my VHS tape cabinet collection :-)

Windows 10. I have no idea why this thing is so buggy about connecting to my other computers. I never had a problem like this before.

I have lots more to complain about but I will say one good thing came out of this. Since her old computer with it's two terabyte disks are still running great it makes a great backup server. Which I've already used for the unending disorganized files it now holds. I've always been fussy about organizing files and folders. At this point I don't give a hoot. The programmers win. As long as the damn thing works I'm done endlessly frustrating myself trying to organize it.

Honestly these computers get worse with every new operating system that comes along. Seems like they just pile more code on top of the old rather then starting out fresh with far less coding. This recovery backup requires 12 gigabytes. That tells me everything I need to know about how less efficient these systems are. The faster the internet becomes the larger and more complex the web pages become. Same goes for memory and processor speeds. The greater increase in memory, the faster motherboard speeds, the more programmers stuff code into them.

So that's how I'm spending most of my time these last few days.

1 comment:

  1. This is why I started and stuck with apple iOS. Works flawlessly on iPad, iPhone and Mac. Only once was I unable to update, when iOS 10.75 went to iOS 11, 4 years ago. But the old iPhone 4 still works with almost all apps; just sits on counter as an emergency backup to iPhone12.


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