Friday, March 1, 2019

Disunited States Filled With Negativism

Over the last few months I'm overcome with so much negativism coming from all corners. It's everywhere. Nearly 100% of all the comments I'm reading on blogs, news sites, social media and especially the divisive talk at CPAC.

Seems everywhere I turn somebody's trying to screw over someone else. Big pharma, banking, robocall scams, hospital overcharges-- you name it somebody's trying to pull a number on someone else. People even accused CNN of stacking Bernie Sanders’ CNN Town Hall Audience with political insiders which would make him look unfavorable.

Rather then endlessly belaboring a point I'll simply say this. No society can last which has the kind of people incapable of inner self discipline geared towards ethics, truthfulness, morality, empathy, respect, patience and understanding where our differences may lay. Laws cannot enable these values. Only people themselves.

Right now I'm not seeing it. Sad fact is it seems to be getting worse.

In other words...
We are capable of being the worst threat unto ourselves.


  1. My Wife and I always enjoy watching The Bern for entertainment.We watched Bernie on C.N.N.'s town hall last week. A student asked Bernie about his position on reparations for slavery.I thought he was going to stroke out.He began stuttering and mumbling and seemed very confused.Wolf stepped in to help him out and it didn't work very well.I've watched Bernie since the first Democratic debates with Hillery and James Webb and this was his worst performance.

    1. I've noticed Bernie is very repetitive on speaks on only a narrow range of issues. Although last time I looked upon him favorably I'm not interested this time. In fact at this point none of the 21 Democratic candidates impress me much. It's going to take someone extremely charismatic to overcome Trump.

  2. Can Joe Biden bring a degree of eligibility to this sorry group of candidates


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