Saturday, September 29, 2018

Isto Loves To Laugh (Music Video)

As far as I'm concerned many in Washington are taking themselves too serious. I think Isto ought to be hired to entertain for at least one day or two every week or so in the halls of the Capital Building in Washington. Lord knows congress could use a chuckle or two. Performers have been working the subways and streets for years bringing a bit of levity. Why not Washington's hallowed halls? Couldn't hurt none, could it?

Maybe Washington could form a talent show once a year featuring members of congress or those in the Whitehouse. I'm sure more then a few could pull it off. Music has a way of uniting people in a way words cannot. Lord knows we could use a little more harmony between them.

Why Not?
We're not going stand for Putin getting away with this are we !

Not when we had the likes of Condolezza at the time

Nor Rep. Joe Crowley presently in office

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