Monday, September 17, 2018

Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Hearings Tied Up In A Knot

I'm going to assume readers have some knowledge what is going on. Here's a few points I'd like to make.

What Goes Around Comes Around
Republicans completely denied Obama's nominee a hearing. In response Democrats are playing hardball (so are Republicans). (1) Republicans refused to release 41,000+ documents till the night before the hearings. Thus an attempt to screw Democrats in the hearings last week. (2) Senator Feinstein sat on a letter from a female a accuser of sexual asasult while they were in high school. Feinstein claims she was respecting the so-called victim's privacy but now the accuser is willing to testify before the nomination committee. Let the games begin.

I don't believe anyone really gives a rat's patootie what he did or didn't do in high school. Where the problem lies is there is not one republican female on the nomination committee. Thus anything the conservatives do will only make them look bad in questioning this so-called victim's sincerity. No doubt Demo's female senators will skewer their questions. Of course this is the democratic party's strategy. One which could affect the outcome in the upcoming elections. Thus very little of this has to do with Brett's qualifications and everything with the political games played in DC.

Hearings will most likely be postponed till after the elections.
This in order not to come off making Republican nominee committee members look bad before the elections. If Democrats win Brett's toast. Speaking as a citizen watching both sides I think the whole thing is disgusting. We've become so polarized I doubt we will be able to ever have a neutral supreme court justice. Maybe a better way is having a president submit several names and letting both sides hash it out which one they could agree on. If that's not possible just maybe we ought to let the current eight members stand until they can. Back in 1789 'The Judiciary Act' named only six. Maybe we ought to let them die off till we get back to that number. Why not?

Ye gads I'm so sick of this bullshit!

It Wasn't Always This Way
Elena Kagan Supreme Court Justice SENATE confirmation hearings...

Confirmed by the U.S. Senate on August 5, 2010


  1. Here's what's really going to happen in the Real World:
    Trump has released to the public ALL the secret emails, memos, messages related to the Fake Russian Collusion FISA warrants which will put an end to 20 months of distraction and get this administration on a clear path to rout the swamp dwellers out and resume keeping America secure,safe and great again.

    1. So Trump took Hannity's advice, eh?
      Better hope it was good advice and doesn't blowup on him.


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