Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Examining Near Death Experiences (NDE)

TODAY Show December 2016

This was a good primer for people who may not be familiar with this oddity. For anyone who'd like to research more about this I recommend visiting THIS WEBSITE. It has a bunch of NDE first hand accounts.

I read through a number of them over the years. Each one seem almost entirely different form the other. It  seems what lies most in common between them is the overwhelming feeling of peace. A oneness with all on a level unlike any in the physical form.

I have additional thoughts but unless someone would like to discuss this further in the comments below I'm not going to expand this post any longer then it need be

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1 comment:

  1. Here's a link to ONE OF MY FAVORITES. What I similarly believe.

    Then I asked, 'What is God?' The Light replied,
    'Every thing collectively is God and His thought. All of us, all the particles of this world and all the worlds, collectively make God's mind. We are like cells in the God's body, each of us are a small part of Him.'

    I was given the understanding that we cannot fully comprehend God, because we don't perceive and have knowledge of all there is in the Universe.


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