Sunday, December 27, 2020

Can We Upload Human Consciousness?

Question is: Are humans just another step along the path to higher evolution. It seems intelligence can and does occupy any vessel it comes across. It then follows intelligence may not object to any future form we may create enabling it to occupy.

I don't think it would end our existence any more then it has with any other creature below us up to now. Even though limited all creatures great or small have some form of lower intellect.  However we would no longer be declared the smartest creature on Earth. The thing hindering such a development of a future vessel containing superior intelligence is our own egos unwilling to give up our place at the top of the evolutionary chain.

If indeed we'd become #2 it would also mean we'd be forced to rely on the benevolence of such entities much like those life forms below us now do as to how we treat them. Obviously we wouldn't be their #1 priority if they inherited the same survival instincts as we. Now there's one hellva' thought.

OK Let's Go Really Crazy.
Watch the video again. Especially that part about projecting limited awareness to another planet on a laser beam. Just suppose we are that projection from some someplace else. I read many near death experiences where people said they went into a world where they understood everything. Upon reentering their body they couldn't possibly fathom what they understood when they were in that altered state.

Think what we call God may actually be our natural state. The place where our whole conscious lives and we are just small limited projected expressions of our over all conscious being. I could ramble on for countless more paragraphs but just mull that over and all it would imply. 

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