Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh Deja Vu All Over Again

April 2017

February 2016

March 2016

They Say What Goes Around Comes Around
Indeed it does. If you watched all the videos you'll see both sides are guilty of playing this never ending game. We should all agree qualifications have little to do with either of these two nominations. Rather its this horrific ever continuing game of partisan politics. One which is tearing this country apart.

'Drain The Swamp'
Do it by refusing to support any politician constantly blaming and complaining about the other party. These kind of candidates care more about protecting their political brand then tending to the desires of the American people. Each election cycle voters reelect parties (politicians) rather then leaders. Both sides fall for the same line of crap they are spoon fed about what the other party stands for. Instead should be looking at what their own candidate has done in the past or is likely to do in the future while office.

If we're to 'Drain The Swamp' we need to learn how to separate the grain from the chaff. 90% of the politicians are more talkers then doers. Just because we see the same two or three dozen glory seekers constantly in the media doesn't mean they're worth the room they take up. The U.S. Congress is made up of 534 members (6 more with non voting status). Most of them are seat warmers whose only importance matters when it comes time to vote on a bill their party wants them to. If we're ever to change anything we need to send people to Washington who intend to actually accomplish something. If not-- send them home the next election before they can draw a pension.

Quit buying into all this faked divisiveness.

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