Monday, January 4, 2016

82 Fatalities Every Day Shouldn't Legislators Act?

Back in 1973 there were over 54,000 car fatalities that year. The government since then enacted regulations requiring car makers to make cars safer coupled with requiring highway improvements. As a result by 2013 there were only 32,719.This means 58 less people lost their lives each day then forty years prior.

By comparison 5,281 soldiers lives have been lost in Iraq & Afghanistan. Another 47,424 military members lost their lives in the Vietnam war. Since that year in 1973 we now are able to save over 1,200 more lives each year on our nation's highways then both those wars combined thanks to government's efforts.

Here's a couple more facts that might surprise you. "More than 30,000 people are killed by firearms each year in this country". About 82 a day. Forbes backs up those numbers reporting in August More Young Americans Now Die From Guns Than Cars

Further more acccording To 'Politifact'...

It's a statistically proven fact Americans are more likely to die from guns then either in a car wreck, at the hands of terrorists or those who participated militarily in those two wars combined.

Nobody's proposing to take guns away any more then ending all wars or banning automobiles. Common sense regulations like those on the food we eat, the cars we drive and many others that we take for granted have all been initiated to keep us healthier and safer.

Did you know the consumer product safety commission is forbidden from recalling defective guns? Why should guns receive special exemption? How is that better for even the advocates who own them. It defies logic on so many levels.

I'm 100% certain there will be lots of outrage over Obama's plan to push for tighter gun rules in the days ahead. No doubt way too many will go over the top getting their panties in a knot at someone even mentioning guns on either side of the issue.

No Guns Do Not Make Us Safer
We've all heard he expression what stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Well that all depends who squeezes off the first round doesn't it?

What's needed are cool heads and common sense solutions from our legislators. Yeah sure but If history is any indicator it looks like we're pretty much screw'd doesn't it?

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