Sunday, August 22, 2021

President Reagan's Humor

This was the time before Republicans lost their sense of humor over the years. Ronnie wouldn't be accepted in today's Republican party for dozens of reasons. I did vote for him and I would do so again if there were another like him. No he wasn't perfect but he was a hellva' lot more personable then the whole bunch in today's GOP. I'd be hard pressed to find any in that party today to be as charismatic and likeable as he.

The problem is today we take everything so damn serious. Not everything is a crisis every moment of the day and night. Nor is one's political opponent someone who is seen to be someone who must be destroyed no matter what. Even if it comes to the determent of stability within the United States in so doing.

To be truthful I feel neither Biden nor Trump should ever have been allowed close to the oval office. Two extremely bad choices. VP Harris is no stellar genius either. We could have done so much better with some of the other candidates in the primary. Reagan might have been somewhat out of touch but compared to Trump or Biden he would have made a better president today then both Biden and Trump combined. We really need to do much better in the future. However I fear the way it's looking, probably not. There's just too much ugliness in today's political world. So much so most decent folks wouldn't consider running for office.

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